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Yue Long followed his gaze and saw a bright, full moon outside the window, shining with a shining brilliance.

The man frowned as he stared at the silver plate outside the window. The expression in his eyes was dark. Suddenly, his eyes blurred and Yue Long had already jumped in front of him. Standing in front of the window and blocking the moonlight, he tilted his head and laughed: "It's better to look at the moon than at me."

The man stared at her in silence, his eyes filled with mixed emotions. Suddenly, he squinted his eyes and rushed towards Yue Long quickly. He hugged her as he brought her closer to the window.

Before Yue Long could react, she heard bursts of roars and the sound of something slapping on someone's body. Despite being tightly embraced by the man, her head was still covered. She was unable to see what was happening behind the man's back. She could only hear the familiar low pitched cannon before her ear, "Don't look."

The man suddenly turned around, and his large body blocked Yue Long's line of sight. His back was still extremely close to her, as if he truly wanted to block her view.

But Yue Long still saw it.

In front of the man were three huge "people." Although he was called a human, his face and limbs were covered with thick fur. One was gray, while the other two were brown. Both of them were taller than a man by a head. They were wearing what looked like the clothes of waiters, but they were tattered, as if they had suddenly burst open. And the facial features of their faces were like that of wolves.

Yue Long opened her eyes wide and looked at the werewolf in shock.

The three werewolves continued to roar at the man, but they didn't actually fight with him. Instead, they continuously tried to pull the man away, all the way until they reached behind him. The man stood in front of the werewolves. He didn't have any physical advantage over them, but somehow he managed to lift a werewolf with one hand and throw it to the side. It hit the wall with a loud bang. Following that, he used two hands to pull the other two werewolves towards Yue Long's arms, and twisted them fiercely. The cracking sound of their bones made Yue Long's heart go numb.

The three werewolves wanted to stand up and pounce over, but three young men suddenly rushed in through the door. Each of them quickly walked up to their respective werewolves and pounded their hearts with all their might!

The werewolves were still, lying stiffly on the ground.

Yue Long looked at the scene in front of him in shock, and her mouth could not even close.

The man ordered in a deep voice, "Take them away quietly, don't alert anyone. Other than that, send someone to warn Bai Yue that if there is a next time, he will make the Black Wolf Family be stripped naked on the full moon night. "

"Yes." One of them glanced at Yue Long, and the man immediately said: "Settle everything first, then come back."

"Yes." Two of the three quickly dragged the werewolf away as fast as a gust of wind. The other quickly tidied up the overturned dishes and the fallen sofa in the room, moving as fast as if he had pressed the fast-forward button.

Yue Long was completely speechless when she saw everything, and only silently watched that person pack up until he left the room.

The man looked back at her, and she looked back.

What was that hairy thing just now?

What Bai Yue what Black Wolf tribe?

Who were those three? What did he mean by 'come back'?

He seemed to be waiting for her to ask, quietly, as if he were waiting for a verdict and an ending. After a moment of silence, she opened her mouth, "Your back is injured."

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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