Not All Roses Are Red/C3 Even The Moon Has A Dark Gloomy Side
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Not All Roses Are Red/C3 Even The Moon Has A Dark Gloomy Side
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C3 Even The Moon Has A Dark Gloomy Side

The Next Day.

While she thought she was up early she walked downstairs to see Joel on a phone call while drinking his coffee. He turned to look at her, he then looked away.

“Dude. I'll see you at the workplace.” He hanged up and put his phone in his pocket.

“…Morning.” She walked straight to the kitchen. He didn't reply her. She just sighed. Her black two piece completed her skin colour. She opened the fridge and took out a bottle of water.

“Ready?” He asked and she nodded. She followed him.

Their ride was quiet. That the only thing making sound was the dust particles. She knew it was her fault.

But to her surprise he stopped the car.

“…I don't want people to know that we are married. You just have to walk straight. It's for 5 minutes.” Monica let out a small laughter.

“Great. Just great.” She didn't even argue. She just got out of the car and slammed the door before he could talk.

“Damn it Monica!” He mumbled as he drove away. She stood there for 5 minutes and then walked to the building.

When she entered the building Joel had everyone gathered around.

“There she is! Guys meet my new part time personal assistant.” Monica walked towards him and waved to everyone else. “Monica everyone. She'll be joining the team but not on a daily basis due to personal reasons since Mariah is on sick leave.”

“Monica who? I bet you guys 100$ if she's married,” One of the guys yelled, Joel scratched his forehead while Monica giggled.

“Just Monica. I mean I'd have to kill you if I tell you.” Joel let out a small laughter and he patted her back while walking away.

“Well… Just Monica. Welcome to the team! I'll show you around.” One of the guys said and she nodded. “I'm Cale by the way.” The guy walked with her and she smiled.

After 30 Minutes.

Monica couldn't take it anymore the heels were killing her. But either way. She pretended as if she didn't care.

“And lastly this is your office… you can change it to any colour of your choice and by the way I'm the COO.”

“I've noticed.” Cale was shocked and she giggled. “Your tag silly.” He looked at his tag and laughed.

“So… I'll leave you then. Beware of Andrea and Briana, they are bad news.”

“Noted.” Monica didn't look interested in Cale so he waved and she closed the door. She sat down on the desk and opened her bag.

“Few more weeks then boom no more college.” She mumbled as she connected her phone to the laptop and submitted her assignment online.

“What should I do?” She asked herself. I mean it wasn't herself she knew much about the human body than business except for inventory management.

“Doctor McKeon… Dal—” She remembered that she was married to Joel. She touched her necklace which had the ring he gave her a day ago.

She stood up. “I didn't sign up for this bullshit.” She walked straight into His office without knocking. She found a bunch of men standing in the room and only looked for one set of sapphire eyes but couldn't find any.

The men stared her for full five seconds making her insecure.

“Sorry. I was looking for Mr…” The smell of cologne filled the room and she slowly turned. “…Dallin.”

“What can I do for you Monica?” the way he said her name sent shiverings to her spine. Because of her insecurities she begun to stutter.

“i… i..” she grabbed her shaking hand and took a deep breath. “I wanted to know what kinda food do you eat since… uhm lunch time is approaching.”

“My bad, I thought Cale handed you these.” He walked passed her and took some papers on his table and handed them out to her.

“Thank you.” She tried to storm out fast but the heels failed her and she almost fell.

“You Okay Monica?” she knew the way he was saying her name was just to mock her. “I'm better. Now that you've asked. Excuse me Gentlemen.” She bowed her head and walked out.

Run was the only word ringing in her mind. She walked straight to her office took her bag and her phone and walked out fast.

“Hey! Just Monica! Where you going?” Cale yelled and she turned. “Uh… I'm going to grab lunch.” She stormed out of the building before he could tell her there's a cafeteria in the building.


Joel walked around looking for Monica and he knew man she's clever.

“Have you seen Monica?” Cale looked at the watch and laughed.

“She's been gone for like 3 hours or so to grab lunch.” Joel smirked and licked his lips. He took out his phone and gave his men a message while walking out of the building.


“You want to go home? Why? Back to that monster?” Obviously drastic times call for drastic measures.

“You don't understand… I think I am the monster.” Jayla couldn't even understand a word she was saying. “Listen… I want to be hurt. I no longer feel anything. At least I'd feel low than to feel nothing at all. I know he'd hurt me if I go back but at least I'd feeling something.”

“Are you out of your mind?!” Jayla was a second away from slapping Monica.

“I need At least 3k I'll pay you back next month.” Jayla sighed.

“This is a lot to take in. I am going to the rest room.” Jayla stood up walking away. Monica sighed and took a look at her ring.

A man, Standing 5' 9" tall, this fair skinned man has an aggressive feel about him.

He has a square face with a cleft chin, a small nose, ears that stick out and puffy lips. His dark brown eyes are rounded, and he has angular eyebrows.

He is bald and clean-shaven. He sat down on Jayla’s seat and sighed.

“Excuse me… You have the wrong table.” Monica had her head in her arms on the table.

“Come on Monica I thought you'd go to a fancy restaurant… you're literally Dallin's only wife.” As soon she heard those words she raised her head.

“Who the hell are you?!” She asked as she grabbed her stuff. “Come on Monica… you feel that?? That's a gun. You have to come with me.”

