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My going to school this morning was kinda hectic, cause I had to listen to my elder bro ranting with my Mum.

He's in collage, third year to be precise and he's the type of person who always love frat parties and clubbing, but Mum despise them.

Though we're rich, like really rich but not compared to my best friend Tyler, my Mum makes out time for us out of her busy schedule unlike Tyler's.

But ever since Travis moved into Princeton college which is far away, he stays on his own and he's not really close to Mum compared to myself but whenever he comes back, there're always involved in an argument.

Well unfortunately for me, he came back for the weekend, so that's what explains my hectic weekend .

I reached school just immediately the bell for classes were rung and I sighted Tyler getting out of his car as well

"Hey bro wassup, how was your weekend" Tyler asked while we did our secret bro handshake

"didn't go well, Travis came around and you know quite well how it always go's"

"Ouch, sorry dude"

"Nah I'm good, just a slight headache"

"Now let's get going, I think class have already started" Tyler said

"Yeah true, let's hurry then" I agreed instantly and in no time, we were on our way to class


Arrrgghh !!! Today's not really my day, I woke up really late with a slight headache, all because I slept really late last night

Reason being that I had a late night chat/ Video call with Connor last night, we kept chatting up till 2 midnight but it was worth it cause he's damn fun to be with or to chat with, so I had no regret but I'm pretty sure I look like a zombie who came out of a movie, with bags around my eyes

My only regret now is my headache and my lateness, Mum even had to drive me to school today. like she said

"young lady, you're really late, so like it or not you're getting your butt into that car "

I gave a small laugh as I recalled her saying that, and boy do I love my Mum so much

"Hey" I greeted Marisa from behind, startling her In the process

"Whoow! You're so late what happened?, and where did you follow cause i didn't see you coming through that front door and what happened to your eyes, you look like you didn't sleep for a week"

"Sheeh one question at a time, why I look like this? Let me just use a word Conner" I said and gave a smile which she understood

"and yeah I took the back door of cause, I had a plan to scare the shit outta ya and FYI it worked perfectly" I told her with a victory grin plastered on my face

"Whatever" She said and gave an eye roll

"look the science teacher's here and I think it concerning our project cause we don't have science today" she said and pointed to his direction

"Yea true, let's listen then" I took a seat beside hers and he began speaking

"As you all know, today's the beginning of the Annual school science competition"

"Yes we do" some of us chorused

"So this is how we're gonna go with our activities from now on, classes would be held early hours of the day, that means that after lunch break each day, y'all would begin your preparations to aid you get a perfect work and more understanding" we all chorused a yes sir

"And it would be a great pleasure not just to the principal but to the entire school as well, if you guys come out victorious" he concluded and left


We left our class after we were done listening to what Mr Williams had to say when suddenly Freddy popped a question

"Dude can I crash at your place? "

"Why? "

"Travis is leaving tomorrow and I can't afford to get more headaches but aside that, I wanna see Emily"

"Mum and Dad as well" he completed his previous statement

"Mum and Dad aren't home, it's just Me, Emily and Suzy our help"

"Well... I could still say hi to Emily right? It's been a while" he asked with his eyes waiting for approval

"Ok, fine" I raised both hands up in a surrender mannner, cause he's usually really annoying when begging

"But we'll work on our project though" I told him

"Oh yeah true, I totally forgot about that"

"Seriously? You forgot about the project we were just told now, but you remembered sleeping over" I said but he gave a little grin

"You're such an ass" I meant every word I just said cause my anger level was rising a bit

Besides being rich, I'm a smart ass (not being corkey) but I take school work seriously, cause I'm tryna forget my past.


The day ran faster than expected and right now I'm at home expecting Taylor any moment from now, I already told Mum during the weekend but just to refresh her memory I need to ask

"So Mum remember I told you about a friend coming today "

"Yes dear I remembered, can't wait to meet her" just as she was done talking, the door bell rang and I found myself walking to get it

On reaching there, Taylor stood patiently waiting for me to usher her in

"Good day ma'm" she greeted Mum politely

"Oh good day darling and please don't call me that, it makes me feel old, feel free to call me Mrs Anderson"

"Ok ma'a... Oh sorry, Mrs Anderson"

"Not a problem, you guys can go ahead and do what you want, and feel at home " She said before leaving us to ourselfs

"Wow your room looks amazing, I love the cozyness and the paintings as well"

"Yea thanks, I love art, so my room needs to be artistic" I said bragingly

"Cool that's nice"

"So sorry for being a bad hostess, what can I offer you?" I apologized and asked

"A fruit drink would do" she said, which I hurriedly went to get so we could commence with our preparation

After the little snack break, we were now set to start our preparation

"So let's begin, remember the science teacher said this years theme would be robotics" Taylor stated

