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I looked at Dong Li, not knowing how to explain it to her. From the looks of female ghost, she is really a strong character, if this female ghost was the "lost" girl who stopped the cat abuse incident back then, then things would have been much more complicated than I imagined.

"Let's not jump to conclusions before everything is clear." I turned my gaze towards the unconscious Li Dan, "Right now, I hope that when Li Dan is awake, she can tell us the truth."

"Merry!" Dong Li suddenly stood up and walked to my side, sitting down. She tightly pulled my hand, and it was only then that I noticed that her hand was ice-cold.

"What's the matter with you?" I looked at Dong Li in surprise.

"Le Le, I'm scared, I'm really scared! Do you think our room has been cursed? First, Wang Huan left school for no reason, and then, Tan Xiao Min disappeared without a trace. Fang Fang's cousin got into a car accident, and now Li Dan has gotten into trouble with a ghost again, do you think the next one will be me? " Dong Li looked at me nervously. I could clearly feel that her body was trembling uncontrollably, looking like she was really scared.

"Dong Li, there is a saying, do not be afraid of ghosts knocking on doors if you do not do something shameful. As long as you have a clear conscience, even if there really is a ghost looking for you, you can still confidently fight against her. " I patted her hand in consolation.

"Yue Le, don't go home today. You should just stay in the dorm. I'm really scared!" Dong Li practically begged me with her voice, making it difficult for me to refuse.

But thinking about it, it makes sense. If I go back, there would only be Dong Li and Li Dan left in the dorm.

"Alright, I'll stay in the dorm tonight." I promised Dong Li.

Just as I finished speaking, my stomach starts to growl. I haven't eaten since morning and it's already afternoon. I'm really tired.

My stomach was growling too loudly, even Dong Li heard it very clearly. She smiled and looked at my stomach and said: "I haven't eaten lunch, I'll go and buy some food for you."

Dong Li took the initiative to bear the heavy responsibility of buying food. I knew that she was afraid to stay behind to accompany Li Dan alone, but also couldn't bear to leave Li Dan alone in her dorm room.

I don't care, in any case, that female ghost would definitely not come back during the day, as for at night, it's hard to say.

Dong Li returned very quickly, so we ate while chatting. I remembered that girl who committed suicide this morning, so I asked Dong Li if she knew anything.

Hearing my question, Dong Li slapped his thigh and said that it was all Li Dan's fault, she had even forgotten to tell me.

Dong Li said that she had asked around before. Ever since the girl heard that the catalin was the culprit yesterday, she had become absent-minded, and then sat there by herself thinking about something. When she turned off the lights at night, she was even crazily cursing at the girl who turned off the lights so early in the morning.

After that, everyone fell asleep. It was said that the girl was just sitting on her bed with her cellphone in her hand, muttering something. It was only this morning when the people from their dorm woke up that they realized she had hanged herself right outside the window, committing suicide!

"Le Le, this has something to do with the abuse of cats, right?" Dong Li approached me and asked.

"You think so too?" I looked at Dong Li, who nodded her head, "I heard that there were males and females among the people who abused the cat back then. Now that two people have met with mishaps, will there be more mishaps in the future?"

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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