Myrtle Blooms/C40 He Was Furious
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Myrtle Blooms/C40 He Was Furious
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C40 He Was Furious

Song Min stared coldly at Cow Kill Pig: "Cow Kill Pig, every time you do bad things behind the scenes, be careful you will get retribution. We don't owe you money. What are you screaming about here? "

Niu Sha and Zhu were a little afraid of Song Min, so they took two steps back in fear. "I. . . I am here to seek justice for everyone. Now that you have money, you should pay them back. "

Song Min ignored the slaughter of the cows and pigs. Instead, he turned his head to look at the villagers. "Everyone, it's not that you don't know what kind of character I, Song Min, have. After so many years, have I ever lied to you? "

" Old village chief, we know that you didn't lie to us. But we don't want to be poor anymore. " A villager said in embarrassment.

Song Min glanced at the villager with anger on his face. "Don't we want you to have money now? We wanted you to invest in the company from the beginning, but you did not agree. Now that we're getting better, you guys come and make things difficult for us. If you push us too hard, you won't be able to get rich either. "

" If you can't get rich, then you won't get rich. You don't want us to get rich, you just care about you " Niu Sha and Zhu interrupted again.

Song Min was furious. He shouted at Niu Sha and Pig, "Actually, the one who doesn't want us to get rich the least is Niu Sha and Pig. Yesterday, he said he would give me 3,000 yuan for the convenience fee and asked me to secretly invest in the headquarters for him. I didn't agree, so he did something bad in secret. And last time, when he asked Zhenhua to run the Poverty Department, He said that he would give Zhenhua a thousand yuan, but Zhenhua refused. Not only does he want Zhenhua to return the one thousand yuan he borrowed previously, but he also wants to hurt us everywhere. "

"Everyone, think about it. How many bad things have Niu Sha and Zhu said about us in front of you during this period of time? He even went to the Poverty Altering Team to sue us, saying that we want to corrupt the money of the Poverty Altering Team. " The more Song Min spoke, the angrier he became. "If it wasn't for that bastard Niu Sha, the poverty alleviation team would have helped us think of a way to set up the Hope Cooperation Company. At that time, it would be a village business. "

"Because Niu Sha Zhu did bad things, our Luoshan Village missed such a good opportunity for nothing. We need to raise funds and raise it ourselves. Do you know how hard it is for us to get this loan? My two sons have not returned home yet. And they won't talk to us two old fellows. Tian Shiming and Chen Xuecai had pawned the house at home. Mo Huazhen was so angry that she wanted to divorce Chen Xuecai. Don't you know?"

Everyone looked at each other. Song Min was right.

During this period of time, Niu Sha Zhu had been talking bad about the Hope Cooperation Association.

If it wasn't because Niu Sha Zhu had instilled bad ideas into them, they might have also invested in the Hope Cooperation Company.

Song Min had told everyone before that they could invest in one or half shares, or a few people could join together to invest in one share. This was not a problem. As long as everyone wanted to set up the Hope Cooperation Company together, it would be fine.

But at that time, everyone had listened to Niu Sha's slander and thought that Liu Zhenhua's project was a joke. It would not succeed, so no one participated.

Only later on, Chen Xuecai and Tian Shiming had grown up and agreed to work at the cooperative and let the cooperative owe money first.

Not to mention anything else, even that day, Chen Xuecai and the others each borrowed thirty thousand dollars and even used their house as collateral. Niu Sha and Zhu Sha were still laughing at them.

All of this was caused by Niu Sha and Zhu Sha.

At this time, the way everyone looked at Niu Sha and Zhu Sha was different.

"Niu Sha, it's you who intentionally wanted to harm us. You lied to us that we would continue to be poor. " Someone shouted.

"I. . . I'm not. Don't listen to Song Min's nonsense. " Niu Sha said guiltily.

Liu Zhenhua said, "Everyone must still be puzzled about the branch club's matter. Then I'll explain it to you. When we were building the cooperative club here, It's already destined that we can't expand our production by too much. I have also discussed with Uncle Song, if you are interested. . . You can become our branch at home, and you can come and learn our brewing techniques. After that, you can brew the wine according to our request and sell it at our winery. "

"However, we need to sign a contract. The quality of the wine you provide must be up to standard. In addition, we'll charge 10% of the advertising fee for selling the wine. Perhaps you feel that it is very unreasonable to deduct the fee from here. But think about it, we need to sell it outside. . . It's going to cost a lot of money. In addition, the technique to brew the Blue Feather Wine. . . The Song Clan took it out, and they lost money as well. "

Niu Sha and the pig listened. Liu Zhenhua said this and said with a cold smile: "Then why can't you let us join the headquarters? Didn't you allow us to enter a few shares?"

Niu Sha and Zhu were having an evil idea again. If they used a few quotas to cause a huge disturbance among the villagers, it would also be very good.

When Song Ming heard this, he was furious. He wanted to find a broom to beat Niu Sha and Zhu Sha.

This Niu Sha and Zhu Sha were really not ordinary people. He would make Niu Sha and Zhu Sha regret it.

"Uncle Song, don't be rash. " Liu Zhenhua hurriedly pulled Song Min.

