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Elina had sat on the hill staring blankly at the book in her hand. She laid on her back, and placed her hand over her eyes. Soon she fell asleep. She sub consciously rolled to her side to get into a more comfortable position and suddenly fell off the hill.

Her eyes flew opened and before she could figure out what was happening, she came crashing at the other side of the hill. She stood up weakly, staggered a bit, her forehead creased and took a deep breath. She stared at the bruises on her and frowned. Luckily she didn't break any bone.

She twisted her neck, dusted her clothes and turned to climb the hill back home when she heard a loud growl.

She panicked, her eyelids flustered and she whipped her head towards the direction of the growl.

What met her eyes was a giant figure with glowing amber eyes. It's striped furs almost blending with the trees. It's large and heavy head shook as it fed on something, probably a prey.

It flicked its tail and turned towards her. She suddenly felt cold and goose pimples appeared on her skin. She blinked her eyes severally, suddenly regained consciousness and ran.

"Why did I sneak out today?" She muttered while squatting beside the tree.

Her body trembled vigorously when she recalled the appearance of the giant beast. She shut her eyes tightly fighting back her tears.

She opened her eyes slightly and stared at the canopies formed by the huge branches of the trees, blocking sunlight from reaching the forest.

She listened to capture any sound or movement but heard nothing. About to heave a sigh of relief, she heard the g.....r....r.....r.

It rumbled through the trees and she shook violently. Not waiting any longer, she ran straight into the denser part of the forest, mindless of the thorns scratching her skin.

She kept running until she met a thick, tall barrier of mosses extending a great height. The mosses were sticking thickly together.

"What is this? Where am I". She murmured.

Tears flowed steadily down her cheeks. She wiped her tears with the back of her palm, sniffing constantly.

Her eyes were blurred with tears that she didn't notice the creature standing some feet behind her

" Mom, Dad. I'm sorry". She sobbed silently.

Turning to return to the path she came from, she was met with those fierce, glowing amber eyes.

A scream escaped her lips. She turned swiftly and crashed into the barrier of mosses

"Ouough!" She screamed.

She shut her eyes eyes and prayed silently waiting for the pain from the tearing of her body into shreds by the horrible creature but the pain didn't come.

Slowly, she opened her eyes but instead of the thick forest, she found herself lying on a wide field of flowers. She stood up abruptly and gasped in horror at the sight before her.

" Is this another world?".

Surrounding her was a large area of land covered with flowers of different colours, emitting cool and refreshing fragrance.

"So I died". She murmured to herself.

"The tiger killed me". She sat on the ground, tears streamed down her face.

"Nooooo!". She screamed, pulling her hair like a crazy person.

Her eyes were swollen and painful.

"M....o...m! D....a....d!". She kept screaming and rolled herself on the ground.

She wanted to assure herself she wasn't dead but recalling those movies she'd seen, where dead people appeared in fields of flowers, she was certain that should be her situation.

Her legs weakened and she collapsed. She didn't know how long she cried. She slowly stood up, staggered forward as her vision became blurred from her tears.

She didn't walk for long before she saw several aged human and few young ones.

"Not only did I die in the hands of a beast but met the aged in the world beyond".

Their stares were terrifying. She blinked severally then stepped back.

" Where am I going?"

"Since I'm with the dead, I should get acquainted with them, who knows, they might teach me how to become a guardian angel for my family".

She took a deep breath, glanced around, opened her mouth to speak but no word came out.

"Welcome child, we've awaited your arrival for a l...on..g time". One of the old men spoke. His eyes squinted slightly as he spoke.

"So they've been waiting for my death?". She thought in disgust.

"Who knows? They might have sent the tiger to kill me". She sneered in her mind

"Son, please bring her with us". The man beckoned on a young man.

He was tall, muscular and with a rounded face. His short hair fell to his forehead. He smiled at her and walked towards her.

" Don't come close to me". She stepped back from him.

"Why would you send a tiger to kill me?" She glared angrily at him.

" It's the most horrible way to die. My family can't even see my body for the last time". The tears she'd fought back came rolling.

The young man looked at her confusedly. He doesn't understand her words.

What tiger? What death? He stared at her deeply, then turned to the aged man hoping to get an explanation.

The old man nudged his head towards her and he immediately understood.

"I'm Jason Hemeith". He extended his hand towards her.

" It's okay to have a companion in this world of the dead. My death can't be reversed". With the thought, she wiped her tears, then stretched her hand and gave him a handshake.

" I was Elina". She shrugged her shoulder, forcing a smile.

"Was?". He stared at her intently, his eyebrows pulled up together. He stepped back with his eyes wide opened.

" How can the dead know fear?". She muttered in dissatisfaction, though loud enough to be heard by him.

He glared at her fiercely and tightened his lips.

"Who's dead?.

"Aren't we dead?". She asked.

He widened his eyes in shock.

" Pa! What's going on?".

The old man doesn't seem to be affected by the interaction between the young people. His wrinkled face was filled with smiles.

" Let's go home, we're too weak to stand for long". The old man beckoned on them, turned and strode forward while others followed.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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