"Right I remember, so what we have to do is build any type of Robot manchine of our choice" I emphasized

"First things first, let's make a blue print that would assist us in building, so we can know the materials to get for it"

"I love where you're going with this Tay, great idea. So what we gotta do is, go down to the convenience store not far from school, after school and get the materials"

"Sounds like a plan then"

"But what type of robot do we intend building" Taylor asked again

"I'll say let's go for a clean-bot"

"Huh?" She seemed a bit confused with my suggestion, so I had to elaborate it

" You know, a robot that cleans, it could clean surfaces, Vaccum and other stuff like that" I clarified my previous suggestion

"That actually sounds great, let's go for it" she said approvingly

In no time we were already done making the blue prints and Taylor was heading home. I walked her to the front porch and she went down

"See ya at school tomorrow Risa" She waved

"Bye bestie" I said waving in return


Hi there everyone, I haven't done any intro yet, well I'm Chloé Rodriguez, one of Zoi's friends ... Let's just get straight to the point here and stop all the yabbing about me.

It's day two of the science project and Zoi havn't taking part in any of the preparations so far which is kinda buggy cause I had to do all the work

But... Well... She suggested we divide it into two parts, and her part is displaying it during the final day and my part was to complete the whole thing

I know what you're thinking, she's bossing me around but well that's what I sighed up for, she's kinda like my boss here so I can't do a thing about it

Right about now, I'm at home figuring out how to construct the damn project.


It's the third day already which is Wednesday and we're about having gym so we're in the gymnasium , wow time flies

I'm inside the gymnasium with Marisa having a little chit chat while we wait for the gym coach Mr Alex

"Hey students" Mr Alex said as he walked in and by the look of things he doesn't really look good and he wasn't even putting on his usual tracksuits

"Errmm, sorry for the hold up guys, but there won't be any gym today cause I'm a bit under the weather " there was a little 'oh' and 'sorry coach' from different angle

"Y'all should just go to class and do what ever you wanna do, till your next class begin " he finally said, which made most of us jump cause of excitement and hopped out

"You know we're not having our vocationals today cause of the project right?"Marisa asked on our way out

"That's actually true, I didn't think to that direction"

"So what's next on the list" she asked again but I didn't understand her question, I looked a bit confused which she realized immediately

"What I mean is, what class do we have next " She clarified

"Oh that's what you meant, I thinks it's Miss Charlotte... Oh sorry I mean English"

"Tay is everything ok?" she asked looking concerned

"Of cause I am, why wouldn't I"

"I mean you're shuttering each now and then. Anyways let's go get our books " She suggested, which I approved to

When we got to class I sighted Connor, I excused my self from Marisa to say Hi to him

"So Risa I'm coming with you" I told her once we were outside after school

"To where if I may ask?"

"Your house of cause, we have to finish up with our project cause this is already Wednesday and the display is on Friday, so we don't have time to spare"

"Your Mum would be worried sick you're not back"

"No she won't, I texted her during class and told her we still had work to do, so she permitted me"

"Ok then, get ready to meet my whole family... Well except my Dad, cause he traveled" She said sadly

"I've already meet your Mum and yea your bro as well, so it's just your Sis I should get ready to meet"

"Oh yea, that true"

" I've been meaning to ask, where's Parker?" I questioned

"Oh he left earlier, you know cause of our project"

"That explains why I haven't seen him for the past three days now "


This week went incredibly fast than expected and I knew it it was already Friday morning.

Waking up with a positive mind and good spirit, I freshened up and went down stairs to have my breakfast.

On seeing everyone moving to the dining position

'Right on time' my subconsciousness told me

"Morning Mum" I greeted happily

"Morning sunshine, someone's happy today" she said

"So what's the news?" She asked further

"Oh Mum, today's the day of the project display"

"Oh so that's what causing your happy spirit "

"Yea of cause" with say that last word I ate up my breakfast of Pancakes quietly.

Now I was on my way to the auditorium cause that's where the principal, Mr Brown directed it to be placed before I headed back to class


I left for school this morning with a smirked plastered across my lips

"My plan's gonna go smoothly" I muttered to myself in my car.

I planed something big today and I'm pretty sure it's gonna be perfect.

As soon as I got to school not quite long, I placed a call across Cholé and Olivia telling them to meet up with me in the empty hallway, which they arrived almost immediately

"Chloé, where's the science projects being displayed?" I asked her

"It's in the auditorium and ours is there as well "

"Perfect, Olivia I have an assignment for you" I told her and she visibly gulped down her saliva, cause she knows that whenever I say that I mean business

"I want Marisa project to be sabotaged, I don't care how you do it, just get it done"

I said and gave a lopsided smirk

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