I Am My Own Summoned Beast/C30 Training Speed(2)
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I Am My Own Summoned Beast/C30 Training Speed(2)
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C30 Training Speed(2)

"Because you will have more and more abilities in the future, but you won't be able to know every single ability like the back of your hand, and you won't be able to train every single ability to the extreme.

"The strength of an ability depends on how much effort you put in to train it. The higher the level of your ability, the stronger it will be.

"Therefore, you have to make a choice, and focus on what ability you should train."

Liu Sishan looked at Zhang Ping and said seriously.

Hearing Situ Shibai's suggestion, Zhang Ping accepted it humbly.

He knew who Situ Shibai was and how powerful this old man was.

Copy the ability of the Superpowered.

Just from the name, one could tell that Situ Shibai had a lot of superpowers.

Situ Shibai's suggestion was extremely useful to him.

Most of the Awakened only had one ability, so they had no choice but to dig up all the potential of this ability. Naturally, the speed of training this ability was very fast.

On the other hand, a superpowered individual like Situ Shibai and Zhang Ping would be distracted by their many abilities. Their training speed would definitely be slower than a single superpowered individual.

For example, the Body of Pure Water.

Zhang Ping had just discovered that he could detoxify after he transformed into the Body of Pure Water.

This was the result of insufficient training.

This meant that he was not familiar with this ability, and his control over it was not strong enough. If he was familiar with this ability, he would be able to complete the transformation in the instant he was poisoned and remove the poison from his body.

The appraisal could let him know the basic information about the ability, but this did not mean that he knew everything.

How to develop his ability.

How to train his ability.

All of these required him to invest time and energy into researching and trying.

The more he developed his ability, the more familiar he would become. Only then would he be able to fight with ease.

Therefore, Situ Shibai's suggestion was very timely.

At least, Zhang Ping had realized at this moment that the more abilities he had, the better. However, he had to be clear in his heart about what abilities he needed to focus on training, and what abilities were just supplementary methods.

At present, the abilities he had were first excluded from the Contract Gem, Night Walker, and other abilities that he could not train, then the Appraisal that was purely supportive, and the Pica that was the weakest. The strongest was the Body of Nether Fog, and the second was the Body of Pure Water. The Fire-Eater was the weakest.

These three abilities made him a little difficult to choose.

The Body of Nether Fog was very strong, but the problem was that he did not understand the nature of the Nether Fog at all. If an ability that he did not understand encountered an enemy that could understand it, it would be very dangerous.

For example, during a battle, the enemy would target the weakness of the ability and attack it. However, the user did not know about the weakness at all. If he was caught off guard, he could be killed in a split second.

The Body of Pure Water had a strong ability to protect his life, but its nature was too easy to see through and was easily countered by the enemy.

For example, the fire element Awakened was also at level 9. If Zhang Ping only used the Body of Pure Water to fight, he would be suppressed by the fire element Awakened. If the opponent threw out nine fireballs, the Body of Pure Water would be able to absorb the water molecules in the air to recover its injuries. In an instant, his entire body would be evaporated.

This was equivalent to being instantly killed.

The Fire-Eater also had a similar problem. It was too easy to be targeted.

Furthermore, his fire element storage was limited, so it was very difficult for him to last until the end of the battle. He might even extinguish the fire halfway through the battle.

After thinking for a moment, he looked at Liu Sishan and asked, "Sisi, what is your captain's strongest ability?"

"You want to use your captain's ability? As far as I know, the strongest ability that the captain displays is the control of the photoelement," Liu Sishan realized Zhang Ping's intention and replied.

Control of the photoelement?

It seemed that this kind of ability was really not easy to restrain. Furthermore, it was extremely fast and powerful.

How should he possess this ability?

Eat it all?

He raised his head and opened his mouth wide, letting the light shine into his stomach?

Zhang Ping thought for a moment and felt that his idea was completely unreliable.

"Don't be in a hurry to choose. Let's eat these materials first and see if there are any better abilities. It won't be too late to choose when the time comes," Liu Sishan said when she saw that he was in a dilemma.

Zhang Ping looked at the various materials on Liu Sishan's bed and couldn't help but ask, "Sisi, could it be that these materials are all poisoned?"

"There are some that have been smeared with poison. Some of them are already poisonous. Let's try it first. Even if the Body of Pure Water cannot cure it, I still have an antidote," Liu Sishan replied.

Zhang Ping took a deep breath and finally decided to eat it.

Sometimes, only by being cruel to himself could he get what he wanted. He wanted both comfort and everything. How could there be such a good thing?

He picked up all kinds of materials and ate them one by one. He would take them out if he felt uncomfortable. He kept repeating this process.

A few hours later, he felt that he really could not eat anymore. He had taken out all the things in his stomach, but he still felt full.

"Sisi, I can't take it anymore. It seems like your method is not very reliable," Zhang Ping said with a pained expression on his face as he laid on the bed.

He had not obtained any ability.

The metal had not been absorbed at all. Instead, the poison smeared on it made him feel very uncomfortable.

In order to obtain the ability, he endured the pain. Every time, he endured until he could not take it anymore before he turned into a pure water form to detoxify.

However, the result was still useless. There was no new ability.

"Why is it like this?"

Liu Sishan looked at Zhang Ping and was very confused.

Yesterday, Zhang Ping had obtained three abilities consecutively. She had mistakenly thought that Zhang Ping could easily obtain the ability.

But from the current performance, it didn't seem to be the case.

Zhang Ping felt uncomfortable for a while. He simply turned into a pure water form and laid on the bed. Under the pure water form, all the uncomfortable feelings disappeared, and what replaced them was a keen sense of temperature.

Outside the tent, Liu Sishan, who was eating breakfast in the opposite bed, and the salt merchant who was eating breakfast in the tent further away all had different temperatures. He could feel these temperatures.

"So there's such an ability under the state of pure water."

Zhang Ping exclaimed in his heart. The more he used it, the stronger it became. The more he used it, the more he understood.

He controlled his body to turn into the shape of a snake, twisting about on the bed like a snake. Then, he turned into a wolf and tried to walk with his four limbs.

Finally, he turned into a bird, but no matter how he adjusted, he couldn't fly.

The bird he turned into spread its wings for a full three meters, and its abdomen was hollow. Although it couldn't fly, it should be fine to jump down from a high place and glide.

Finally, he turned back into a body of flesh and blood. He looked at Liu Sishan and said, "Sisi, as expected, the ability needs to be constantly practiced to become stronger. For now, I'll just focus on practicing the Nether Fog and the state of pure water. I'll think about it again when I have new abilities."

He decided to ride a donkey to find a horse.

Since he had no other choice, he couldn't be bothered to continue thinking about it.

He already had a plan for the development of the Nether Fog. Through the training just now, he also had a preliminary plan for the state of pure water.

The body of the Nether Fog would follow the path of the Death God in the future.

Black cloak, black skeleton mask, and a huge sickle. Its appearance was extremely intimidating, and it was estimated that the enemy would lose half of their courage before they even fought.

The state of pure water was the path of transformation.

First, he would focus on the speed of transformation of the body of flesh and blood and the state of pure water. Then, he would simulate various animals and transform into a thousand forms, which would allow him to adapt to most environments.

Moreover, these two abilities could be used in combination.

By using the Nether Fog to cover the water with a layer of outer shell, not only could it isolate the high temperature, but it could also form a new form.

Thinking about it this way, the combination of these two abilities was actually very useful. It was a promising future!

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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