Online-dating Girlfriend Is A Man/C12 I'm Stuck in a Bad Situation
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Online-dating Girlfriend Is A Man/C12 I'm Stuck in a Bad Situation
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C12 I'm Stuck in a Bad Situation

He felt a hand swinging in front of him, and he knocked it off. Tiger stared. "Keep your mind straight. I just feel that... this person is very similar to the person I saw yesterday. He rubbed his chin and started to think.

"Oh, let me take a look. Jiang Yin came to the side for something good. He narrowed his eyes and slapped his thigh. " I think it's familiar too! "

Yesterday, after Wen Wanbai wrecked a big club, he ran over with curiosity and took a few more glances. The best thing he had since he was young was his memory. Wasn't this person openly challenging Wen Rang Bai to that person?

Wen Rang Bai held his head and thought hard for a long time. His heroic face was gradually covered with dark clouds. He clenched his fists. Isn't this the little bastard from yesterday?

He felt guilty about hitting the hamster, but he pretended to be a woman and lied to a woman...

Yesterday at that kind of occasion, and today because of this...

It's really interesting.

Wen let Bai gently stroke the stubble on his chin. He smiled and said, "Yes."

"Where are you going? Jiang Yin did not know why he was so happy. He glanced at him and asked, "Can you take me with you?"

He stopped walking and looked at Jiang Yin with interest. He looked at Jiang Yin with a pitiful expression and did not know whether to laugh or cry. "What? That little boy still wants to pester you? No way. It has been a week. He has just given up. He joked.

"Bah." Jiang Yin spat on the ground. How could he accept a man? "Take me with you. I will be scolded if I go out on my own."

Since two weeks ago, Jiang Yin seemed to have suddenly had a peach blossom. All kinds of good things came one after another. For example, on the subway, all kinds of middle-aged women in the carriage were secretly looking at each other and flirting with each other. He walked to the train station. Dozens of stray dogs chased him at least two streets away.

No, last week, he saved a little girl from a gang of hooligans. Ever since then, he had seen Tian'er following him like this with a little girl from a gang of hooligans.

What did he mean by climbing over the wall, confessing from a distance, love letters, flowers? There were countless little things that made Jiang Yin's face turn so dark that it turned blue. Please, he was a straight-backed man. What kind of technique would he use to curry favor with a little girl?

Wen-R-R-White carefully thought about it, but he still turned around and left quickly.

Jiang Yin lowered his head and leaned on the table. Not long after, someone knocked on the door.

He looked up and said, "Little girl, are you done? Don't you feel tired if you keep bothering me?"

Sure enough, it was Luo Meng again. That's right, this little girl's name was Luo Meng. Just the name alone had a bit of deterrence. If one looked at the heavily dressed big white face, one wouldn't be able to associate it with this name no matter how one looked at it.

Luo Meng carefully took out a copy from his back and did not care what he said. He only said, "I heard from your colleague that your favorite shop on West Street is a plagiarism shop. I just queued up to buy it for you. He deliberately emphasized the word 'queue' and smiled foolishly.

Come on. Now even his colleagues knew that he was having an affair with a girl. The corner of his mouth twitched a few times. He stood up in a bad mood, pushed him out, and pushed him all the way to the door.

During the collision, the copy was also scattered on the ground. Jiang Yin did not see it at all, nor did he want to look at it. He said vicious words to Luo Meng. "I saved you the other day because I am a kind person. It has nothing to do with you. You don't have to keep pestering me because of this. " I have no interest in men. You found the wrong person. "

The anger and shame of being pursued by men rushed to his heart. He picked up fresh flowers, love letters, and a bunch of snacks from the rubbish bin beside him. They were all wrapped in a big bag. It wasn't dirty to take them out. He directly pushed it to Luo Meng. "Take back these things that you spent so much money on. I don't need them."

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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