Naruto: Wooden Sen SeY Cultivation System/C31 He Is Different from Us!
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Naruto: Wooden Sen SeY Cultivation System/C31 He Is Different from Us!
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C31 He Is Different from Us!


A sharp sound erupted suddenly. Oka Seita hadn't even come close to Yang Ming when he was struck mid-air and sent flying backward.

He soared through the air for a good four or five meters before collapsing to the ground, knocked out cold.

With a single palm strike, Yang Ming had knocked out Oka Seita, and he hadn't moved an inch from where he stood!


The crowd was astounded by the sight.

The young man who had been so eager to teach Yang Ming a lesson was now wearing an expression of utter disbelief.

"Oka Seita may not be the strongest among us, but he's in the top ten. As Katsura Atsuhiro's right-hand man, his skills can't be that poor. And yet, he was just sent flying by a slap from Gekka Ming?"

"It's no wonder Gekka Ming is so bold. He actually has the skills to back it up!"

The onlookers murmured in amazement, their eyes taking in Yang Ming with a newfound respect.

An expert's move reveals their skill, and Yang Ming had just shown his true capabilities, which were clearly not to be underestimated.

The class representative, Fujishima Zyun, had a subtle shift in her demeanor, clearly caught off guard by the turn of events.

"Does Gekka Ming truly possess such skill? But even with his abilities, he wouldn't dare to be so audacious in front of Teacher Hino Le. Besides, Oka Seita might be in the top ten, but he's hardly a master. And let's not forget about Katsura Atsuhiro – he's the top fighter in our class!"

"Everyone knows Oka Seita is Katsura Atsuhiro's henchman. With Oka Seita taken down, would Katsura Atsuhiro really let this slide?"

With these thoughts, Fujishima Zyun's gaze shifted to Katsura Atsuhiro.

As expected, Katsura Atsuhiro's expression had darkened. He checked on Oka Seita's condition, noting the swollen side of his face, and the fact that he had passed out. Then, turning to Yang Ming, he spoke with a chilly edge.

"This was supposed to be a simple sparring match, yet you've gone so far as to knock him unconscious. Gekka Ming, you're quite the ruthless one, aren't you?"

"Ruthless? I was holding back. I warned him beforehand that he wasn't up to the challenge, but he insisted on making his move. What now? He's proven to be weaker than he thought, and you're here to pity him?"

Yang Ming spoke with a dismissive tone, his gaze fixed on Katsura Atsuhiro.

"Quite the statement. We may be peers, but if you're going to be this ruthless, then perhaps I should step in as your challenger."

Katsura Atsuhiro's eyes flashed dangerously at Yang Ming's words.

"You're hardly a match for me. If you don't want to end up like him, you'd be wise to bring everyone you've got!"

Yang Ming shook his head, his expression one of scorn.

"Such bravado, Gekka Ming. I'm curious where this unfounded confidence comes from. Sure, you might have taken down Oka Seita, but Katsura Atsuhiro is a different beast. Just so you know, he's got the strength of a Junior Ninja and has mastered several Ninja Techniques. He's just been keeping a low profile. Do you really think beating Oka Seita means you can take on anyone?"

The crowd scoffed at Yang Ming's audacity. Fujishima Zyun, the class representative, let out a derisive laugh.

"Exactly. Oka Seita barely makes the top ten in our class, while Katsura Atsuhiro is the undisputed first. He's in a league of his own!"

Heads nodded in agreement.

"Enough talk, Gekka Ming. Time to face the consequences of your arrogance!"

With that, Katsura Atsuhiro stepped opposite Yang Ming, crouched down, and without another word, launched his attack!

He surged forward with a velocity and power that easily surpassed Oka Seita's—twice as fast and even more forceful!

A blur of green streaked towards Yang Ming, and an immense power burst forth!

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