Naruto: Wooden Sen SeY Cultivation System/C76 In This World Mr Gekka Is My Sun!
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Naruto: Wooden Sen SeY Cultivation System/C76 In This World Mr Gekka Is My Sun!
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C76 In This World Mr Gekka Is My Sun!

"Flame Warm Herb!"

Yang Ming's heart swelled with joy.

The greatest gain from his visit to Daming Mansion wasn't defeating Kawabata Nozomu or aiding Grass Kage in establishing his prestige—it was discovering the location of the Flame Warm Herb.

To achieve the coveted high-level Immortal Body, he needed to gather three specific medicinal herbs as dictated by the system. Despite an exhaustive search throughout the entire special city, he had come up empty-handed. Now, this was an unexpected delight.

With this thought, Yang Ming's focus shifted; his mind soared to the valley Kawabata Nozomu had spoken of.

Inside Grass Kage's quarters.

Yang Ming informed Grass Kage of his impending departure.

"No problem. In truth, I had already given you my word. It was only this unforeseen event that delayed your journey. Mr. Gekka, be vigilant on your travels. The Ninja World is treacherous, both in landscape and in the hearts of its inhabitants."

Grass Kage nodded in agreement.

He then turned his attention to Karin.

"Karin, there's nothing I can do about your mother's situation. Such is the plight of the weak. But now that you've encountered Mr. Gekka, fortune has smiled upon you. You must protect him on your journey. Whatever you face, even if it costs you your life, ensure Mr. Gekka's safety, understood?"

"Yes, Lord Grass Kage!"

Upon hearing this, Karin bowed deeply, accepting the charge.

She stole a glance at Yang Ming, then averted her gaze.

In her heart, she affirmed.

"No one needs to instruct me. In this world, Mr. Gekka is my sun!"

After parting ways with Grass Kage, she found Kawabata Nozomu already waiting patiently outside.

"Mr. Gekka, are we ready to depart?"

Kawabata Nozomu inquired with deference.

"No, there's another place I must visit first!"

Yang Ming shook his head, his eyes set on the southeast of Grass Country.

Toward the Fire Country.

Someone important awaited him there.

The time was near.

"To have come to this world and not see you—unthinkable!"

Yang Ming whispered to himself.


Twelve years after the end of the third Ninja World War, Konoha was blanketed by its first majestic snowfall.

Snowflakes blanketed the sky and earth like goose feathers, swirling tufts of cotton in the air.

Children and adults alike spilled out into the streets, engaging in snowball fights and building snowmen amidst peals of laughter and joy.

Yet, at the doorstep of Konoha's most prestigious family, the Hyūga Clan, a different scene unfolded.

A little girl, about five years old, clad in a white cotton coat with eyes as pure and white as the snow, stepped out of her home, a picture of solitude.

She meandered through the streets, her spirits low, the sound of her father's and the elders' disappointed sighs echoing in her ears.

"Hinata has talent, but she's too shy, too timid. She hasn't even activated her Byakugan yet. I doubt she's cut out to be a ninja."

"In this world, if you can't become a ninja, you're nothing but a waste, especially in a clan like ours."

"And to think, she's the clan leader's daughter, from the main house no less. We expected her pure bloodline to yield great talent, but she's nowhere near the prodigy Neji from the branch house."

"I... I..."

Hinata's mood darkened, and the more she dwelled on it, the sadder she felt.

Without realizing, she found herself in a small grove outside the village.

Just then, a snowball struck her face, snapping her out of her reverie. She looked up to see a group of children embroiled in a snowball fight, one of their throws having gone astray.

"Ah! It's that freak with the white eyes!"

"My mom says people like her are monsters, demons. Let's get her, beat her up!"

The children, initially ready to apologize, recoiled in shock at the sight of Hinata's white eyes. Their fear quickly turned to aggression as they scooped up more snowballs and hurled them at her.

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