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The undulating waves flowed in the man's eyes. It was the first time that he approached Yue Long.

Yue Long looked up, as though she was looking into his heart, "If you ask me, I will let you go."

The man's brows slightly moved. His pitch-black eyes appeared even darker as he spoke depressingly, "He will return."

He was so close to her — not evading, not evading, not backing away — that it was the first time. The impulse in her heart surged once again, completely suppressing the fear and doubt towards the huge wolf-headed monster. She only wanted to do one thing.

She wrapped her arms around his waist, hugging him tightly as she lay in his embrace.

His throat rolled, but he did not move.

"Why don't you know how to be afraid?"

"I'm afraid." She leaned against his neck and tightened her grip on his neck. "So scared."

I'm afraid of your sudden appearance, but I'm also afraid of your sudden departure.

The former was the fear of lovesickness, while the latter was the fear of separation.

"Logic tells me that I should be afraid of those werewolf monsters, but emotionally, I'm only afraid that you'll leave me." Yue Long's face was slightly flushed. "I don't know why either."

The man lowered his eyes and sighed. "Because of the symbol."

Yue Long looked up at him. "What mark?"

"It was a sign of a mistake that made you do this to me." The man stared at her: "Someone like me, from my race, has a mysterious marking power that allows people who are marked to fall into —" He didn't seem to be able to speak properly.

The man nodded.

Yue Long blinked her eyes, and suddenly frowned while staring at him: "A mistake? Who were you going to mark? Do you want any woman to eat you alive? "

The man seemed to want to laugh a little and helplessly said, "Your focus is always wrong."

"Speak!" Yue Long did not let him go, she directly grabbed both of his ears and roared: "Quickly hand it over!"

The man's expression changed again. It was as if he had been frozen, staring at her the moment his ear was grabbed.

Yue Long felt that it was strange when she saw his slightly frightened and nervous expression. She pinched his ears with all her might and asked, "Is it the woman that wanted to kill me last time? What month? What is your relationship with her? Did she send those three monsters to kill me? Why else did you threaten them with what was lying in the clearing on a full moon night? What could she do lying in the clearing? What kind of threat is this? " She suddenly thought of something, and looked as if she had come to a realization, "Full moon night! Werewolf transformation? Are you a werewolf too? Can you also transform? "

He took her wrist and pulled it from his ear. If I can come back, I'll explain it all to you. " He paused, then added, "Everything."

She held him back. "What do you mean, if you can come back?" What are you going to do? Is it dangerous? "

"To deal with the werewolves. They go crazy and they hurt people everywhere. " He glanced at her, still holding his hand. "I have to go."

Knock! Knock! Knock! He replied, "Right away." He then said to Yue Long, "The three of them will protect you."

She was still holding onto him, and her eyes and tone were filled with anger: "So what you're saying is that right now, this is very likely the last time we will meet?"

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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