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C82 Threehanded Giant Ape!

"Sure enough, where there are treasures, there are guardian beasts!"

Yang Ming watched in awe.

The spiritual beasts of the Hokage world were shrouded in an aura of mystery, with the most renowned being the toads of Miao Mu Mountain, the slugs of the Bone Forest, and the myriad snakes of the Dragon Cave.

While other spiritual creatures were formidable, none matched the splendor of these three sacred sites.

The three-handed giant ape before him was a prime example. In its clash with the Rock Ninja, it displayed immense strength and an impervious hide. Every Ninja Technique thrown its way was obliterated on impact!

"What a formidable beast! I'm fortunate I didn't venture here earlier, or I wouldn't be alive to tell the tale. The power of this creature is truly fearsome!"

Kawabata Nozomu observed as the Rock Ninja relentlessly launched techniques at the three-handed giant ape, only to see them explode upon contact, utterly ineffective.

In a brief encounter, three Journeyman Ninja were wounded and withdrew from combat!

"This creature is monstrous!"

Karin, though trembling, bravely positioned herself in front of Yang Ming, ready to protect him from any harm.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Suddenly, three thuds echoed as another trio of Journeyman Ninja sustained grave injuries and retreated from the fray.

In an instant, only three Elite Ninja and Black Soil remained to hold the line, as the Rock Ninja suffered severe casualties.

"Curse it, Wenyu, activate the barrier!"

Akatsuchi bellowed in frustration.


"Earth Release: Great Earth River!"

At Akatsuchi's command, Wen Ya nodded, formed hand seals, and struck the ground with force.

Immediately, the earth beneath the three-handed giant ape transformed into a torrent of mud. The beast pounded the ground in response, shaking the terrain and sending mud flying, struggling to break free.

Wen Ya, sensing the need for more power, amplified his Chakra. The mudslide swelled, enveloping the ape's upper body, sticking to it as if it were adhesive.

The three-handed giant ape unleashed a barrage of furious roars, yet it remained ensnared by the ever-expanding mud, unable to break free.

The trio positioned themselves in a triangle around the beast, channeling their Chakra with intense focus. In unison, they bellowed out their incantation:

"Earth Release: Earth Prison Dome of Magnificent Nothingness!"

At once, centering on the giant ape, a spherical dome of earth materialized, pushed to the limits by the three ninjas. The ground shook violently, hurling clods of earth into the air, and in an instant, the ape was trapped within the confines of the dome.

From a distance, it resembled a diminutive version of the Earth Release: Ultra-Added-Weight Rock Technique!

As the tumult subsided, the trio breathed a collective sigh of relief.

"Is it over?" Kawabata Nozomu asked, his voice laced with astonishment.

"We've won!" exclaimed the six Rock Ninja, their faces alight with joy as they tended to their wounds.

"Shh!" Akatsuchi cautioned, exhaling deeply while wiping the sweat from his brow.

"No, it's not over yet!" Karin interjected, her expression grim as she stared at the earthen sphere.

"Indeed," Yang Ming concurred, his gaze fixed on the dome.

Then, with a thunderous blast that echoed like hundreds of exploding tags detonating simultaneously, the earth dome burst apart. The three-handed giant ape emerged, its fury uncontained, reducing the once-massive prison to rubble. The debris flew in all directions, striking the trio who were too close to react. They crumpled to the ground, spitting blood and gravely wounded.

"Damn it!" Akatsuchi cursed, having narrowly evaded the onslaught due to his distance.

Despite his evasion, all the Rock Ninja were now severely injured, their combat capabilities extinguished. The giant ape, still in a frenzy, turned its menacing gaze toward Akatsuchi, its murderous intent flaring wildly.

Akatsuchi, realizing the gravity of the situation, fled frantically. No matter how cunning, in the face of such peril, even the most composed are driven to chaos.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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