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The man ignored his words and continued, "It's not necessary to keep my name a secret, but I'm already the public enemy of the other wolf clans. If you call out my name in front of everyone and they find out about our relationship, you'll be in great danger."

Yue Long rolled his eyes, "What relationship do you have with me?"

The man's tone remained calm. "You're someone I've marked."

Yue Long glared in dissatisfaction: What exactly do you mean by tagged? I'm not of your race! Say something that I can understand! "

"You are my woman." The man's eyes were clear and pure, staring at Yue Long's heart with gentleness. The anger he had just had immediately dissipated, and his glare gradually became one of anger.

The man seemed to want to add a few more words, but Yue Long stopped him immediately: "Don't say anymore, it's just a hundred days, I don't want to hear it."

"If the werewolves come to harass you again in a hundred days, I will." There was a promise in the man's voice.

Yue Long coldly snorted. "I don't need you to care. Are you done? "Scram after you finish speaking." She squeezed her eyes shut, tilted her head, and pretended to be asleep.

There was no sound of him getting up and walking out. The man was still sitting there calmly. Yue Long turned his head and stared at him, "I'm going to sleep!"

The man looked at her. "I want to stay."

"This is bad!" Yue Long was enraged once again: "I get angry whenever I see you!"

The man was silent for a while before he started to fiddle with the black fish porridge. He scooped out a bowl of Black Fish porridge from the thermal container and sat in front of Yue Long with a spoon in hand. He said softly, "I'll feed you some porridge."

Yue Long glanced at him: "I'm not hungry!"

The man passed the spoon over to Yue Long, who closed his mouth and ignored it. He passed the spoon over again, and when the spoon was already on Yue Long's lips, Yue Long forced herself to take a bite, and started to shout: "You want to use brute force again, right? and you know how to bully me when I'm weaker than you! "

Spoon backed away half an inch, and the man said, "Never again."

Yue Long looked up and stared at him: "Really?"


Yue Long was extremely happy in her heart. You can still deal with me without using brute force? Sooner or later, she wouldn't be in my hands? But her face was still seething with anger as she savagely ate the porridge, spoonful after spoonful. The man didn't say anything as she earnestly fed her spoonfuls after spoonfuls of porridge.

Finally, the man took a tissue and touched Yue Long's lips to wipe her mouth. Yue Long obediently let him finish wiping it, then snorted: "It's not good."

"There'll be more later." The man put away the thermos and spoke casually.

Yue Long wanted to ask what else she had, but she wanted to leave herself a pleasant surprise and didn't manage to stop herself from doing so. She still wanted to know his name, but he didn't have the intention to tell her, and Bai Yue's words were stuck in his throat.

Seeing that the man was busy, Yue Long asked in the end, "Bai Yue, is that your fiancee?"

The man did not pause and simply replied, "No." He looked at Yue Long and saw the disbelief on her face, and then explained: "Because of begging for peace, I was forced to exchange markings with her. But when things got to the point, I didn't mark her as I was before."

"Then why did you mark me?"

The man stopped and looked at her. "I'll tell you when your injuries are all healed."


"Just a few words."

Yue Long was furious, but she knew that if the man didn't want to say it, she wouldn't be able to get any information out of him. She watched as the man washed the thermos and cleaned it and washed her hands and sat back on the couch by the bed and asked, "How long were you standing there?"

The man pursed his lips and did not answer. Yue Long raised his eyebrows: "It can't be that you were already here when I first started to change the medicine, right?"

"I want to know how your wound is."

"Didn't you see it all?" Yue Long intentionally gasped in surprise, her expression revealing her panic: "You actually saw it all?"

The man stared at her. "Do you mind?"

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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