My Alpha-Back In Time/C2 Fated Journey
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My Alpha-Back In Time/C2 Fated Journey
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C2 Fated Journey

“Who the bloody hell are you? " I stamped my feet refusing to believe this rubbish,I stamped my feet so hard and I wished the way I did would pummel me back into my body but here I was face to face with this bony creature.

"Call me The Grim Reaper." It said once, solemnly,it's hollow eyes boring a hole through me, through my soul.

I shook my head not believing this.I stared up at him, confusion drumming in my head.

What the hell?

"I thought the Grim Reaper existed only in books and in movies." I whispered to myself my voice choking with another barrel of tears.

A knot formed in the pit of my stomach .

"But this is reality,Martina not your romance novels ." It said." Now come,it's time,once the portal closes you will be a roaming soul cast out and never to be accepted by the underworld,the Creator himself will be angry with you."

"I'm going nowhere ." I echoed stubbornly,pain and regret surged through my voice."Do something,I don't want to die,I'm just eighteen..... please..

Anything....Do you want please don't take me away.....I beg you."

I never knew I could cry.

Martina Lopez was a hard nut,I was sassy,I never cried.

But here I was begging,I glanced at my body - lifeless and cold.

"Your parents already knew of your death,so come on now." It said and began to walk away."There are other souls waiting."

Then it stopped and I felt hope surging, tearing, through me.

"There is only but a chance,you have no say in it but to accept." It gave a lengthy pause as my heart hammered.

"You have been chosen to fulfill a higher purpose—a task that will require all of your strength and courage."

What the hell ?

What was he talking about?

"I'm not performing any stupid task,put me back into my body now!"I yelled.

The figure regarded me with a mixture of pity and impatience,then I saw something like a smile tugging at a bony lips.

"You have no choice," he said simply. "Your time has come, and you must accept it,or remain dead .Forever."

The last word brought common sense raging through me.

My heart drummed madly in my chest as I tried to comprehend the weight of his words.

"But... but what task? What purpose?" I asked softly desperation creeping into my voice."Will I come back to life."

"Certainly, Martina,you will come back to life."

My moment of joy and happiness was cut short as he stared at mean unreadable expression in his face.

"But not in this world." It said bluntly not bothering that my pounding heart was going to rip out soon.

"I...I .... don't understand." I stuttered."I'm I going to hell ? What other World exist apart from this world of ours ?" I found myself asking sheepishly.

"Many." It dropped the last word hot and bubbling.

"There is a task that needs your urgent attention now before we proceed , let's go through the formalities - Do you Martina Lopez want to stay dead or stay alive?"

What kind of sick question is that ?

"I want to stay alive."

"Then you have to do that but in the past.You will be going to the past."

I blinked rapidly."I beg your pardon? I'm not freaking going to the past."

"Then stay dead." It said and proceed to go into the portal.

"Are you leaving me behind?"i asked my voice hanging by the thread of hopeless and sadness

"Please don't."

"Then you have to obey the last order." It said simply.

"Wait " I yelled feeling pity for myself hoping he had hear me above the heavy wind starting to blow and the portal dancing in time to shut down.

"I the past." I choked forcing the bubble of words down the pit of my stomach to roll out forcefully." What must I do ? What task must I perform?"

The figure's expression remained impassive, unreadable, grim ,a haunting look .

"You are going back to the year 1945,you will have to teach an arrogant Alpha how to love and respect human feelings."

"What.... During the world war ? Can't you take me to like ten years ago." I asked my eyes widening."And what has an Alpha got to do with this,my parents are Betas. You can do something... please change my fate."

"I'm sorry,I can't...but you will be lucky if you make him love you again though you are the Alpha's most unbeloved,you are his Luna but the love between you both is thin,you just have to teach him a few things else many will lose their lives.You will be Helena Elston."

"That can't be possible,how will I teach someone about human feelings when I don't have never been in a real relationship before." I tried to protest my way out of this sick game.

"You will learn."

"How ?

"All will be revealed in time," He said solemnly. "But for now, you must trust in the path that has been laid before you." Then he gave a small nod.

With a wave of his hand, he gestured towards the portal,

its swirling depths and sounds beckoning me forward,to a realm unknown.

And though every instinct screamed for me to run,it was no use.

His words kept creeping back into my ears.

"....stay dead."

I knew that there was no turning back.

And so, with a heavy heart and a mind filled with uncertainty,not knowing what to do, I exhaled and stepped into the unknown.

I stopped and took a glance,at the world I knew and loved that I was leaving behind .

I wanted to ask him if I was ever going to come back,to this world or beg him to give me a minute to see my parents,to say my final goodbyes.

I was definitely the word pain in human form.

Yes,pain that's what I had caused my parents.

I heard the sound of the ambulance,it's red and blue lights blinding me.

Slowly not wanting to see the medics zip up my body in the body bag and taking it away.

I turned and pummeled myself into the portal which swallowed me up immediately and shut down.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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