My Alpha-Back In Time/C5 Unraveling
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My Alpha-Back In Time/C5 Unraveling
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C5 Unraveling

Morgan's POV

I could feel my mother's eyes burrowing into my back.

Anger surged through me,relaxing a bit then heaving as I knew she was about to say something.

I sat on the bedside caught in the whirlwind of emotions and tangled relationships I didn't plan on having.

My mind struggled to make sense of the chaos unwrapping itself around me

Helena was my Luna,I have always loved her and will always do.She was the center of my universe but when she couldn't conceive an heir for me ,My mother and sister had forced me into having Stella as a mate.

From the onset,Mom and Ivana, my kid sister, never liked Helena.

Helena's inability to give me an heir further increased the hatred, bringing the excuse to let Stella into my life .

Then she began,her words linger in the air, a bitter reminder of the choices that have led us to this moment.

"Have you thought about visiting Stella?" she asked."You seem unconcerned,yet you behave like you are head over heels in love with her ? Her voice heavy with sarcasm,stakes of sarcasm that pierced me forcing the anger in . "She was quite injured too, you know."

"I already know Mother,do you have to remind me ?" I yelled letting go of Helena's hand with so much force that she winced in pain.

I stood up to face her,her lips twitched up in a kind of smile.

"I was only doing my duty as the Queen Luna,besides you don't have to sit like a baby bear with a woman who couldn't give you an heir for the past three years."

She scoffed , looking away .

"Stella was involved in the accident too,you sure know well that she is carrying the heir to the Pack,be a good son......"

"I will do that Mother." I roared,my eyes blazing with so much fury that I saw her back off.

"Easy,big brother....."

"And you too,you shut your big mouth." Anger surged through me ,my words pierced the intense silence that was threatening to loom overhead.

Stella ?

The mere mention of her name sends a pang of guilt flying through me, a reminder of the woman I've neglected just to see

Helena to see to it that she recovers.

I can't pretend that I love both women equally,even though I had met Helena I loved her and still loved her but Stella was everything beautiful and one would think I loved her more than Stella which was kind of true .

Gradually I hardly showed my love to Helena openly but she was still the only woman who could calm me down when my anger surges forward.

"I will go see her soon" I reply, my voice strained with anger.

My mother's eyes narrowed and she scoffed ,her lips pressed upwards into a thin line of disapproval.

"Or is it because Helena is carrying your child?" she retorted her words like arrows sharp,she cast Helena a look meant for the devil."That's why you are delaying seeing Stella."

Martina's POV

I blinked like a rabbit.This was getting worse than I thought,what kind of sick joke is this.

I slapped my temples.

Yeah,I should have known , inhabiting a body that isn't mine will definitely come with a lot of things you didn't bargain for.

And this includes inheriting enemies and hatred and worse of all carrying a fetus.

Heavens have mercy.

How was I to make this Alpha who seems gentle on the outside but ruthless on the inside.

When he dropped my hands when he got angry with his mother I knew that 35 days is too little to make him less arrogant,fall in love with me again and care once more about human feelings.

A jolt of surprise courses through me at her words,I gripped the panic.

"I'm not...I'm not pregnant " I stumbled over my words, unable to mask the confusion in it.I looked from Morgan to his mother to Ivana.

"Can someone tell me...."

"Shut your little mouth Helena." He barked at me."Why didn't you tell me you were carrying my child." His voice held thick accusations,laced with so much anger and bitterness."You knew and you hid it from me,you still had the effrontery to go into that boat all in the name of having fun.Why are you excessively stupid ?"

I swallowed hard,fear clawed at my chest,I couldn't meet his fiery gaze.I looked down at my hands folded neatly in my laps covered by the white sheet.

My eyes danced wildly .

"I ...I thought you.."

"You should shut your lowly mouth." His mother yelled at me.``You don't speak when the Alpha is still speaking.It's your fault the boat capsized,I wished you had drowned so your ghost would have borrowed common sense from the underworld.You act so clumsy most of the time." She spat,her voice painted with anger.

She turned away.

I was about to say something when the door burst open with a deafening crash,the hinges screamed in protest.

All eyes were drawn to a pretty petite figure being wheeled into the room ,a nurse behind her.

My breath caught in my throat as I let my eyes settle on her tear streaked face.

Surprised danced in those green eyes of hers.

"Helena .." She murmured ."You....You."

I guess she was so confused and shocked to see me.Helena sitting on the bed.

I really didn't know why she was shocked.

She threw a glance to Morgan's mother then to Ivana,I could hear unspeakable one thousand and one words.

Something was definitely not right here.

Something fishy was going on.I couldn't place my finger on it but I knew I wasn't welcome here.

I was an intruder.

I wasn't needed.

Whatever it was these women,all three of them were ready to get me out of the way.

But I wasn't leaving,35 days isn't over yet.

New chapter is coming soon
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