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"Let's take you home," the friendly face suggested.

Sitting in the car, Yue Long remained silent. The friendly face looked at her frequently, but was repeatedly stared back at by the cold face. The friendly face sighed with boredom at the serious face, "There are times when chatterboxes are silent. It seems that they are really worried."

With a serious face, he replied, "Indeed, I don't know fear. I only know how to pounce."

With a cold face, he said, "All of you, shut up."

There was complete silence.

When they saw her open the door, the three of them walked around to confirm that there was no danger before leaving the room. With a friendly smile on their faces, they said: "Good night."

Yue Long looked at them, "You have been protecting me in the dark all this time?"

The friendly face replied, "When he's not here, it's all us. If he's here, we won't come. "

"Everyone... Hiding on my balcony? "

With a serious face, he refuted, "Ah, I don't dare to. That is his territory."

With a cold face and a speechless expression, he shouted, "Shut up!"

Yue Long was still confused, "Then where are you all staying?"

"Right after —" The friendly face was about to speak, but was quickly covered by the cold face, leaving no words for her to say. No matter how many more questions Yue Long had, she would half-order Yun Che to answer them. "We aren't far from you, but we won't disturb your daily life, so even if we encounter danger, we will immediately feel it. You can rest easy and go to sleep. And don't try to find him, you can't. " With that, she grabbed two people with one hand and left, waving at Yue Long with a friendly face.

Yue Long hugged her knees and sat on the bed in a daze.

She had a lot of questions to think about, but she didn't think about anything. Her mind was blank and confused. She had never cared about the right and wrong in this world. There was nothing more satisfying than following her heart.

Was he a werewolf or a human? Was he an ordinary person like her … These had never been her main concern.

Like he said, her priorities were always wrong.

She only knew that —

She was like an aimless starship, moving like a moth to a flame even though she knew he was the black hole in front of her.

Even though he said it was all a sign of some kind of error, she only cared that the person he was trying to mark was not herself.

Even watching him fight with the werewolf monster did not stop her from hugging him.

Was it because he liked to write stories, so he was not shocked by this strange situation? Was it because he had secretly described the various characters over and over again, that he was already used to facing extraordinary humans?

She didn't know, but she knew.

Yue Long took a deep breath and said to herself, "Sleep. "When he comes back, let him explain." She slipped into the quilt and closed her eyes.

He didn't know how long he slept, but he could vaguely hear a few people talking.

"Let her sleep a little longer."

"You've already slept for a day and a night. Don't you need to eat?"

"He's not going to die from hunger."

"Then let's go out. We can't stay here forever."

"Not only is she talkative, she also likes to sleep. She doesn't look particularly beautiful either."

"Shut up."

When Yue Long woke up, she discovered that she was not on her bed at home. She was in an unfamiliar field, surrounded by dense forest and grass. Yue Long leaned against a big tree and sat down, while her hands and feet were tied up by ropes, unable to move at all.

Yue Long was shocked. She struggled with all her might but to no avail, as a pleasant woman's voice slowly came closer. "You're awake? Did you sleep well? "

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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