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He closed his eyes immediately. As if he would suddenly pass out again. A heavy sigh escaped his lips as I watched him, still stunned.

"How did you meet him again?" I asked Xavi.

About ten hearty broad-chested guys were beating him blue-black. He was pleading. I wasn't able to ask him questions, Mum. I hope he wakes up soon." Xavi hissed, worrisomely.

"Aww! That's terrible. But how sure are you sure that he's not one of them? I mean, he could also be a member of that gang. Who knows? You should be careful with whomever you help. Not everyone has a good heart, okay?"

"M..mum!" his voice cracked. "Like seriously? I thought you of all people would praise me and say, well done, son."

"Whatever, Xavi. I'm sleepy and starving. I need to go home immediately. " I lied with a lazy yawn. "I'll take care of his bills. Just make sure you don't get too involved with him, okay?" I warned.

"And why shouldn't I?" I heard him ask, but I took my handbag and held it in my hand.

"You're so impossible, mum!" He scoffed.

"Don't stay too late, Xavi. See you at home. I painted a soft perk on his cheek and walked out.

I couldn't spend one more second in that room with that mysterious boy. Whoever he is, he needs to get out of our lives as soon as possible. I climbed into my car as my driver and bodyguards took me home. Throughout the drive, I was thinking about him. There's something strange about him. I don't know what it is exactly, but I don't like it. I don't like him. He will leave our lives when he gets well. Forever.

Getting into my castle-like mansion. I walked into my room to take Kate off the black skirt suit I was wearing. Wearing this could tire, despite the years of work and a. I should be used to this by now. I whooshed out a tired breath and took off my clothes. With a snowy towel wrapped up my chest, I walked into the bathroom to Kate a nice warm shower. It felt relaxing. I put on a simple gown and walked downstairs for dinner. Just then, Xavi walked in.

"Wow! You came just in time, son. Join me." My voice sounded excited.

Xavi walked towards me looking all worked up.

"No mum. I'm famished." He sighed heavily and wanted to walk upstairs, but he turned to me.

"And about Chase, the guy in the hospital... He woke up." A small smile lightened up his face before he turned away. Walking upstairs into his room.

Vertical wrinkles may appear between my thin eyebrows as another sigh escapes my lips.

'Ugh! I can't wait for him to get well so he'd disappear from our lives.' Thinking about him, I remembered clearly, that he introduced himself as Chase the last time we met. Chase or whatever. I'm not interested in knowing him. I gulped down a glass of water and walked upstairs, into my room.

Before going to bed, I changed into a pink transparent nightgown and put on lip balm on my fully chapped lips. After that, I brushed my hair with a big-toothed comb. I took out my diary from the drawer of my table mirror and also a pen. Well, you know not everyone keeps a journal but, when I write, I plan things and I'm able to take some things off my mind. Something like Chase.

Staring at the blank lines of my diary, I thought of what word to start with. Before entering, it felt as if I had tons of things to write about, but right now; I feel empty. Blank. Just like the page in front of me.

09th September.

Today felt sour. Work was good but, I met Chase again. I hope I won't have to meet him now that he's gained consciousness.

I closed the diary and placed it back in my drawer. Welling into my soft, master-sized bed was the best feeling ever. It was the best part of my day. I turned on classical music on my phone as I let the thought cloud in my head. It was hectic. Although I didn't do much I hope tomorrow will be better. Thinking about tomorrow, ugh! I'll be going to Cecelia's place for therapy.


The early risers chirped to the morning sunbeams peeking through the clouds. Colorful birds performed their rituals, making the cool breeze blow through the white curtains. The light of dawn seeped into the beautiful mansion. With brightness covering the natural and man-made creations, the first rays of sun beamed through the window.

A smile formed on my lips as I gently opened my eyes. Stretching out of bed like a lazy cat, I went into my gym room to exercise my body. After an hour, I took my bath and prepared for the day.

The laundry maid brought a variety of suits, from which I picked a deep orange-colored suit and a white laced innerwear to complement the colours. As it is, I love light and dark colours equally and I love mixing them both whenever I dress. With white stilettos and grabbed my white Michael Kors, medium satchel handbag and stormed out.

A couple of maids lined up and bowed in respect as they greeted good morning, but I walked downstairs, hoping Xavi hadn't left already. As it is, he wakes earlier and leaves without checking on me, which I find depressing, but not today.

"Good morning Mum!" Xavi greeted me from the dining table. He had breakfast, which was bacon, egg, cheese, and tea.

"Good morning, son." A smile found its way to my lips as I joined the table.

"I thought you'd gone already. I acknowledged, watching the server serving me.

"I slept late last night and perhaps I was so tired. I don't like going without seeing you too." He admitted with a smile on his face.

It was so beautiful knowing my son cared about me as well. I joined in the smile, taking a handsome bite.

Xavi took a sip from his cup and looked at the time on his Rolex wristwatch.

"Aww! I'm fucking late mum! I need to go now!" He stood up vividly and placed a kiss on my cheek.

"See you later son, take care."

"Okay, mum. Umm... I would pay Chase a visit after work to see how he's faring. I might come late, okay? Don't bother waiting for me today... I'll call you!" He muttered as he walked out. I wanted to say something, but I felt lost in it.

