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Yue Long couldn't help but shiver. The hug behind him didn't seem to have any intention of leaving as Li Cang's cheek was pressed against the side of her face. Yue Long felt all the passionate cells in her body being awakened as she clamored, asking herself to quickly turn around and pounce on Yue Yang and press him onto the bed.

Restraint! He had to restrain himself!

Was he still a human when he was in danger? He's having a fever!

God, why am I the one who's taking advantage of people? I am the female?

Yue Long trembled as she held down Li Cang's arm that was wrapped around his shoulder and said while clenching his teeth: "You, you, you go back and lie down. If I don't go and buy you medicine, how can you be okay? It's already so hot. She should have gone to the hospital. I'll go out first. " She broke free from his embrace, but she was not able to free herself before he took her back into her, her skin even hotter, as if she were about to burn herself. Yue Long's mind started to become a little hazy, and only two words echoed in her mind: "Go!"

Yue Long turned around and wanted to hug Li Cang, but he saw a red face and a pair of slightly weak eyes. She touched his forehead, which seemed hotter than before, and shook her head. She took a deep breath and pushed him toward the bed. Li Cang did not let her push him to the side of the bed. Instead, he let her push him down and cover him with the blanket.

Li Cang did not resist and nodded. He had never displayed this kind of sickly obedience in front of her. It made her heart tremble. "Close your eyes and sleep!" she ordered indignantly.

Li Cang looked at her with unwillingness to part.

Reluctance. She was not mistaken.

She did not know where this emotion came from. Perhaps the fever was especially fragile? Or did he need her now? No matter what it was, she felt that she needed to immediately escape from this ambiguous scene. Otherwise, she couldn't guarantee that she would pounce on him alive the next second, regardless if he was a weak patient or not.

Yue Long left the villa and very smoothly came to a small district s electric potion bus. She went to the pharmacy outside of the small district to buy medicine. Standing in front of the counter of the pharmacy, she carefully described Li Cang's symptoms. When the shop assistant went to get the medicine, she began to wander around.

What was the situation just now … But that might be the best time? Didn't she always want to really push him down? Why didn't he dare?

He had finally gotten weak. Why didn't he make good use of it? Normally, how could he possibly pounce?

Was he afraid that he would die because he was too weak?

Heavens, what was he thinking?

Yue Long held her forehead in regret, feeling that there was no difference between him and a beast. The shop assistant packed the medicine and handed it to her. Seeing that she seemed to be in pain, she quickly asked, "Are you not feeling well anywhere?"

"Heart …"

"What's wrong? Colic or tenderness? Or like a needle? "

Yue Long raised her head and sighed: "It's like a knife thrust."

The employee was stunned. "A knife thrust?"

"That's right," Yue Long said to herself as she carried the bag out. She regretted not going straight up! Is there still time? "

At home, the flush on Li Cang's face had mostly disappeared, and his eyes were bright and clear. The sickness just now seemed to have been an illusion. His cell phone rang, and he picked up Fan Cheng's voice: "Are you sick?"

Li Cang did not answer, but asked.

"I just came back from outside and saw your little girl carrying a bag of medicine back to us," Fan Cheng laughed. "Are you still going to get sick?"

Li Cang was quiet for a moment, then said: "We took the roller coaster."

Fan Cheng was frightened again, "Why did you go and sit? Are you crazy? "

Before Li Cang could speak, Fan Cheng reacted: "Did the little girl ask for it? You are truly risking your life to accompany a beauty. "

"Anything else?"

"I care about you!" When did you get sick? In the most tragic battle with the werewolf, you've only been lying there for half a day. " Fan Cheng sighed: "Didn't the roller coaster say we won't ride anymore? If you sit on that thing, you will lose control and your body will get hot, right? Does this little girl think that you have a fever? "


"No wonder I went to buy medicine. Are you trying to scare her? " Fan Cheng snickered, "Are you doing this on purpose? Are you having a hard time holding on? The roller coaster came out for you? "

Li Cang lowered his eyes and did not speak. Fan Cheng almost thought that he was about to hang up the phone, but he said: "I almost couldn't hold it in."

Fan Cheng was even more shocked, but his voice was filled with the joy of gossip: "Why didn't you hold back? What was he nearly doing? Could it be that this time you didn't get pounced on, but pounced on yourself? "

Li Cang sighed depressingly. Suddenly, his eyes moved as he said, "She's back." He immediately hung up.

Fan Cheng called out from the other end of the phone: "Is this the beginning of deigning friendship!?"

Yue Long pushed the door open and entered the house. She went into the kitchen to pour warm water and took the medicine upstairs. After organizing her emotions, Yue Long entered Li Cang's bedroom. Li Cang was still lying on the bed, looking over when he saw her enter, the emotions in her eyes returned to normal, but it was different from before.

However, Yue Long himself was feeling guilty, his mind was still considering whether to take advantage of the situation, and did not notice the ripples in Li Cang's eyes. She gave the medicine to Li Cang, helped him sit up and drink it, and touched his forehead: "Much better? It seems like my fever has subsided. "

Li Cang leaned against the headboard of the bed and calmly looked at her, "Are you in a good mood?"

Yue Long was moved in an instant. "Is it to make my mood better, so even if I'm scared to death, can you still accompany me on the roller coaster ride?"

Li Cang was slightly embarrassed: "It's not that I'm afraid."

"You still want to argue?" Yue Long poked his forehead: "Wasn't it out of fright when it was that hot just now?"

Li Cang no longer tried to defend himself, but said, "That's not a fever. I've never gotten sick."

Yue Long was surprised: "Never got sick? Never? But I see that you also eat and drink, how can you not get sick? Are none of your people sick? "

"No, just me. Because my blood is not the same as the others. Every single person in our clan all possess a different ability from the others. "

Yue Long's eyes widened even more. "Then you better not let anyone else know about this! Otherwise, you would definitely have been captured for research! "

Li Cang smiled lightly: "Your point."

"Yeah, most people can't catch you either." Yue Long's expression truly relaxed, and she asked curiously: "Or do you not understand why you won't get sick? What does it have to do with blood? "

Li Cang looked at her: "Give me a blade."

"What for?" Although Yue Long didn't understand what he meant, she still obediently went out and found a fruit knife.

Li Cang slashed at his arm with the fruit knife, blood immediately spurted out and caused Yue Long to scream out loud: "What are you doing?!"

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