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C4 Chapter 4

"Now you tell me that I can't?" he smiled teasingly.

Is kissing me just a game for him? Maybe? Because he's still smiling.

I felt like I was going to cry but I quickly wiped it with my little finger.

"Why did you do that?" I asked calmly. But I am trying my best not to cry.

"You said I can't,"his compelling reason. I looked at him in disbelief.

"Really, Sean?" My voice cracked. But no, I will not cry. I calmed myself down and looked at him directly.

" Why did you do that?" I repeated.

"Because you said I can't, I just proved that I can," he said, avoiding my eyes.

I laughed out loud. So he just did that to prove that he can? Wow! Just wow!

"I know you're angry," he said like he know I really am.

"I'm really angry, Sean," I answer seriously.


"Can you please return my first kiss?" I asked him without thinking.

He suddenly looked at me directly because of what I said. His eyes widened and his mouth fell open.

"Is that t-true?" he asked in disbelief.

I don't want to hear his answer anymore so I just chose to stand up and leave him there, alone.

I don't want to cry in front of him and let him see me weak. No way! I just chose to go inside the house.

"Hey, Yang? Where's Sean?" Mia asked the moment I stepped in the house.

Here it is again! They are asking for someone else.

Can't they even once ask me 'Hey leah? Where have you been? Why are you alone now? ' .

But no, I don't think I'm really that important. Well, who am I? Just a woman who likes to pretend and cry in silent.

But why am I still hurting? I'm used to this scene. I was the one who disappeared for a long time but when I com back, they will look for someone else.

I was the one who didn't let them know that I am leaving because I thought they would be worried but I have proven several times that they are not worried. They will never be.

But it's okay. I'm used to it. I passed them on the dining table and I walked over to the sofa and sat down.

"Sean's outside," I answered coldly. Shocks! I don't even want to answer it.

Sean entered just in time.

"Oh, Sean? Where did you go?" Mia asked.

Sean looked at me before answering to Mia's question.

"I just find fresh airs outside," he answered and sat down at the dining table where they are eating lunch.

"Eat now, Sean," said Jully-ann.

Oh, how sweet are they to him. Sean is the only one that matters,huh? I see.

It doesn't matter, I'm used to it.

I just ignored them like how they ignored me. I just sat on the floor and lay down. I don’t care even if it’s dirty. I took my cellphone and just facebooked.

I have 0 message. 0 notification. My account is really really amazing. Just like my life. Wew.


But as I always say, I'm used to it.

If there is a message in my messenger, it's a group chat and if there is also a notification, just tagged by unscrupulous people whom I don't even know.

Thick faced, I know.

So when I facebooked, I just scroll up and down. Just like I do now. I'm busy scrolling when someone texted me.

Eat here.

A text by Winlab, my cousin. Who's now eating in the dining table together with our friends.

Is this your house? The courage to invite me, huh?

I replied. No one has yet responded to my reply. That witch!

Pride! Pride! Pride!

Finally, she replied but a wrong reply. How dare she text me that? I am not using my pride here.

They just don't really care about me. Duh!

I am not like you, bruh! Thick faced!

After I sent that, I suddenly heard Winlab's loud laugh at the dining table. I turned to her and was shocked that they were all looking at me except Bryce.

"Who are you texting Winlab? Why are you laughing alone there?" Bryce asked Winlab but Winlab just laughed at him.

I was taken aback by the stare of them all on me so I turned around again. I texted Winlab again.

Laugh until you got choked by what are you eating, bruh!

I laughed at my text to her. I am not hoping that she will get choked by her food, tho.

I opened my messenger to see her reply.

It's just hunger, eat that hunger in here. Alright, if you don't eat, you'll look ugly.

I raised my brows at her reply and laughed lightly. Crazy woman.

Isn't that good for us to look alike?

"Excuse meeeeeeeeeeee?" I suddenly sat down because Winlab suddenly shouted. She stood up and waved.

"Excuse me, Couz? Are you trying to say that I'm ugly? Huh? Is that what you mean?" She shouted artfully.

I wanted to laugh at her face now but I couldn't because they were all looking at me seriously. So I just stood up and walked to the door but before I left I looked at Winlab first.

"Maybe." I laughed and left. I could still hear Winlab screaming inside but I ignored her and just went straight to the gate.

"Uncle Guard, I'll come out," I informed the guard.

"Where are you going, Miss Leah?" Uncle guard asked.

"I'm going home, Uncle guard," I answered directly because I really wanna go home.

It's suffocating here.

