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Fan Cheng and Bai Zhen glanced at Chu Han, but Chu Han did not answer nor refuse them. After all, he had promised to allow Yue Long to order them around, but this request of his …

Yue Long's face was filled with anticipation for her success, she did not think that Chu Han would directly walk out, and completely ignore this request. Yue Long was a little stunned, she immediately apologized: "Don't worry, he will definitely come tonight."

Yue Long pouted. Bai Zhen added in a serious tone, "He said he'll definitely come."

"Ah, that's right. What does materializing mean?" Yue Long asked curiously: "Become a werewolf?"

Fan Cheng immediately replied. "No no no, we are not werewolves, we won't become werewolves. Fan Cheng's neck was suddenly grabbed by Chu Han who appeared out of nowhere, and he immediately dragged him out the door. Bai Zhen looked at the dumbstruck Yue Long, and explained seriously: "It's okay, they usually get along like this. Let's go out first, you should rest."

The three of them quickly left the room and closed the door softly. The questions in Yue Long's heart grew bigger, but she could only wait. She looked at the clock on the wall. It was only ten o'clock. There was still a long way to go before nightfall.

When it was almost noon, the nurse came to change Yue Long's medicine. As the layers of gauze were opened, this was the first time Yue Long saw the wounds on her body. The longest cut went straight from the back to the left arm near the elbow. The bloody flesh was all turned over, and the injury could be seen by the bone. Small wounds in the back and limbs were everywhere, the smallest about a finger's length. The wound on her head made her cry when she removed the gauze, not to mention the medicine. The nurse was extremely careful and gentle, but Yue Long still clenched her teeth and cried.

The nurse carefully wrapped the last layer of gauze, helped her lie down, and shook the bed so that she could sit down. "The doctor will try his best to prevent your scars from becoming too obvious," she said.

Yue Long's mood instantly dropped as she stayed silent. The nurse continued to console him, "Your boyfriend is very nervous about you. In my opinion, he definitely won't turn his back on you. He followed you into the operation room the day you first brought him in. He was watching over you for three days straight. I don't think he slept much. "

Yue Long was so surprised that her mouth slightly opened. "He … "How could he …"

"It was originally impossible for me to let you into the operation room!" The nurse laughed. "But he called all the deans and they agreed to let him into the operating room. Your boyfriend has been nervous all along. Even though the principals said it wouldn't endanger his life, he's still very nervous. "

The nurse said, Is that him? He's … Worried about himself?

Yue Long's emotions fluctuated very much, she couldn't believe it but was especially willing to believe it. The nurse tidied up the medicine chest and continued, "I saw that your boyfriend was also injured, but he didn't receive any treatment. He was just watching over you. The first day you came, your clothes were in tatters. Did you encounter a robbery? But your wound looks like it came from a wild animal. "When your boyfriend comes, you have to persuade him. Those wounds are no small matter. You have to make sure he gets treated, otherwise, he'll get infected."

The nurse pushed the medicine chest out, and Yue Long asked: "He, has he been accompanying me all this time?"

"Of course, he just left before you woke up. I'm guessing he went to buy you black fish porridge because I told him black fish are very good for healing wounds." The nurse smiled and said, "Rest well. If you need anything, just ring the bell."

"Thank you."

"You're welcome. You're a respectable VIP customer." The nurse opened the door. "Aiya, I was just talking about it when you came."

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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