Then, Liu Zhenhua said to Niu Sha Zhu, "I thought about it just now and felt that it's not impossible for someone to enter the headquarters' shares. "

When the villagers heard Liu Zhenhua say this, their eyes lit up.

Investing in shares in the headquarters was definitely better than joining the branch.

Liu Zhenhua glanced at the crowd and said slowly, "As you all know, the shareholders in front of us have worked hard for so many days. The risk in front of us is very high. We have all taken it. If you want to invest now, you can't just charge another 30,000 yuan. "

"How much should we charge?" Niu Sha and Zhu looked at Liu Zhenhua nervously. His thin body seemed like it was going to be blown away by the wind.

"I think if we invest now, it will be sixty thousand RMB per share. Of course, I have never asked the other shareholders. I don't know what their intentions are. " Liu Zhenhua turned back to look inside in embarrassment. Chen Xuecai and Tian Shiming were feeding pigs now.

However, Chen Xuecai and the others had been paying attention to the situation here. When they heard Liu Zhenhua say this, they also ran over and said, "We agree. Previously, we worked so hard to set up the cooperative. Now that we can make money, we should be able to earn the shares. "

"Isn't this sixty thousand a little too much?" Niu Sha and Zhu interrupted again.

"Too much? Then you can also be a cooperative, or you can make your own Feng Zi wine and build your own pig farm. You can earn money by yourself. Why are you joining us? " Chen Xuecai was still very smart. He immediately found the problem.

Of course, Liu Zhenhua had not thought of this problem. But he was the village director. There were some things that were not convenient to say.

"Can we do it ourselves?" Some villagers talked to themselves.

"Impossible. " Niu Sha shook his head and said, "The best technique to brew the Blue Feather Wine is the Song Family.

The key is not to make wine, but to promote the Feng Zi Wine. Zhenhua is studying in the provincial capital, so he must know a lot of people. This time, he went to the provincial capital for a few days, and when he came back, he could sell five hundred catties of wine. The other party directly paid for it. If we were to promote it, we would definitely not be able to find the right way. "

Niu Sha's words hit everyone's heads. Actually, feeding the pig with alcohol was something that everyone had thought of before. But the problem was how to sell the wine.

In the past, Song Min's network was so good that he only dared to raise two rows of pigs, unlike Liu Zhenhua, who raised more than 200 pigs.

They estimated that if they continued to produce like this, they would continue to raise pigs.

A villager nodded and said: "Xucai's words make sense. They previously invested 30,000 yuan, but now that they are doing it, if we want to invest another 30,000 yuan, they will definitely not agree. We don't have the technology or the connections, so we should just follow the old village director and Zhenhua. It's okay to build a branch in our own house, I agree. "

Because if we build it in our own house, we don't need that much money. We can solve it with around 10,000 yuan.

When Niu Sha and Zhu saw this, they gritted their teeth and said: "Old village director, I'm willing to enter your shares. When the time comes, you have to give me an average share of the money that I earn. "

Liu Zhenhua said, "You can invest in it, but first, we have to make it clear that you want to send someone to work with us. If no one comes to the cooperative to help, then you have to give another 3,000 dollars a month. Moreover, our cooperative still has risks. Making money now doesn't necessarily mean making money in the future. You have to consider it carefully too. "

Liu Zhenhua secretly welcomed Niu Sha and Zhu investing another sixty thousand yuan into the co-operatives.

To be honest, even though they had borrowed one hundred and twenty thousand, they still lacked funds.

The pig farm needed to build a sow house, and they also needed to build a production house. All of this required money.

In the past, because they did not have money, they did not do many things. When they had money, they would slowly build it up.

"What? Liu Zhenhua, you are targeting me. Why do I have to pay you three thousand a month?! " Niu Sha and Zhu jumped up angrily, waving their hands in the air.

Their family did not have any extra labor. Besides selling some pork for him, Niu Zhifeng usually had nothing to do. His wife would not come to do this kind of farm work.

Song Min coldly snorted and looked at Niu Sha. "Niu Sha and Zhu, what did we do just now? We were feeding the pigs. We also invested money into the cooperative, but we have to come to the cooperative to work every day. Why don't you come and work? If you don't want to work, you have to pay. How can there be such a good thing?"

Li Shuilian angrily ran out of the house. "Do you people still have any conscience? I will give you the secret recipe passed down in my family. I didn't ask you for money, but now you are complaining that you have abandoned me. Where is your conscience? If you have the ability, go and set up a cooperative. Don't you have the money to kill pigs? You can do it yourself. What are you doing here?"

Li Shuilian's words made the villagers lower their heads. Actually, what Liu Zhenhua said was not too much.

To put it bluntly, Liu Zhenhua and the rest were at a huge disadvantage.

Now that they had borrowed money, they were also making money. Why should they make money?

Now, Liu Zhenhua and the others had promised to teach them how to brew the son wine and raise pigs for free. When that time came, everyone would be tied up and sold together. Where could they find such a good thing?

"Old village chief, it's our fault. We don't have much money either. According to what you said, we should build a branch at home. The risk is relatively lower. " Only then did the villagers understand the painstaking efforts of Liu Zhenhua and the others.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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