C7 Chapter 7

Five months later…

Cassie drank her second vodka cranberry while relaxing in a cozy leather chair in the Colleen Aviation waiting area. She was an anxious flier to begin with, so the fact that she was attempting to disrupt Nathan's wedding one week before the big day added to her anxiety.

She drank two vodkas—one to calm her worries about what she was about to do to Nathan and the other to prevent panic when she was thirty thousand feet in the air speeding through the ether in a tin can. She wasn't simply anxious when she flew; she actually detested flying and tried to avoid it at all costs.

Driving the eight hundred miles to the wedding was not an option, but Colleen Aviation, a relatively new client, had offered her first-class seats on one of their brand-new domestic commercial flights. If she didn't feel like she was crammed in like livestock on the way to the slaughtered, perhaps she would like flying more.

Her empty glass was removed from the little table in front of her by an approaching waiter.

She said, "Can I get you something else?"

"I'll have another one of those," Cassie said.

The waitress gave a nod before leaving. Cassie was unconcerned with the tall, attractive woman's opinion of her early afternoon drinking spree. Without some liquid courage, there was no way she could board that aircraft. If she was fortunate, she would doze off and skip the entire grueling trek.

She looked through her purse in search of the calming pills that her roommate had recommended. Tiffany had sworn by them because they were herbal and had no bothersome medicines that would have interfered with her ability to drink. Four of the tiny green pills were shaken into Cassie's hands from the bottle. When the waitress came back with her drink, Cassie downed the tablets with a big gulp.

Cassie had intended to arrive early so she could have some drinks in her before boarding even though her flight wasn't for another hour. She was also a little anxious about arriving on time. She detested being late, therefore she always showed up at least 30 minutes early. While she waited, she took out her phone to check some emails but was sidetracked by a text from Nathan.

They had maintained their relationship, and occasionally, Nathan would send her a lewd text telling her how much he missed her and what he wanted to do to her when he next saw her. Cassie had considered sending him some explicit selfies, but she was better behaved than that. After all, she worked in PR and was aware of the potential consequences if anything like that fell into the wrong hands.

Hey Bae, it's Nathan I'm eager to see you. I must talk to you right away. is going to pick you up at the airport.

Her eagerness caused her stomach to quiver. She and Nathan needed to speak. That could only suggest that he was interested in her opinion on whether or not to proceed with the wedding. She had the opportunity to play all of her cards.

Okay, so that could not necessarily imply that he was reconsidering his decision to wed Ainsley, but a girl could dream, couldn't she? In addition, the booze and herbal pills were causing her mind to become sluggish, and she was thinking about all the immoral things she wanted to do to Mr. Nathan Greg.

She chuckled as she reclined in the chair. She closed her eyes, inclined her head to the ceiling, and allowed her hair to flow down over the back of her chair. Her mind conjured up lovely scenarios in which Nathan would declare his everlasting love for her and insist on being married to her rather than Ainsley as she gripped her phone to her breast. She pictured Ainsley walking up the aisle with Nathan by her side, her exquisite little face wrinkled up in ugly sobs. Oh, she did recognize Ainsley Rusch's appearance perfectly. For the previous six months, she had tracked the bitch online using Google, and she was eager to remove the smug grin off her attractive face.

She heard a deep voice say, "Thanks, Madeline," from behind her, and her skin erupted in goosebumps all over her body. Despite not hearing that voice for months, she was familiar with it. She had been kept warm on many lonely evenings by the recollection of the way it poured over her when he was completely enclosed inside of her. Irish. Her hair fell like a veil about her face to give her the appearance of anonymity as she shifted in her seat to catch sight of him.

He appeared to be on the phone with her while turning his back on her. His arse neatly complemented his cut suit pants, and his shoulders were just as broad as she recalled them to be. He dropped the phone from his ear and put it into his pocket while she watched, then turned around. She sank down in her chair and looked away so he wouldn't see her. Her pants felt curiously damp and her heart was racing, but perhaps those were simply the effects of the drink and the happy pills. She hoped he hadn't seen her when she closed her eyes. In her drunken state, she didn't think she would be able to fight him off if he tried the same trick he had that evening at the pub. Regardless of her feelings for Nathan, her body still recalled Irish and how he had made her feel, and it was all in preparation for another encounter with him. She was aware that as soon as she set eyes on his radiant green eyes, she would melt into a puddle at his feet.

After cutting off his phone call to Madeline, Brian put his phone in his pocket. Finally operational, the airline seems to have received a warm reception from the general population. Despite the fact that he would have been more comfortable in his private aircraft, he had made the decision to board a commercial trip in order to experience what his paying clients were going through.

Libre Baskerville
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