On Her Daddy’s Bed!/C4 Unexpected intense moment.
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On Her Daddy’s Bed!/C4 Unexpected intense moment.
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C4 Unexpected intense moment.


Chapter 4.

Authors pov.

Axel carried her all the way to her room, while she just wrapped her hand firmly around his neck, her head placed gently on his chest.

She placed her on the bed and arranged the duvet to cover her body, her really wish he could plant a kiss on her forehead and eventually trail the kiss down to her pussy hole.

“I am not a baby, Axel.Stop treating me like one.” she pouted and adjusted her head on her pillow, comfortable.

“Go to bed, baby girl, you need to wake up early.” his rocky voice came out stern and she arranged the duvet properly before nodding to him while he walked out majestically.

He shut the door behind him and stared down at his dick.

“Fuck!”he cursed, just the gentle pout of her mouth made his dick to budge. Axel was damn sure that he can't guarantee how long he would stay with her and not touch her, but first, he needs to find evidence about the motherfucker that is hovering around her, he won't spare him at all.

The next day!

Hazel walked out of the room, neatly dressed and ready for school. She stared down at the stairs that already seem to be a workload entirely, slowly she began to walk down the stairs.

It was easier for her to descend the stairs than to ascend it.

Successful she ascended the stairs and made her way to the dining hall, Axel was not in the dining hall, so it was a peaceful way to start her morning, she ate quietly and stood up ready to go, but that familiar cologne gripped her nostril and she tilted her head backward to see Axel ascending the stairs sophisticatedly .

He seemed different from usual. She couldn’t quite understand what was different about him, but his hair was curled into another style his eye lashes was queit different from the normal one, his eyes were sparkling and his skin glowed she thought it was beautiful as ever.

But why did her stomach flip every time he came near?

They looked each other in the eyes as he approached each other and Hazel’s heart started beating fast as he bored his eyes into her skin.

Her cheeks flamed hot with his intense gaze. His presence caused shivers and goose bump to ran down her spine. Hazel never noticed that she was nervous, till she noticed his eyes on the curve of her hips or her calves. She felt more exposed under his gaze than anywhere else in her life.

She allowed herself to savor the moment, she kept glaring till she didn't know that he was already standing in front of her.

“Your hands will do a lot better than your eyes, little one.” he let out a calm smile and Hazel wondered what it was about him that got her really hooked.

“Where are you going to dress so differently?” she inquired ignoring his silly talks.

“You do not think that I kill people to make money, do you?”

“It's as simple as telling me you are heading to work, right.” she rolled her eyes and he grinned calmly.

“You are running late, I have assigned a driver to the new BMW, outside. it has always been your dream car since you were a baby so I decided to get one for you.”

Hazel felt like her soul was going to leave her, she had always loved BMW, but her father was not a fan of portable cars, so he never got any for her, and to think that he still remembers all her favorite wishes, what could she interpret that as?

She blinked feeling a bit emotional.

“Thank you so.” she appreciated calmly, but he was back to the usual him, cold and calm.

“Get going, this is not Texa’s, you will run late, in a swift he walked past her and walked into his car which was accompanied by three other cars, she wasn't bothered, she has known him all her life and she knows that he was always acting like a saint and a devil.


Crystal colleague.

She stepped out of the car the moment her body guards opened the door for her, she stood tall and stared at the school she has dreamt all her life about.

In no time Tracy and Armstrong were standing next to her.

“You took so long.” Armstrong walked closer to her and pulled her into a hug.

“I didn't wake up early, and I had to eat before leaving the house.

“We are finally here at our dream school.”Tracy whispered and they all chuckled.

“We are finally here together.”Armstrong added and they all smiled.

Hazel stood at the gate of the school with her friend and her boyfriend, while they stared at their dream college, finally, they could see clearly and physically and not just from the phone and magazines, and finally, they could all be together.

“I have missed you so much, babe.” Armstrong pulled her into a kiss, and she managed to reciprocate the kiss.

“I have missed you too.” she breathed out softly and Tracy rolled her eyes playfully at them.

“You know what, I think I need to get myself a man!” she yells out looking frustrated, but she was not close to that.

Hazel and Armstrong let out a chuckle, as they both held each other, while they stare at the dramatic Tracy who had been heaving frustratingly like she was jealous of them.

