Once Upon A Nightmare/C3 Fire 2 Fire.
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Once Upon A Nightmare/C3 Fire 2 Fire.
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C3 Fire 2 Fire.

Sammie and her silly friends found their way into Mr. Edwin's class unnoticed, or so they thought, he caught a glimpse of their shadow sneaking in through the secondary exit. Mr. Edwin wasn't interested in getting in a fight with them, like he remembers the last time he confronted them for late coming and others. But he alone knew how that ended. He let out a long sigh, suggesting his tiredness at their behavior. But what sure did what he had to say or do before they adhere to his advice. Nothing exactly, Sammie was in despite her curvy hips and figure, juicy looking ass, sexy yet witty lips and tongue, her hair was like not too long but made a very sweet impact on her style. She hated talking much, was a gossip topic for the man's cos of her beauty. Many guys at school would ditch their girlfriends in a heartbeat for her. She didn't have a boyfriend, so that slot was just about opened. Among her friends, she was the only single one, unlike like Jade, who was dating Darren Cooper, the captain of the football team and a dreamy guy at that. Some girls say Jade is luck to have Darren, whose father is overwhelmingly rich and sponsored the school football team.

Jade stared at her friends, who were quietly seated at the back. Though, Summer had already pulled out some gum and gambled them into her mouth. She munched on them heavily and a large sigh was heard from the back where the 3 ridiculous friends sat. It came from Kailey, she was more of the everything is lame and boring type to me, compared to Jade's quiet and low lifestyle of fame, money, and perfection. Kailey was like a quicksand, one can't tell when she is serious and when she is joking. But one thing is certain about her, she is undeniably beautiful, despite her short temper and hair cut. She was madly in love with the female gender and found herself a girlfriend named Summer, Summer was the only one who literally understood Kailey's nature of black and blue. She was wild like her, hot like her, her personality was bold, confident and party type. Furthermore, she was brilliant, hard-working and madly in love with Kailey.

Mr. Edwin's teaching was biology, reproduction stuff and each time he'd say something naughty about the body part, Kailey would wink at Summer, who would smile back. The continuous procedure was making Sammie bored, and she let out a slow yawning, the picture that came to mind of Kailey, Summer was that of a camel/ house horse chewing grass and that pretty much made a laugh of em all. Their laughter arouses the entire class to what seems amusing, and it just happened to be when Mr. Edwin had a problem with his small man and had to scratch it softly. So, the moment of laughter from Kailey, Summer, and Sammie collided with the laughter from the class, it soon felt like they were laughing at the same thing when they weren't. Mr. Edwin didn't eventually like their behavior to a little incident and got a sight of Kailey and the gang.

--- Hey smart pants! Mr. Edwin said, calling the attention of the Three Stooges that stayed in the back seat. — You know if you three actually paid attention in class you won't be such a wimpy prick. He whined, and the class went into a chorused laughter. Jade didn't say anything but let out a slight chuckle. She had been here from the beginning, so she was adverted any insults. Jade was the smarter among all her friends, having a brilliant dad and an exceptional mom was quite the worth. Her dad never joked about education, cos with it, you are unstoppable. That's partly a lie because he only says that cos he wants her to be rich, not depend on him always.—Huh? There was a long face pulled out by the surprised classmates to see that none of them were interested in what Mr. Edwin had said. They all had their faces on looking pale, probably a move to make his insults look pretty lame, and it was working. He grinned at them and decided to make another wing at the old baseball court.

" Where's the scrotum located in the body? Sammie. He asked, smiling mischievously, well assured that she would fail because she was not that intelligent like Jade, but she was a pro at one thing and that was making any man do whatever she asked off, with her cute eyes and romantic words. She got up shyly as all eyes buried themselves on her. Some talk about her sexy shape, cubby breasts and others talking about her beauty. She thought for a second and decided to play it like Kailey would.

"It's right there. She said, pointing underneath his brown trousers. This made the class burst into laughter as they felt she not only failed it partial but made a joke out of the lecturer. He faint a smile and replied; where is it in your body? Jade stared at her bestie to hear a solid response, but she wasn't also surprised she got this one instead.

"Why should I care? She hissed with a look of non challenged.

"Exactly, that's what your entire while has been. Careless and careless. He snapped at her, letting the class go into another round of laughter. He smiled, tapping his on the back as kid well done, but Sammie wasn't done yet.

"Well, I don't remember losing anything, but you lost your wife. Sammie laid on another dreadful blow from her tongue. She was beautiful like a morning rose but with a sharp, pointy root.

"You little rat… Mr. Edwin grasped as he held himself not to harm her. Though she was right, about him losing his wife to a divorce case, but why say it openly and why in such a manner. He realized that he'd better end this battle of savage, or else she would say in the open how he tried to get her on his bed.

That moment the bells went ringing because someone tricked the fire alarm, must haven been a fire somewhere in the school and to that Sammie and her friends already knew the place and the cause

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