My Sassy President/C4 Chapter IV: Assistants
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My Sassy President/C4 Chapter IV: Assistants
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C4 Chapter IV: Assistants

Chapter IV: Assistants

Shao Yunchen rolled up the sleeves of his shirt, revealing his skinny arms, "Let me cook tonight."

"An apron." Lu Yao tiptoed to take off the apron that was hanging on the shelf and tried to tie it to him. "Your shirt is white, so it's hard to wash when you splash oil on it."

Shao Yunchen glanced at her and turned around. She quickly tied on his apron.

Because both of them had to do household chores, she had bought an apron that was bigger than the previous one. Although he was tall, it was still rather comical to wear it on.

Lu Yao didn't go out either. She just leaned on the kitchen door and watched his busy figure. No matter how well-nourished a man was, even doing this sort of work was particularly pleasing to the eyes. "Erm, why did you come back today?"

Lu Yao thought that he had come back yesterday and would probably not be back today, although the two of them had agreed that unless Shao Yunchen went on a business trip, he would have to go home every Sunday.

Shao Yunchen did not turn around. He was busy washing vegetables. "Today is Sunday."

"Oh." Lu Yao's eyes dimmed.

As expected, if it wasn't for the contract, he wouldn't even have returned to his apartment, right?

"Did you call me this morning?" Shao Yunchen asked and explained, "The assistant answered the call and said that someone was looking for me. I checked my phone and found that it was you."


Would any assistant address their boss as' Brother Chen 'so intimately?

"I just want to ask if you're coming back." "Why didn't you save my number?" Lu Yao still didn't say anything. Just hearing what he said made her feel uncomfortable. She turned around and walked into the living room.

Lu Yao was browsing on Weibo in boredom, but after watching for a while, she was very annoyed. She couldn't help but click on Baidu.

When she came back to her senses, she found that Baidu was "husband does not have my number why", or "husband's assistant to the husband close" and so on.

She couldn't help but click on the long list of replies. For example, be careful when your husband is cheating, quickly check your husband's phone for evidence and get a divorce. At least you can get more money … Her heart ached as she smiled.

At this moment, Shao Yunchen came out of the kitchen with a dish and called out to her, "Come over for dinner."

"Alright." Lu Yao quickly turned off her cell phone.

The two of them ate in silence. Lu Yao kept looking at Shao Yunchen with a complicated look in her eyes, but she didn't say anything.

Shao Yunchen washed the dishes after the meal and then went back to his bedroom.

He should be very busy lately. He went to bed after taking a shower. When Lu Yao came back with a face mask, Shao Yunchen had already fallen asleep with his back facing her. Lu Yao felt as if they were separated by a mountain.

Lu Yao looked at Shao Yunchen's phone on the bedside table. After standing there for a long time, she finally couldn't hold it in anymore and quietly took it over.

She had used Shao Yunchen's phone before when taking photos, so she knew the password.

After entering the password, Lu Yao casually flipped through it. It wasn't anything much, as most of the emails were for work, so she didn't understand much of it. When she reached the text message, she held her breath.

It was a text message, written with just a few words: [Brother Chen, thank you for today. When you have time again, I will definitely treat you to a good meal.]

Fu Xuezi?

Was it the assistant's name? Or another woman?

Lu Yao didn't know what she felt when she saw this message. If it wasn't important, Shao Yunchen would have deleted it long ago. She turned off the phone and put it back on the bedside table.

Looking at his broad back, Lu Yao couldn't help but put her arm around his waist.

In the next second, her hands were gently pulled back, and the man even shifted his body a little, trying to put some distance between them.

Lu Yao felt her heart ache from his actions.

Last night, he had wanted her so badly. She couldn't even hug him today?

Was there nothing between them but the piece of paper and his physical needs?

Perhaps, Lu Yao thought, she would ask for a divorce when she was done with her father's business.

Four years was too long for her to wait.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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