“I am glad you are finally here, Hazel, we are going to spend lots of time together, plan out our future work towards it and live our dream life.” Armstrong’s hand held her tiny waist firmly as he made those wishes, staring directly into her eyes.

“I pray so too.” her face stretched into a smile and he pulled her into another round of kisses, that she broke within some seconds.

She wasn't a fan of intimate affairs, to her it's just something plain, and she never feels anything like sparkles, as they talk about in books, whenever she kisses her boyfriend, for that reason she doesn't really fancy all of the intimate affairs.

Hazel and Tracy had attended two lectures for the day and they had no other lecture to attend till the next day, but they were waiting at the cafeteria for Armstrong.

“Don’t you think it would be right for you to tell Armstrong who you are living with?” Tracy broke the silence that has been living between them for eternity.

Hazel shot her a glare.

“You think it's going to be funny?” she asked in a rather serious tone and Tracy inhaled slightly.

“It's going to be terrible if he finds out himself.”

“Who would tell him? you?” Her voice was quiet authoritative and a hint of range could be detected.

“You know I will never do that.”

“Then take a chill pill and relax, Tracy. He is not going to find out.”

Silence fell again as Tracy pounded well on the topic, she was only scared that Hazel might get caught up in the mess, eventually, she waved the thought aside.

“So how is Mr hottie doing?”Tracy broke the silence with her question, alongside a chuckle and Hazel scoffed.

“What's so hot about him, Tracy? He doesn't even look nice.” she rolled her eyes and concentrated more on her phone.

Tracy cleared her throat distinctively at the lie Hazel threw.

“You know that's a huge lie.”

“He is no hot guy, Tracy. He is an ugly duckling.” Pretense would be the end of her just like Axel remarked, no matter how she twisted it, she knew that Axel is really handsome and they are barely up to two guys that would match up to his hotness and uniqueness, but she hated that ladies threw their self shamelessly at him, she can't stand a man that fucks anything under a skirt.

“If I have Armstrong as a boyfriend I will end up leaving him for Axel, who knows you might do the same.” she chuckled and Hazel shut her upwith a glare.

“You are the only one fooling over him, Tracy. I do not want a dog!” her look was quite distinctive and all she had in her eyes was repulsiveness.

“That's not funny, Hazel, our idol, and Ceo is not a dog,” she replied faking anger, while Hazel ignored her.

The rest of their stay was in silence till Armstrong reached out to them and they all departed to their various houses.

Hazel had returned from school and stayed in her room all through the day.

It was evening already and she decided to visit the living room since her day had been a bit boring.

She visited the bar in the house and her eyes met with a whole lot of familiar and unfamiliar drinks.

She reached for one drink that looked clearly like juice. She poured it out into a cup and decided to watch a little movie and while away her boring time till Axel returned from work.

Slumping into the chair, she turned on her favorite Telemundo channel and it was her favorite movie, on the show. ‘Getting Wild With the Enemy.’

She settled into the chair, curling herself into the two-seater after turning off the entire light, and slowly she began to sip from the alcohol she saw as juice, however, it tasted so much like juice and Hazel never noticed it, till the moment when a sex scene from her favorite movie came up.

Her eye was glued to the screen as Will’s hand moved into Rachel’s pussy, fucking her roughly while Rachel moaned out his name.

Hazel felt her body tense at the pleasurable sight of how well his hand worked wonders into her pussy.

Slowly she felt her pussy shrinking and spurting from the dirty scene in front of her.

The sultry movement of Will’s hand against Rachel's pussy made her mind wander off to Axel.

Her mind described the size and length of his hands and how well it would make her feel if he held her like this.

Hazel closed her eyes to block out the image of how good his big manly hands are, how they will stroke her body so gently that she can feel him everywhere while at the same time making her orgasm with only the sound of her own voice.

It didn't make any sense, why she was thinking about Axel instead of her boyfriend, but it also didn't make any sense as to why she suddenly wanted to feel him so damn bad.

Slowly the thought of him cogged her mind and she began to fondle her boobs to the thought of how well he would make her feel if he was the one doing the stroking.

She took another gulp of alcohol and began to think about kissing him, licking his lips, biting them until she left marks.

Hazel sighed as the image flooded her brain, and she knew she could get drunk just looking at what she imagined, so, without wasting more energy she slipped her hands into the cloth that her erect nipples had been threatening to rip away, slowly she started to fondle her breast with the thought of Axel sucking her to orgasm.