She laughed. “Come on… you didn't think I'd be scared of a gun?! Bro I've seen worse! Or I can scream.”

“Fine. I bet Jayla would love to come. Heard she loves baking.” She stopped laughing and looked at him.

“Where's Jayla?!” it was now his turn to laugh. “She's in the restroom silly. Now come on unless you're willing to harm her.” She sighed and packed everything. She stood up and walked with him outside.

After for a few minutes walk. She noticed she was walking alone and when she turned Joel was behind her.

“..W. wh..” She was speechless. “Surprise Mrs Dallin.” She tried to run but he caught her. And she fought him but he found his way to throw her in the car.

“HELP! YOU'RE KIDNAPPING ME!” She screamed and he smirked. “It's called Kidnap when someone reports it.” He smashed the door and she screamed screamed and tried to open the door but they were already locked.

“Boss… she said something disturbing in the restaurant. She said something about not being scared of guns she seen worse.”

“Thanks Mike. I got this one. Make sure you come up with a story for her friend.” Joel walked inside the car.

She noticed Jayla texted her. She opened the message:

Sorry your period twist. Happens everytime.

She sighed in relief when she read the message.

At The Mansion.

Joel opened the door for her. Obviously she tried to run but he was way too strong for her.

“You kidnapped me!!” She screamed. He slammed her on the car to keep her into place. “It's not kidnapping if no one reports it. No one even found out.” She just continued fighting him. “Stop whatever you're doing and respect me now. As for now you belong to me. Lawfully.”

“I don't belong to you! And you forcibly wedded me.” Well she was right but he smirked. “Oh that's where you are wrong princess, you belong to me.” He turned and headed to the house. She turned to look at the gate and noticed a lot of guards.

Obviously she had no other choice but to walk inside the house.

“I think it's about time we upgrade the rules. Don't talk unless you're asked to. Actually don't talk unless you're told to talk.”

“Excuse me!” she pushed him and he lifted his hand and stopped himself.

“Monica…!!” He tried by all means to keep her straight but she was fighting him. “Stop behaving like a child.” He warned her and she stopped.

“I talked with your Dean and everything he said you don't have to come to school until the day of graduation. And I know you submitted your last assignment today.” She felt like she could punch him. “Now on Monica… you'll be working with me.”

He let her go and walked to the table. He took a box.

“These are your new stuff… starting with your Credit cards and everything. Your phone. And here's a diamond ring. I mean heard Women wants diamonds for all the times they were blinded.”

“… What do I do with this one?” she looked at the cold ring.

“I don't care.” Just like that he left her. She took the box and walked to her room. At least she felt something but what made him not to hit her? That went on her mind for exactly 3 hours making her sleep late.

THE Next Day.

Monica knew she had to make it up to yesterday. So she woke up at 4am. She walked downstairs to the kitchen and started making breakfast.

Joel heard noises from the gym room and saw her humming while moving her body. She was moving around. It was hard for Joel not to stare the way she was moving her body like she never had love before.

She was very gentle with the eggs. Breaking them gently. He examined her. She took off her gown from the heat in the kitchen and noticed the marks on her back from her vest. But he just minded his business. She wrapped the gown on her.

She prepared some chicken mayo tremazzini and some Irish coffee. She put the gown on and put them on a tray. She took a whiterose from the flower vessel and walked upstairs.

“Joel?... hey uhm I made you breakfast and I thought I should apologize for yeste…” she noticed the door was already open and she went inside and saw the bed was already made and the room was already clean.

“Maybe he didn't sleep here. Good shot Monica, good one.” She sighed.

“Or maybe he never sleeps!” his deep voice really scared Monica that she threw the tray and everything fell. The plate and cup broke.

She turned slowly.

“Are you okay?” he asked but her whole body was shaking. Her eyes were glued to his which made him worry. “Princess… are you okay?” he asked and she tried to talk but her lips were shaking.

“Hey!!” when he yelled at her she stepped backwards and because the coffee was slippery she when she was about to fell to the broken glasses Joel caught her and brought her to his chest.

“Monica!!” he tried to shake her.

“What? What? I didn't touch you!!” when she was brought back to reality that was what she was worried about.

“Are you okay?” he asked her and she pushed him away. When she saw the tray on the floor she kneeled down.

“Oh my Gosh. I'm sorry… aarg..” Joel tried to stop her but she fought him and scratched his left cheek with the glass and he started bleeding.

“Oh… I'm sorry.” Monica was a mess. She touched his hand and led him to the bed.

She knew the bathroom had the first aid kit and she ran there and went back to him. She touched his cheek and stepped back.

“Can… can I touch you?” she looked like a little child. “No.” that's what he said.

“Knew you'd say that.” She went between his legs. She checked the wound. She cleaned it.

“Ouch!! Geez I'm a human being!!” obviously it stinged. She blew it.

“Better now?” he now understood why she carried the egg gently. She's gentle with everything she does. She put an elestoplast on it. She kissed his cheek.

“I'm sorry.” She looked like a wet puppy and he looked at her. “I'm pretty sure the food tested great but how do I know you didn't poison me?”

And like that he ruined the moment. She stepped back and she tied her gown.

“Seriously?! I don't have time for this.” She turned and carefully picked the glasses and the tray.

Joel smirked. But eventually he was worried about how she reacted. He took off the bandage and walked to the shower.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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