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Yue Long could no longer hold on as she fell to the ground and gasped for breath. In the midst of her confusion, she saw the tall monster's figure approaching him, and she himself was tied up by all kinds of things without any strength left in him. The only way to save herself, she had no idea.

He never told her his name.

Was it like what Bai Yue said, because she wasn't important at all?

Yes, he had also said that they should not know each other. It was just a one hundred day dream.

She had never really figured out who he was.

Even though he had already made it clear that it was the mark, she was still shamelessly pouncing on him time and time again.

Even this mark was a mistake.


How ridiculous.

The wolf head, grayish-brown hair, sharp claws, and a fishy stench all attacked her one after another. A sharp pain scratched her arm, causing her to burst into tears, but she could only call out in a low voice, "black mask …"

His head hurt, blood spurted out from his head and blinded Yue Long's eyes. She fell powerlessly to the ground, her head aching so much that she wanted to die instantly. The howls seemed to be moving away from her, and the roar of the explosion and the frequent tight sounds of fighting suddenly appeared all around her. There seemed to be a lot of space around her, and the noise gradually became more distant.

Suddenly, there were a few people jumping in front of her. The person in the lead could not see clearly, but he broke the rope that was tying her and carried her in his arms. Then, he started to run. She didn't know where she was hurt, but her entire body was in pain. Her eyelids were getting more and more tired, and she was completely unable to open them. She wanted to raise her head to see who it was, but she didn't have the strength to …

It was too warm and comfortable — she closed her eyes.

"Yue Long!" The bass was tuned to the highest pitch for the first time, and she didn't hear it.


When Yue Long woke up, it was already afternoon. She found herself lying on the sickbed in the hospital, there was only one bed in the hospital, the decorations around were warm and meticulous, the room was huge, there was even a bathroom and a small kitchen, it seemed like a luxurious single room. Her head and limbs were covered with thick gauze, and she was covered with a thin blanket.

Why did he come to the hospital? Wasn't he about to be torn apart by a group of werewolves?

I can't remember.

Yue Long felt dizzy, she felt like she just fell apart, and didn't have the slightest bit of strength. After being stunned for a while, she started to feel depressed. Bai Yue's words once again echoed in her mind, reminding her of her defeat and her incompetence. However, she started to worry. She didn't know what was happening to him. Was there a danger that had never appeared? Or … Had it been torn to shreds by the werewolf?

The door was knocked three times.

Yue Long's heart tightened, the door to her room was pushed open, and three men quickly walked in. They were the friendly, serious, and indifferent three familiar faces she had seen before. Although the three of them had different expressions, there was one emotion in their eyes — guilt.

Yue Long had a lot of questions she wanted to ask, but she did not know how to answer them. Just as she was hesitating, the three of them suddenly knelt on one knee in front of her with their heads lowered, and said together: "Sorry."

Yue Long was surprised, but they continued: "We didn't expect Bai Yue to attract so many werewolves to lure them away from the mountain. We overestimated our strength, and were unable to escape after being entangled by the werewolves, making it so that you were easily taken away by them.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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