National Husband Hugs Me/C249 Love Has Been Warmed up
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National Husband Hugs Me/C249 Love Has Been Warmed up
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C249 Love Has Been Warmed up

Gu Huanhuan became nervous and shrank back. Yeh Chuxuan almost dropped his helmet and armor.

"Tian Tian... I, Ma Shan, will cook... Wait for me!" Gu Huanhuan shouted.

"Got it!" Tiandao.

The people outside the door stood for a moment before their footsteps gradually faded away.

Gu Huanhuan pushed the people on her, "Hurry up, you are rushing me every day."

Yeh Chuxuan's breathing was unsteady. He lowered his head and whispered into her ear, "Help me out..."

"I don't!" Gu Huanhuan's face was flushed red. She was extremely shy.

"Hurry up... Don't you still want to cook for Tian Tian?" Yeh Chuxuan teased and urged her with a smile. He was extremely pleased with himself.

Gu Huanhuan shyly turned her head and did not look at him. Her voice was as soft as a mosquito. "I... don't... really don't..."

"Sigh!" Yeh Chuxuan secretly sighed. It seemed that he would have to properly discipline her in the future.

"Be good... I say, do it... " Yeh Chuxuan bit on it. A moment later, Yeh Chuxuan...


The breakfast was made by Yeh Chuxuan. Gu Huanhuan was so tired that she could not get up from the bed.

Every day, she was like a small supervisor, standing in the dining hall to monitor the man's movements the entire time. Yeh Chuxuan was in a good mood after he had eaten and drank his fill. From time to time, he would ask Tian Tian a few questions. For example, whether or not you want to eat chili, or whether you want salt or vinegar. For example, what did he want to do when he grew up?

If Gu Huanhuan saw this scene, she would definitely not believe her eyes and ears. She was clearly the CEO of the Night Corporation, but why did she become a long-winded chatterbox?

Gu Huanhuan's bedroom had a separate toilet and bathroom. After lying down for a while, she was still worried about Yeh Chuxuan's cooking and dragged her two legs into the bathroom.

When they came to the dining room, Yeh Chuxuan was wearing a white T-shirt and cooking. His expression was gentle and casual. He stood by the side and stared at him coldly every day, as if he was very dissatisfied with Yeh Chuxuan's appearance in the kitchen.

There were already two dishes placed on the dining table. One was a plate of tomato scrambled eggs, and the other was a plate of stir-fried potato strips. The dish that was being stir-fried in the pot seemed to be hand-shredded vegetables.

Gu Huanhuan had never seen Yeh Chuxuan like this before. The daily life of the family made her have an illusion that the person in front of her was not the Yeh Chuxuan she knew.

During the meal, Gu Huanhuan saw Tian Tian's small temper for the first time. Whenever Yeh Chuxuan wanted to pick a dish with his chopsticks, he would immediately use his chopsticks to pick it up. At first, Yeh Chuxuan thought it was a coincidence, but after three or four times... Yeh Chuxuan found out that he did it on purpose.

"Tian Tian, do you have something to say?" Yeh Chuxuan asked patiently.

Tian Tian did not hide it. She looked straight into his eyes and said calmly, "I don't like you."

This was the second time Tian Tian expressed his feelings. The first time was to say that she did not welcome Yeh Chuxuan.

Gu Huanhuan ate the delicious food and wisely decided not to join the war between them. If she was with Yeh Chuxuan, he must get through Tian Tian.

Yeh Chuxuan did not get angry. Instead, he said very seriously, "You don't like me because you are afraid that I will snatch Gu Huanhuan away?"

Tian Tian glanced at Gu Huanhuan who was eating with her head down and nodded, "Yes."

"You can rest assured about this problem because when I snatch Gu Huanhuan away, I will also bring you along. You will not be separated from her."

Tian Tian did not really believe him and directly asked Gu Huanhuan, "Is what he said true?"

Yeh Chuxuan's words made Gu Huanhuan somewhat embarrassed. She hurriedly added an egg and placed it in Tian Tian's bowl, saying, "You are my son. I will bring you wherever I go."

Tian Tian was a child after all, so her emotions came and left quickly. After hearing Gu Huanhuan's words, she quickly became happy and didn't want to make trouble for Yeh Chuxuan.

After sending the two of them to the photo studio, Yeh Chuxuan covered Tian's eyes when he left. He kissed the corner of her mouth and whispered, "I will go over for dinner tonight."

Gu Huanhuan's face turned red and refused, "No, I..."

Yeh Chuxuan loved her shyness very much. He kissed her again and said, "I only eat, not you."

The woman's face instantly turned red. She pushed his shoulder and kicked him out of the photography studio.

On this day, Gu Huanhuan's work efficiency was very low because from time to time, she would think of someone's face and those words. Then, her face would turn red and her heart would beat like a deer.

On the other side, the Yeh's Group headquarters, from the reception desk to the higher ups, found that Director Yeh was in an unusually good mood today. This was because the moment he stepped into the company, a smile hung on the corner of his mouth.

The reception desk, which had worked in the Ye family for five years, was about to go crazy. This was the first time she saw the boss's smile since she started working. She thought that the cold boss was the most charming, but she didn't expect the smiling Third Young Master Yeh to be able to kill everything in an instant.

The news reached Han Shaochen's ears. He ran over with curiosity to find out the bottom of the matter, but when he saw that someone's heart was rippling, he did not need to ask anymore. It definitely had something to do with Gu Huanhuan.

In the meeting room, the department manager reported the latest progress of various work. Yeh Chuxuan, however, lowered his eyes and turned his phone. He thought of something and took it to the bottom of the table to open WeChat. He sent a message to the only contact person inside.

What would you like to eat tonight?

After a few minutes, there was no movement from his phone.

He sent another message: Why don't you go out and eat?

This time, the message came very quickly. It was a voice message. Yeh Chuxuan raised his head and looked at the manager who was making the report. He knocked on the table. The manager thought that something was wrong, so he nervously stopped and looked at Yeh Chuxuan.

"Wait a moment."

Yeh Chuxuan stood up and walked out of the meeting room in front of everyone. Through the glass, his subordinates saw him open his phone and put it beside his ear.

A crisp voice came from the phone every day: Gu Huanhuan is busy, don't send any more messages.

Yeh Chuxuan was stunned for a moment, then he lowered his eyes and smiled helplessly: This little guy is always obstructing him.

He turned around and walked into the meeting room. Everyone's gossipy eyes quickly disappeared. All of them looked normal, but they were all very agitated in their hearts. Oh my god, they actually saw the boss in love with their own eyes. This was even more exciting than the company signing a huge order for hundreds of millions of yuan.

That night, when Yeh Chuxuan once again took Gu Huanhuan...

Gu Huanhuan was furious. "Didn't you say that we only eat? What do you want to do now? Bastard! "

Yeh Chuxuan's smile was very sinister and charming. "You are my food. Is it wrong?"

" Yeh Chuxuan... you... "

Yeh Chuxuan grinned and said, "Alright, you have the final say."

Good days did not last long. After three days of such sweet days, someone finally came to the door, and it was the person Gu Huanhuan had been looking forward to for a long time.

Close to noon, Gu Huanhuan finished fixing a picture and was thinking about where to bring Tian Tian to eat when a person came in from the door.

"Hello, may I ask you..." Gu Huanhuan's words were cut off from her mouth. That person stood at the door and behind him was a large patch of sunshine. She wore a light purple dress with light colored lily flowers blooming on it.

This woman is...

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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