It was clear enough that all she was doing was influencing intoxication, but she liked the feeling that this drunkness brought to her.

“Ummm.” she moaned out softly and closed her eyes her hands fondling her breast even more.

“What are you doing, Hazel.” Axel’s rocky voice came in and her heart missed a beat as fear gripped her, the coldness and hardness of his made her quiver but the voice's unexpected usage of the name he claimed to hate so well sent a series of fear down her body.

She opened her eyes gently to meet his eyes staring at her calmly, her face twitched into an innocent look, her hands still in her breast, giving the Tv screen a quick glance.

Fuck! Axel’s dick was already twitching at the innocent look in her eyes.

He gulped down nothing as he stared at the sexy and round sight of her round breast. He wanted to scream at her and yell at her for being so naughty, but he couldn't even help himself, his voice betrayed him to it.

He stared down at the position of her hands, her innocent face, the Tv screen then back to drink on the table.

“Fucking goodness momma.” Why are you drinking that? He lowered himself to her level, the moment he spot the drink she was drinking, but she only pouted the more.

“What are you doing, give me back my drink.” she cried out into a moan, and fuck! his shaft made a quick throb.

“You are drunk, momma. hold on I will take you to your room.” he breathed out softly trying not to stare at her tits.

“No,” she pouted. “I am not drunk, I just want to feel, that way.” she pointed at Rachel that was panting from the orgasm she had and Axel inhaled slightly.

“I am not your boyfriend, little one.” he cautioned and made to jerk her up but she made him fall back to her, his face pressing into her heavy tits.

“You were not my boyfriend when you said you were going to fuck my brain back to a reset factory.” her voice came out barely above a whisper and it made his dick throb even more.

His eager hands cupped her boobs, mistakenly, and she pressed them harder into her boobs.

“Ummmm....” she let out a soft erotical moan and that was the height of it, his hands found her clothes, and he ripped them off her body, causing her to moan out in pleasure as his hands brushed her skin in the process.

His eyes opened wild open at the sight of her heavy round boobs that welcomed him.

He giggled like a child that has been deprived of bus mother's milk and his wet tongue found her nipples and she couldn't help but groan louder.

The feeling of his hot tongue on her nipple made her knees buckle, and she sank further in the three-seater her hand tangled in his hair, pulling on his hair hard, to pull him closer as her breasts bounced around, bouncing with his mouth.

“Oh my fucking goodness.” she squirms and whined in pleasure as she felt her pussy throb in pleasure, pleasure sparkled.

“Go on baby girl, moan for me.” his soft breath caressed her breast and she shuddered, her eyes tightening into a heavy fist.

“Fuck it! She cried out in pure ecstasy, her body jerking up in pleasure as he rolled his tongue around her nipple and sent a gentle breeze into it.

Her hands fisted into his hair, hard enough like she was going to leave a few small indentations in his head.

Her legs wrapped around his waist while he pushed into her, sucking more and more, his shaft, shaking vigorously in his trouser.

Her body stiffened as his teeth graced her nipples, Hazel felt her body turn rigid at that particular action.

Axel knew the feeling she was about to have, but he didn't stop, not a bit, instead his hands cupped her breast even more, sucking in more like he had been deprived of breast.

He wanted to go down to her pussy and lap greedily on her pussy juice, but he didn't want to know how her pussy tasted, he would never be able to hold himself back from wanting to taste her.

“Oh my fucking goodness, Axel. I am going to pee.” She cried out helplessly in pleasure.

“That's not pee, that squirt, baby girl.” he corrected her amidst sucking and she whimpered as her pussy walls tightened really hard, her body jerked in pleasure and her orgasm hit hard at her inner walls.

She let out loud squeals as her body convulsed under the pressure.

“Oh my fucking goodness, Axel.” she cried out her body shaking while she squirt all over his stomach.

She relaxed into the couch and he pulled back from , staring at his body.

“Excellent, baby girl. Excellent!” he remarked, and he stood up staring at his cloth.

“I wish to not wash this baby girl, I wish to just dry it and keep it close to my nose, Just so I can inhale the nice scent of your pussy forever!”

He stared at her quivering body and his heart missed a beat.

A letter to his friend. “I am sorry Marco, but this is the beginning of a journey I can not guarantee an end to!”

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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