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C149 Not Good

"D-grade missions completed 13 times, C-grade 7 times, and B-grade once."

Kabuto rattled off Kankurō's stats as if he were listing treasures from his own collection.

Kankurō couldn't help but glance sideways, surprised that Kabuto knew him so well.

"He's cleared a B-grade mission? Is this guy really that formidable?"

Naruto was astonished, his face a picture of disbelief.

He had just managed to scrape through a C-grade mission, while here was someone who had already tackled a B-grade task solo. What a formidable figure!

"And what about him?"

Sasuke's expression darkened. The thought of someone being stronger than him was intolerable for an avenger like himself.

"Gaara, a Journeyman Ninja from the Sand, abilities unknown, has completed C-grade missions 9 times, B-grade 8 times, and A-grade 14 times!"

Kabuto announced, visibly shaken.

Even though he was already aware of Gaara's true capabilities, the details still left him astounded.


Sasuke's teeth were clenched tight, feeling as if his Uchiha pride had been utterly crushed.

"This guy with the dark circles under his eyes is that strong?!"

Naruto was equally taken aback, his voice coming out dry and raspy.


Sakura murmured to herself, recalling the previous encounter. They had been ready to confront such a formidable person, and the thought sent chills down her spine.


The others in the vicinity couldn't contain their surprise.

Such achievements were beyond the scope of a Journeyman Ninja; even an Elite Ninja would struggle to boast such a record!

Could this guy really be just a Journeyman Ninja?

Doubt sprang up in everyone's minds in an instant.

"And him?"

Sasuke's thoughts abruptly turned to someone else, and he pointed.

There stood Yang Ming, calm and unassuming behind them, his presence barely noticeable.

Without Sasuke's gesture, he might have remained overlooked.

"Gekka Ming!"

Upon spotting Yang Ming, Kabuto's brow furrowed subtly as he pulled out a card.

"Grass Ninja, Ability: Unknown! Number of Missions: Unknown! Combat Record: Unknown!"

After the third consecutive mention of 'unknown,' he was taken aback.

There were only two explanations for the lack of information on this individual: either the person was deceased, or they were a secretive entity known only to select villages and nations.

He opted to believe the latter, for while Yang Ming's detailed profile was absent from the card, he was aware of Yang Ming's identity.

"What's this? No information at all? You don't have any data on this person?"

Naruto's dissatisfaction was evident upon hearing this.

"Kid, you're spouting too much drivel!"

Just then, three Sound Ninjas approached with grim expressions on their faces.

They were Sakura, Tokis, and Kotori.

Tokis wore a chilling expression, hinting at a murderous intent.

"What are you planning to do?!"

Naruto was taken aback, never expecting someone to resort to violence over a simple disagreement!

The trio's icy demeanor made it clear they were not to be provoked.

"Die, you annoying brat. I've had enough of your voice!"

Toshi lashed out abruptly, his right hand wielding a steel pipe.

He struck without a second thought, with reckless abandon.

"Hold on!"

Koutou quickly stepped in front of Naruto, shouting a warning.

But it was too late.

"Buzz buzz..."

An eerie sound wave burst forth from the steel pipe in his grasp, causing Koutou's body to shudder as if he were engulfed in turmoil.


He let out a pained cry as he was hurled through the air.

Crashing to the ground, he was clearly incapacitated.

"Ah, has my battle for the year ended before it even began?"

Koutou's cry was one of sheer misery, his face etched with despair.

Yet, beneath the surface, he shot a meaningful glance at Toshi.

Toshi caught on immediately.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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