My Alpha-Back In Time/C4 Meeting Alpha Morgan
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My Alpha-Back In Time/C4 Meeting Alpha Morgan
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C4 Meeting Alpha Morgan

I turned away and fixed my gaze on the nurse who proceeded to busy herself with checking my vitals,

Then I let my gaze wander around,like a stray rabbit around the ward taking in the outdated furnishings and stupid yellow walls which reminded me of my own vomit.

It had it everywhere,the smell,the nurse's uniform ,it had all the telltale signs of wartime.

Outside,high up in the sky I could hear the buzzing sound of fighter jets.


Just a bomb then I will be gone , striking another bargain with that sick Grim Reaper.

And then, without warning, a whirling sensation in my head.

The Grim Reaper.

I could feel his presence.

I said the words slowly which sent shivers down my spine.

A conjured image of a cloaked figure lurking in the shadows,his ominous presence stronger now.

I watched ,my breath on hold.

My breath hung in my throat as I watched, transfixed, his movement was slow, fluid and silent.

He had his back to me as he left the ward leaving in a cloud of black dust.

And vanishing forever.

I nodded and lay back on the fluffy pillows as the maid rounded up,I was trying to grapple with the surreal reality of inhabiting someone else's body,the door creaking open, admitting him.

He stood at the doorway,and didn't need a prophecy for that.

The Alpha.A striking figure with a charm that seems to engulf the ward as he stepped in.

His shoulders broads,his well chiseled jaw ran into a very smooth and alluring lips,his blue eyes so magical

"Is she awake?" He asked coming towards me,asking when my eyes were wide open

His voice carries a note of urgency, his gaze flickering like a bulb between me and the nurse with concern so strong and evident.

"Yes, she's awake," the nurse said and smiled at both of us, her voice calm and soothing.

"But please, try not to stress her. She's still recovering."

The Alpha nodded,he fixed her a look with a kind of hardness before he sat on the bedside,his eyes fixed on me with a mixture of relief and apprehension.

He sighed and I wished he would do it again."How are you feeling?" He asks, his voice gentle and laced with a mixture of worry and concern.

He took my hands into his broad ones.

"I was so scared, I thought I had lost you."

Confusion clouded my mind as I struggled to make sense of my surroundings.His handsome face was staring down at me expecting me to say something but instead I asked.

"Who... who are you?" I blurt out, my voice trembling with stupidity and confusion.

The Alpha's brow furrows in concern, his eyes narrowed and the concern and worry etched in his face ran away leaving behind confusion.

His gaze searched mine for a possible explanation to the question I just blurted out.

"I'm... I'm your mate," he replies softly.

glanced at my bandaged head and turned to ask the nurse some pertinent questions but she had taken an excuse and left .

"You are my Luna." He said again.

My heart raced at his words, my mind reeling with disbelief.

Wait ...what.

Mate? The word feels foreign yet so strong on my tongue.

I was feeling so stupid again,my head hurt,a pounding fire.

The Alpha nods curtly, his expression having a mask of concern etched on it.

His piercing blue eyes seem to see right through me.

"How are you feeling now ?" He asked again.

I... I'm not sure," I confess.Seriously,I wasn't. My voice was barely above a whisper.

Before he could say another word,the door swung open once more, revealing two women dressed expensively , expensive beautiful furs donning their shoulders,their make up looked light but horrible and old fashioned to me.

What was I expecting,it was 1945.

I still had no idea of whose body I was inhabiting.

I got to know they were Alpha's mother and sister, their faces stretched with concern that barely covers the resentment I could see below.

It was there in their eyes.

First time meeting me and they don't like me .


Or they don't like the owner of this body, not me.

"Is everything alright?" his mother asked, her voice strained as she rushed to my side. Her heels clicking on the floor,her daughter following closely behind

Her concern seemed so forced, her touch was hesitant as she reached out to grasp my hand.It felt so old,cold and out of reality.

"We heard about the accident," his sister added her voice tinged with a hint of skepticism. "We were so worried."

She said, rushing a quick glance at her mother who gave a forced nod.

I met their gaze once and looked away ,in my eyes danced a mixture of confusion and fear,

"What happened to me.?" I released one of the questions surging through my head.

The Alpha exchanges a worried glance with his mother and sister, their expressions somewhat funny.

"You were involved in an accident, Helena but you're safe now.Thanks to the moon goddess."

And... and who ....who is Helena?" I ask, my voice trembling with the question, everything looking so real now.

I was inhabiting Helena's body.

Good heavens.

The Alpha's mother exchanged a funny yet puzzled glance with her son, her expression kind of guarded.

"You are, dear. You're Helena, our Luna."

She said,his sister stared at me like she wanted to laugh.

“She needs plenty of rest,”The Alpha said.

I stared at him,I was dying to know his name.

Was this the Alpha who was ruthless that I was going to teach how to love and show human feelings.

The Grim Reaper must be so sick.

The man before me looked so quiet,so calm like he didn't want any trouble.

His calm expression was so loving,he was a gentle soul,so gentle.So gentle,I wanted to hug him.

I think perhaps the Grim Reaper must have put me in the wrong body.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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