Naked Vampire/C2 The castle 2
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Naked Vampire/C2 The castle 2
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C2 The castle 2

It wasn’t funny anymore!- Was this the place my dad had brought me to? Was this where I was going to be spending my Christmas? It looked like a serial killer’s hideout!..

I turned to my dad angrily;

“This building looks like it was built a thousand years ago! You said you were taking me to one of your research centers dad!”

“Yes and I did exactly that son, this building is actually a thousand years old as you just guessed and it is my most important research center”

Was he kidding right now? This horrid looking building?!

“Is there an hotel around here for us to Lodge or something? Or is an helicopter coming to pick us up?”

“What are you saying son? We are staying inside there. I know it looks very unattractive on the outside but-“

Unattractive! Unappealing! Revolting! This building deserved worse than all of those expressions.It wasn’t even funny anymore!

“Does it look better on the inside?”

“Not exactly son”

“Oh my God! What the hell! And stop calling me son in that weird tone of yours, it only makes all of this more annoying”

He reached for me and put his right arm across my shoulder like as if he was trying to comfort me or something. I raised my head up to look at him, he looked back at me.

“I am sorry son. I am guessing this wasn’t what you had pictured in your mind when I told you we would spend the Christmas together. But I just feel like we need to spend more time together and that is why I decided to bring you here to show you what I do for a living and also to see if you would take a liking to it..”

“Its alright Dad. I don’t want to be too much of a bother to you, after all you are trying to make things better”

He smiled.

“That’s right my boy! I am absolutely sure you will love it inside of my castle!”

I twitched and turned to him again.

“Your castle? I thought it was a research center?”

“It is a research center, but it is all mine now. I bought the entire building son”.

I laughed loudly as I took one quick glance at the tall castle again- He actually went and bought the entire building- Why?

“Can we just go in now?” I mumbled slowly.

“Of course son” my dad replied happily.

He walked towards the castle and I just stood there staring at him from behind- I couldn’t help but wonder what was inside of the castle; Were there real life Vampires in there? Or did he have the corpses of dead Vampiresin there? I knew my Dad and I could guess that it had to be something pretty interesting for him to love it so much.


The old castle door screeched loudly as my dad pushed it open with all of his might. He turned back to me and yelled;

“Are you ready to meet the vampires?!”…..

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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