My love is a starlight/C3 Who hit Tristan Nick? i
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My love is a starlight/C3 Who hit Tristan Nick? i
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C3 Who hit Tristan Nick? i



The silence that followed afterwards was heavy. I looked at my hands and realized what I had done. I had slapped someone on my first day at school. I shrugged carelessly and scoffed. I knew there was no way I won't cause trouble at school, going against the promise I had made to mother that morning.

The whole issue was none of my business but I couldn't ignore my fellow girl being treated badly either.

Before I knew it, sounds of camera clicks and flashes of lights were directed at me. I was being recorded.

I could hear different comments from where I stood.

"I can't believe this. She slapped Tristan Nick?"

"I have to post this juicy scene online. This video is definitely going to get a lot of likes and comments." A girl said.

"You should know better than posting that video online. It's against the school rules and you know it." A guy corrected her.

"That lady looks so bold. I bet she doesn't know what she has gotten herself into."

"Who is she by the way? She looks so unfamiliar."

"She should have just minded her business."

"Tristan will never let her off the hook."

I smirked and looked at the so-called Tristan who was staring at me with shock. I could see the look of embarrassment and anger in his face as he touched the place where he got hit.

Seeing him that way gave me a sense of satisfaction.

"This is what you get for being such a scallywag." I told him with a sneer.

Regaining his composure, he screamed at me.

"Wait! Did you just slap me?" he asked, pointing a finger to his chest.

I looked at him with calmness, acting like nothing happened then I covered my mouth in faked surprise.

"Wow! Did I just slap you?" I said in sheer mockery.

"I bet I just did." I added, provoking a little laughter from the other students.

Tristan looked at them and shouted, "What's funny to you all?" he said with fury and they became silent once again.

I could deduce from the way he spoke and from the reactions of the students that Tristan was someone greatly idolized by the other students. I didn't care anyways.

Tristan laughed with scorn and looked like he was going to tear me apart.

"Do you know who I am? It isn't even possible. Everyone in this school knows and fears Tristan Nick" he asked with an air of arrogance which irked me the more.

I scoffed at his delusional statement.

"Well, I don't know who you are and I don't give a damn about you."

A low gasp came from the small crowd and they began to chatter in low tones again. I walked up to the girl and helped her up. I looked at her and saw the looks of fear, gratitude and embarrassment.

"Thank you." she said in a whisper that only I could hear.

I became angry but this time, it was with Tristan. Before I could say another word, the girl scurried off with her head bent.

I turned to Tristan. "And so what? And so what if she stepped on your expensive, ugly-looking shoes? She kept apologizing to you. She explained that it wasn't intentional. Did you have to hit her? Did you have to embarrass her? Who on earth do you think you are? You're really lucky I'm in a good mood, I would have knocked senses into your stupid head."

I paused and looked at the other students who were watching the scene with great interest.

"A student like you was being humiliated and all you all could was to watched and take pictures. Y'all could have done better." I said with disappointment.

"You will regret this." I heard Tristan say with coldness.

I scoffed. "Do your worst!" I dared him.

Without saying another word, I intentionally moved closer to him and stomped heavily on his shoes. He bent over with pains, holding his legs.

Not wanting to stay another second there, I gave him the middle finger and walked away from the scene, ignoring the gazes I was receiving.

I hadn't walked for so long when I heard my name from a distance. I stopped and looked back to see who was calling. Just like I assumed, it was Betty. She soon caught up with me, panting.

"Hey," she started, struggling to catch her breath. "I have been calling you but I guess you didn't hear me."

"I didn't hear you call." I truthfully answered.

Betty looked at me, flicking her eyelids in wonder.

Of course, I knew what was going on in her mind. She was going to talk about the incident.

"What was that?" I responded, acting like I didn't know what she was driving at.

Betty sighed and placed her hands on her waist.

"Amelia, I really don't know what to do with you. Tristan Nick is the school director's only son. He is an idol, a starlight. He is admired and revered by everyone."

"Revered my foot!" I muttered with scorn.

Betty paused and looked her head. She placed a hand on her shoulder and spoke.

"Amelia," she continued. "You should have just ignored what you saw back there. See, I get you were upset by what Tristan did. Trust me, I was too but I knew better than butt in."

"What you saw back there earlier is a tip of the iceberg. It's more like a regular occurrence in my our school." Betty calmly explained to me.

I raised my hands in total surrender.

"Okay, okay, I get your point. Fine, I shouldn't have intervened but then, you mentioned something about some starlight. I didn't get that." I stated with confusion.

"I bet you don't know a thing about the famous four starlights. The starlight is a boy group and are popularly known as STARS that is, a combination of their initials." Betty said and clapped her hands with excitement like one about to narrate a really important story.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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