My love is a starlight/C2 Who hit Tristan Nick?
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My love is a starlight/C2 Who hit Tristan Nick?
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C2 Who hit Tristan Nick?


(Who hit Tristan Nick?)

The gigantic digital billboard stood erect in front of me with the inscription 'Welcome to Lilyviles High School." It was at that moment that reality dawned on me that I wasn't dreaming. It was all real.

I watched in awe as students drove their expensive luxurious cars into the school compound. I quickly rode my bicycle into the school gate.

A security guard professionally dressed in a dark blue suit stopped me, preventing me from going in.

I looked at him and frowned a little, wondering why he stopped me.

"Your identity card Miss." he requested. His hoarse voice commanded respect.

I touched my forehead in realization. I opened my bag and brought out the Identity card. He checked it with utmost scrutiny and returned it to me.

"You can go in now." he said.

I got in but was almost immediately stopped by another security guard dressed in the same fashion with the man I had seen earlier.

I sighed and stopped.

"What's with all these checks?" I thought.

LHS was totally unlike my former school where we would just walk into the school and go straight to our classrooms.

The guard waved a mental detector over my body and asked me to go in.

Without saying a word, I rode my bicycle in. The sight that greeted me left my mouth hanging. It looked as though I was in a mini paradise.

The school compound was a beautiful scene that appealed to the senses. It was a pleasant, verdant oasis with a line of trees erected beautifully in all their glory, lining the pathways and blooming flowers of marigold, petunias, zinnias and daffodils added color to the landscape.

The gentle breeze was redolent with the fragrance of jasmine and roses. It was truly an attractive sight that made me feel at peace.

I looked around me and all I could see was a school compound that exuded luxury and sophistication.

Apart from the school grounds that were flawlessly landscaped, the buildings were of architectural masterpiece made of glistening white marble.

The classrooms were built with ascending columns and arched doorways. The carvings had a great deal of fine detail and complexity while the glass windows were spotless.

From where I stood, I could could catch a glimpse of the breathtaking interiors which were adorned with fine art and expensive furnishings. I couldn't believe that my next one year was going to be spent in such an amazing environment.

The buildings were impressive from every viewpoint. They showed wealth, power knowledge and sophistication. They perfectly encapsulated the spirit of an educational establishment. It was not a wonder that Lilyviles High School was the dream of every highschooler because it gave the students an aura of elegance.

I hadn't stared for long when I felt a gentle tap on my back. Wondering who it could be, I turned my back. There stood a lady about the same age as me, smiling. She had a very calm and kind look.

I looked at her with curiosity. I noticed how beautiful she was. Her black hair was styled in a pixie cut, adding finesse to her slim body.

"Hi," she said, waving at me with such cheerfulness that almost made me feel like we've known each other all our lives.

Wondering why she approached me. I smiled back and waved at her. "Hi," I simply responded.

She explored my body with her chestnut brown eyes and spoke with confidence. "You must be new here." she affirmed as though she was asking a question.

I nodded in the affirmative. The girl smiled again.

"I could tell that you are new judging by how perplexed you were at the security stands."

I said nothing and smiled, impressed by her friendliness.

She stretched out her right hand for a handshake.

"I'm Betty Wade." she introduced herself, charming me again with her beautiful smile.

I took her hand and shook it warmly. "I'm Amelia Brown, a 12th grader, arts major."

Betty squealed with happiness. "Wow! I'm also a 12th grader but I major in science which means that we will have very few classes together."

"Oh!" That was all I could say.

Betty was persistent.

"Since it is your first day at school, let me be your tour guide for the day. You need someone to help you navigate your way around the school so you won't get flustered.

I beamed with gratitude at her offer. I hated looking lost in a strange environment. I willingly agreed.

"Thank you Betty." I said to her.

She led me to the school's big garage and helped me to lock my bicycle then gave me a tour round the school. There were a lot of buildings in there. The school's gymnasium, the standard library, the science laboratories filled with high-tech equipment and the sport complex.

I was most wowed by the music hall. It was a big standard hall equipped with a variety of musical instruments like pianos, guitars, drum sets, percussion instrument, some whiteboard, big speakers and a recording studio. There was also a stage used as the performing area.

Impressed by what I was seeing, I resolved in my mind to enjoy every bit of my stay in Lilyviles High School. I was not going to let all that fun pass me by.

I was getting so comfortable around Betty already. She had this charming aura around her that made people like her. She was someone I could describe as loquacious. She wouldn't stop talking about the school, the teachers and some quite interesting events that had taken place in the school.

I totally enjoyed the conversation and I made sure to take note of every important detail in her words.

Suddenly, her alarm beeped, interrupting our small talk. She looked at me with a look of apology. "I'm very sorry Amelia. I have a chemistry practical to attend in the next five minutes." She informed me.

I nodded in understanding, wondering how I was going to know my timetable for classes. As if she read my mind, she took a look at my identity card which I had already hung on my neck.

"Oh! You're in class Blue. I'm in class Gold. Let me walk you to your class."

"Thanks a lot Betty." I appreciated her.

She was about to reply when screams from nearby interrupted us. We rushed towards the direction of the sounds, curious to know what the commotion was all about. We managed to surge our way through the small crowd of students that had gathered.

"I'm so sorry Tristan. I didn't mean to step on you. I didn't even know that you were behind me." came the shaky, feeble voice of a girl. I couldn't catch a good glimpse of her face because she was bowing down.

My eyes moved to the guy she was apologizing to. He stood arrogantly with an annoying smirk on his face. Before I could realize what happening, he had slapped the girl hard across her face. There was a low gasp from the crowd.

"How dare you step on my expensive shoes? Do you even know the brand? You lowly brat! It's a Christian Louboutin! It's worth thousands of dollars." he thundered at her.

The girl fell on her knees almost immediately, apologizing profusely. I watched the emotions of anger and bitterness. I was angry at the girl for allowing herself to be derogated in that manner and I felt bitterness towards the other students who did nothing but jeer at her and taking videos of the scene.

What I felt for the guy wasn't anger or bitterness. It was hatred. I had never seen such arrogance all my life.

"Clean it with your hair." The guy commanded.

"Huh?" The girl said, visibly shaken with fear.

A wicked grin appeared on his face . "Clean it with your hair." He repeated.

"Uh, okay." The girl knelt down and processed to clean his shoes.

I couldn't take it anymore. Like one under a repulsive spell, I found myself in front of the guy. I felt the hotness of his cheek as my palm met with his face.

The school came to a standstill. I looked around and shocked faces stared at me like I committed murder.

Well .. the bottom line was 'Tristan Nick just got slapped.'

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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