"But the party hasn't started yet." He even scratched his head as if embarrassed.

I laughed at his cute reaction.

"I'm not going to party and I'm not from here," I said sadly but I was still able to smile at him at last.

"Uncle guard, please open it," I pleaded.

"All right. He nodded and opened the gate and faced me.

"Wait a minute, Ma'am, I'll get you a taxi," he said and was about to turn around when I stopped him.

"I'm not a kid anymore, Uncle guard, so no need. And it's not part of your job to serve me because I'm not your boss." I smiled and turned away.

"But Ma'am Leah, you're Miss Jully-ann's friend." I looked at him.

"It's really okay, Uncle guard. You can go back inside now." I smiled at him once more and continued walking.

I never heard him protest so I knew he had gone inside.

It's not hard to find a taxi here outside Jully-ann's house so I got on it right away. I told the driver my address and boarded. I reached my house in less than 30 minutes. I thanked the driver and paid.

I took the key from my bag and opened the house. My quiet home greeted me. I sat on the sofa and when I felt my stomach rumble I went to the kitchen and looked for food. It's a good thing I still have food left over this morning.

I'm currently eating when my cellphone rang so I looked at this. Winlab was calling.

" Where are you?" Her voice was serious.

I swallowed the food in my mouth before answering.


"I asked first. Where in the Earth are you?" She shouted so I was stunned.

"What's the matter with you? Why are you shouting?" My complaint.

"Just tell me where are you?" Her voice was still serious. I just gasped.

"At home," I answered reluctantly and snorted.

"Why did you go home? Do you know they're looking for you?"

Oh? Really? Ah, yeah, right. Pigs can also fly.

"Tsk! What a lie!" I mumbled.

"Are you eating?" She suddenly asked.

"Hmm," I answered while chewing.


"Are you crazy, Winlab? You used to shout but now you're mumbling? I can't really understand you anymore," I scolded her.

"Wait, we'll go to your house."

"Wait--" I didn't finish what I was about to say because she already ended the call.

"Shocks! The guts to call me then end the call without letting me know!" My complaint in my head.

I just ate while waiting for her. I finished my food but she still didn't come so I washed first the place where I ate but after that she still didn't come yet.

I just sat on the couch while waiting for her. It's been an hour but she still hasn't come so I called her but couldn't contact her.

I've had a few calls but I can't really get in touch so I just let it go.

"Maybe she'll not go," I convinced myself and calmed myself.

I really hate it when I'll wait for someone who wouldn't come.

I just went up to my room and lay down on the bed. I picked up my laptop and logged in.

As usual there are still no messages and notifications. So as usual too, I just scrolled up and down on facebook.

I also scrolled for a long time when I saw Mia's picture posts with Jully-ann, Earl, Bryce, Sean, Daniel, and Winlab with a caption...

'Best friend goals.'

Wew. The caption please.

I faked a smile at what I saw, they were all in the swimming pool, they looked happy. The fun they have, just amazing.

I touched my cheek when I felt something dripping. No! No! I am not gonna cry.

'They're happy.'

Words went back and forth in my mind as I looked at the pictures of them all. I couldn't even look at their pictures so I just scrolled down.

Until I think of posting a status.


After I posted that I folded my laptop without logging out. I arranged to lie down on my bed and took my cellphone and did a sound trip.

This is also one of my hobbies to do the sound trip when I know the song I'm singing with it. I don't care if anyone hears me, as long as I know the song, I will sing the song until I get tired.

After the sound trip that I think lasted thirty minutes, I turned off the music and turned on my laptop again.

I was surprised that I had 1 message and 30 notifications. Unbelievable ! I opened my notifications first and I was surprised at the amount of reactions and comments on my post.


540 reactions


"Whoahh." Just what I said.

I read the comments one by one. It's all the same. I'm lucky because I have a good life. Shocks! I want to tell them ‘Hey! You don't know me, don't judge me. My life is notgood, if you only knew. ’

But I chose not to. It's up to them what they say as long as I want to convey something different in that post. Of the many comments I read I did not read the name of any of my friends.

They just liked my post. It's not shocking. They'll all having fun right now.

I wouldn't have looked at my message because I knew it was just a group chat but something was really pushing me to open it so I finally opened it, too.

I was surprised because it wasn’t a group chat.

"Jm? Jm Pangilinan?" I read his name. I opened his message.

JmPangilinan: Hi?

I don't know this man but I don't have one to spend my boredom too so I replied.

LeahGurez: Zup, Man?

JmPangilinan: You're beautiful.

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