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The only place Yue Long wanted to eat was a French Red Wine Steak or Deep Sea Dragon Cock, she didn't expect the car to be parked at the foot of the Bright Moon Tower.

The Bright Moon Tower was the city's landmark. It was 600 meters tall, and at the top, there was a restaurant that could overlook the city's nighttime scenery. The restaurant is famous for its splendour and high end and costs at least 5,000 yuan per person, so a lot of men would reserve a place to propose to her and try their best to win her over with a nod. Even so, the reservation was usually two or three months ahead of schedule. Otherwise, there would definitely be no seats available.

Yue Long stared at the tall tower in shock, and jokingly called out to the man: "You were only pretending before right, but have you come today to propose to me?"

The man parked the car and walked with her to the entrance door beneath the tower. The door was two people tall and extremely wide. The glass with dazzling patterns on it was especially beautiful when compared to the lighting. Seeing someone approach, the attendant respectfully opened the door. Yue Long could not help but approach the man and whispered: "Hey, do you need to wear an evening gown to enter?"

"No need." The man brought Yue Long through the door, and the servant politely bowed: "Good evening. Do you have a reservation?"

The man said, "Number 9 on the second floor."

The waiter's tone became even more courteous, leading the two of them to the elevator, "Sir, this way please." He then used the walkie-talkie to instruct, "The guests in the 9VIP private room on the second floor have arrived. The guests in the 9VIP private room on the second floor have arrived."

The man and Yue Long entered the elevator and the servant pressed a button on the floor before leaving.

The elevator doors were closed. Although they knew that they had to go to a very high place, the elevator felt very comfortable without any dizziness. However, Yue Long only thought for a second before hugging onto the man tightly. She closed her eyes and leaned on the man's chest, pretending to be weak and powerless as she said: "Oh my god, an elevator! I have claustrophobia! "

The man didn't move or hug her. He glanced at her with a speechless gaze and said, "I rode in the elevator with you before. You didn't have any claustrophobia."

Yue Long choked, then said tyrannically: "It's suddenly happened!"

"Let go."

"I don't! "I'm scared!"

The man pulled her away from him. "Just close your eyes. No need to hold her."

Yue Long once again clung onto his body, not even looking at his expression. She then closed her eyes and nestled in his embrace: "You have to hug me."

The man didn't pull away, but a faint sigh escaped from his nostrils. Yue Long ignored the sigh, leaned her ear on Yue Yang's chest and said softly, "You don't like me, why must you treat me well?"

"If it's just to protect you, why did you bring me to such a good place?"

"Is it necessary to help me with my work if I can only be a friend for a hundred days?"

Yue Long aggressively listened to the man's heartbeat. Knock, knock, knock. Yue Long did not give up and continued, "You already like me, but you don't know it yet."

"There's a reason for being nice to you, but it's not what you think."

Yue Long raised his head to look at him, only to see that the elevator had reached the first floor of the Xuan Yuan restaurant. The elevator door opened by itself, and a servant welcomed him at the door. Yue Long did not drag him in, and instead took his arm and walked in together with him.

The waiter led them into booth 9, where everything had been set up. He pressed the button on the remote control, and all the curtains on the three walls except the door rose slowly. Huge panes of glass came out, revealing the night scene of the city, the neon dots dancing in the night, warm and grand.

Yue Long couldn't help but walk towards the window to admire the night scenery and sigh. "I have never stood at such a high place to see this city before!"

The man sat at the table and said to the waiter, "Five dishes for the signboard and specialty dishes. As for the rest, you can take a look at them."

The man looked towards Yue Long, "Is there anything you especially want to eat?"

Yue Long turned her head, his eyes carrying a hint of playfulness, and smirked: "You."

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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