I couldn't eat much, knowing I had a busy day ahead too. I grabbed my bag and stepped out. My bodyguards were waiting, and the cars were prepared. I got on as the driver turned on the wheels. I checked my phone, answering some important messages and emails, mostly from other company owners.

In a blink, a message popped up on my phone screen. It was from Arielle Smith. Doctor Arielle Smith. She's a close friend of mine and also a psychiatrist at Huntington Memorial Hospital. She's my best friend and therapist. Arielle advised I come for therapy with her every 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. every Friday. Well, it's been five years since we started this therapy and there's no improvement. I mean, it's just a waste of time, don't you think?

Dropping at my special VIP parking lot, I walked into the building, which was a 70-storey building. All in shiny marbles and transparent glasses. I looked at the tall building with 'UNITY COOPERATION' boldly written on it, before walking in, knowing my office was at the 70th-story building.

My manager, Evelyn, followed me with a file hugged to her chest.

"Good morning ma'am." She greeted and joined me, along with my guards. We wanted to take the lift so the people who bought it stepped out willingly and respectfully. I thanked them with a small smile.

"But why?" I heard the man, whispered to a lady in a purple gown.

"Are you blind? Can't you see she's the boss? She owns this cooperation!" The woman replied.

Walking out of the elevator, I got into a conference room where a meeting had already started.

After the three-hour meeting, I went to Huntington Memorial Hospital for my appointment with Elle. With my bodyguards, of course. They flow to me almost everywhere except inside my house, office, and other places. They just stand behind me and make sure no harm befalls me. I don't need them, but to a point, they're useful.

Getting to Elle's office, the guards walked in a line from behind as I walked in.

"Hey!" I started.

"Hello!" We greeted ourselves with a welcoming hug.

"Nice you're able to make it this week." Elle smiled at me.

She had dark eyes and brunette, brown hair that fitted her fair skin so well. Elle is just a month older than me and she has three grown-up kids and a crippled marriage that feels like hell.

Well, marriage is not an ado-or-die affair, as I tell her but, she prefers being a married woman and enduring all the pain of being a single mum like I am. Whatever...

Toying with the flowers on her table, Elle watched me with her black, delicate eyes, and then she glared. Her cylindrical reading glasses made her look even scarier, but I don't care. I just admired the flowers without looking at her.

Another issue came up again, isn't it? From your expressions, you look troubled." Her voice sounded like a parent scolding a child. I still didn't look at her. Instead, I tucked my black, shiny hair to the back, avoiding her haughty glare.

"Whether it's a patient, a guardian, counselor, or just a client, as long as you're alive, you also deserve happiness, just like everyone else." She pressed.

"Yeah, I know." I nodded playfully in agreement with her last word. "I had a painful past and I still blame myself that my mum and son are probably dead by now. I understand I need to forget about the past and move on with life, and that is what I'm doing, Elle. Just because I don't go on arranged dates and hookups with men doesn't mean I'm not happy. Ugh!"

A soft sigh escaped my lips as my eyes scrolled through the four corners of her office in disgust.

"Don't you find this conversation boring? Let's talk about our sons instead, uh?" I suggested with a little smile.

"How about we talk about what happened when you were 15 years old? I tugged my hair from my ears again, with a confused look. The story you told me when you came in for counseling five years ago. It's already twenty-five years now. Don't you think it's time to get married at least? You're almost 40, Ally. And still single. Should I hook you up with someone?" Elle looked at me closely with seriousness in her eyes.

A smile spread across my lips, watching how concerned she was about me.

"My son saved someone's life today. I've never seen Xavi care for anyone like that before. Isn't that strange?" I asked with a sincere smile. I went to see the guy. "We even spent three hours waiting for the doctors. He had bullets and bruises. Somehow, I'm not comfortable around this guy. I just have this awkward feeling, you know?"

"Let's just talk about you right now." She begged.

I softly munched on my lower lips, my eyes watched the tiny table clock before me.

Tick-tock-tick-tock... And midnight. struck.

"Time's up!" I notified with a satisfying smirk. Let's have another meaningless meeting like this next week. I smiled at her face and stood up from the chair with my handbag on my arm. I walked out of her office.

"Bye, sweetie!" She waved at me, but I didn't give any reply. How annoying? I walked out of the hospital and went to my car. I couldn't help but think about the annoying hook-ups she'd fixed me on. The men turned out to be the opposite of who I wanted.

Leonard Castillo, the first guy she hooked me up with, was a gangster. I accepted him, knowing fully well that he was into illegal drugs and all. At our wedding, while taking the vows, Leo told me he couldn't marry me because I wasn't his type. He ended up giving the wedding ring to a guest's finger. That was the most humiliating day of my life. Yes, the blonde was his perfect match because she had tattoos like him.

Next was Andrew Declan, a television producer. He was decent, handsome, and interesting to be with. I thought he was the one until one night; he burst his bubble of secret. He's married to two women and already has five baby mamas who are also in the entertainment industry. And that his wives warned thhimthemf if he broke up with someone, they'd divorce him.

I cried so much that night. A relationship of 18 months ended up like that. I almost committed suicide from that heartbreak. The third one asked me to quit my job and become a full stay-at-home parent. Ugh! Thank God he told me that on our first date. I do hate relationships. I just want to be alone for now. With Xavi by my side, I knew I would be a proud mum and there was nothing better than that.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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