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C3 Awaken

Slowly consciousness creeped into my soul, I found myself engulfed and hugged in a haze of confusion.

The unmistakably familiar scent of antiseptic attacked my senses,dancing with my nostrils .

Then mingling with the distant yet unfamiliar echoes of bustling activity.

What was going on ?

Had I returned to the party.

The Grim Reaper was he just a joke,a fragment of my imagination.

I must have drank too much.

I opened my eyes slowly,blinking back against the harsh light pouring through the thin curtains.

I struggled to make sense of my surroundings.

My eyes flutter open to settle on an unfamiliar ceiling, its annoying whiteness a stark contrast to that of my own bedroom.

No I wasn't in my bedroom

I had gone to a party.

What the hell

It can't be

Should I say memories of last night cane surging in

The fight

The sirens

Me leaving the world

The grim Reaper


Panic clawed at the edges of my consciousness, scratching my heart ,as fragmented memories flooded back.

The accident.I was remembering now,having a tiny painful flashback surging through me.

The blinding pain I had felt when the bullet hit my sides.

And then... darkness.

"Mademoiselle, you're awake!"

The nurse's high pitched voice surges through the fog of confusion, jolting me forcefully to reality.

Her small face swimming into focus beside me.

What the hell ?

Her voice had creeped me out of my skin.

"Where... where am I?" I stuttered,my voice like a croak so inaudible.I thought I had whispered.

"You're in SilverShadowPack ,mademoiselle," The nurse replies, her tone gentle yet matter-of-fact,giving me a very funny look.

"You were brought here after the accident."

SilverShadowPack ,The name sounds unfamiliar,I looked around me, hoping the Grim Reaper was somewhere,he needed to explain to me.

Shadows danced in my consciousness as I tried to steady myself in this strange world.

"The accident?" I repeated, my heart pounding in my chest.

I was shot by a stray bullet,it counted as an accident too.

I dragged warm air into my lungs.From the corner of my eyes I could see red hair sliding down my left shoulder.

I picked a strand with a finger.

Cool,so I was now a red head.I thought to myself trying not to scream.

What the.....

I tried warning myself not to scream or act wild but heavens knew that I was freaking out.

I was dwelling in a body which wasn't mine.

"Yes, you were... lucky to survive," The nurse continues her tale ,I was lost in the sea of confusion, didn't comprehend her story

Wasn't listening either.

Her voice was stained with sympathy.

Lucky. The word hangs heavy in the air.


Lucky to be in the past, alive in 1945.

But why do I feel anything but fortunate?

With a jolt, I sit up suddenly, ignoring the protest of the sharp pains surging forward.

How did I get here?I didn't remember asking the owner of the body to make space for me to dwell in ?

Questions swirl in my mind, dancing , teasing me, trading one another for the next

As if in response, the door to the room swings open, revealing a figure silhouetted against the harsh glow of the corridor.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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