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"Why don't you mind? You're not my husband! " Yue Long snorted: "You used to touch my chest, and said that you wanted to save me, but now you have seen everything. You said that you care about me, you have so many reasons, do you really think you can continue flirting with girls like this?"


"Who would believe that? "If it's like you said, with so many abilities that are different from ordinary people and you have such a long lifespan, who knows how many women you'll get entangled with." Yue Long continued to mutter with jealousy, but she did not notice it herself.

The man's serious expression gradually relaxed, and a faint smile appeared on his face. "My clan's teachings say that one must not get too close with the common human."

"Heh, then why haven't you left yet?" Yue Long glared at him: Are you bullying me because I can't hit you?

The man looked at her in silence for a while, until even Yue Long's heart went numb. Then he suddenly wanted to jump into his arms. Just as he was struggling to suppress the waves in her heart, the man had already sat beside her once again. He extended an arm towards her mouth and sincerely said, "I'll help you vent your anger."

Yue Long was startled before she understood. "You're letting me bite?"


Yue Long opened his mouth to bite it, but stopped the moment her teeth touched his arm. The muscles on his arm were so tight and the lines were so fluid, that it caused Yue Long to immediately change the posture of her lips and kiss the arm.

The man's arm tightened, and the lines showed clearly.

Yue Long swallowed her saliva silently, and looked up: "It's not easy to bite, stick your head over here."

The man hesitated for half a second before he lowered his head and went closer to Yue Long.

Close at hand.

Why was her neck so beautiful? Color! Lines! Muscle! All of them!

Yue Long resisted the urge to bite him and bite him, and bit off her ear. Wasn't she afraid of pulling her ears? That ear biting must be even more terrifying!

As expected, the man's entire body stiffened. It was as if he had been stabbed in a fatal point. He didn't move an inch. Yue Long's mouth was not slurred at all as he bit into his ear hard, the taste of blood in her mouth.

After a while, Yue Long let go of the man's ear, and took a glance at the bite marks with blood on it. Her heart ached a little, but she still said cruelly: "Don't think that's it, it won't let you down in the slightest."

The man seemed to have finally recovered from his stiffness and moved slightly. His gaze that looked at Yue Long became a little softer: "Speak."

Yue Long gave a passionate command: "Hug me tightly."

The man looked at her with a helpless yet gentle expression. "You're injured."

"I'm not afraid of pain." Yue Long stubbornly stared at him, "After the gauze is removed, you won't be able to hug me anymore."

The man spread out his arms and gently embraced Yue Long in his arms. "He won't leave a scar."

Being wrapped in his embrace, Yue Long's entire body was covered by his aura, he felt that all his pores on her body had opened up, the pain felt a lot less, but his heart had started to clamor again, he only wanted to stick closer to this man. She leaned uncontrollably against his chest, her injured and aching arms struggling to lift and hold him.

Only, Yue Long didn't expect that when she hugged him, his chin would gently tap into her neck, and her face would lightly touch hers. The feeling of her hair standing on end caused goosebumps to rise all over her body. She pressed closer to him, muttering, "Not tight enough," and he didn't press his hand on her gauzy arms. Instead, she put his hand on the back of her neck and pressed her against him.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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