Our Blooming Love/C3 Unknown enemy
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Our Blooming Love/C3 Unknown enemy
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C3 Unknown enemy



Kevin's POV

The balcony was a magnificent display of grandeur. The girandole added luster to the interior sets of the balcony. Faint led lights of red and green twinkled from every corner. The floor tiles were made with crystalline limestones and the metallic banisters shone from the reflection of the lit candlesticks. It was past 6pm, the perfect time to have some quiet moments to myself.

The day had been very busy for me. From evaluating documents to signing them and to attending the shareholders' meeting in the company. I decided to go straight to my parents' home after work.

Granny had come visiting my parents. I always looked forward to seeing her.

I got home that afternoon and met her sleeping. I left her alone to enjoy her sleep. Since no other person was at home except the domestic workers, I got bored and headed to the balcony after dinner.

The balcony used to be my favourite place in the manor before I got my own apartment and moved out of my family home. The fresh air, the nicely trimmed and scented flowers, the beautiful ornaments and the serenity of the balcony were the definition of peace for me. They gave me my desired tranquility.

Before I moved out, I spent most of my evenings in the balcony. It was my routine. At times, I would go there for relaxation. Most times, I would spend hours working into the night with my laptop.

As the CEO of a big company, I got busy most of the times . Since I loved work, it was all that mattered to me. I hated not getting things done. I hated imperfect works and I ensured that workers didn't slack in diligence.

I made myself more comfortable on the white, divan sofa. It was naturally tailored and made with expensive fibers of cotton and silk. I held the only throw pillow on the divan sofa to myself and it was still as comfy as ever.

I reached out for the champagne glass and took a long sip. I nodded in satisfaction as I dropped the glass. I loved the aftertaste it gave me. I poured myself another drink and drank it with relish.

"This is so good" I said with a mirthful smile.

I turned on my headset and closed my eyes as I slowly nodded to the beautiful rhythm of the music.

I felt a tinge of revving emotions as I vibed with the lyrics. I got lost in my emotions and subconsciously, my mind went back to the lady I met that night.

It was two weeks since that crazy encounter with her. I wondered about her whereabouts and if she was safe. The fact that I left her alone in the street didn't sit well with me. I felt a pang of guilt again in my heart. I might dislike ladies but not to the extent of putting one in the harm's way.

"Damn! Why am I thinking about her again?" I blurted out, annoyed with myself.

"Those ladies are not worth it." I tried to convince myself.

I was more angry with myself at the fact that thoughts of her randomly crept into my head ever since that night.

I felt some kind of undefined connection towards her. Her soulful voice, her daring and fierce expression and her crazy display of attitude amused me. I disliked the fact that I had to admit that she was pretty. Even in her angry state, I was drawn to her gorgeous face. There was something about those hazel eyes of hers that I really could not fathom. There was a glint of sadness in them. Low-key, I wished that I could meet her again.

I mentally slapped myself.

"Geez man! What on earth is wrong with you? Why are you thinking about some crazy girl?" I scolded myself and drank again.

I adjusted my headset and continued to sing.

The sound of a loud clap of hands brought me back to reality.

"Oh wow! Look who we have here." I heard a voice behind me. I needed no one to tell me that it was Kimberly.

I opened my eyes and there she stood, ever-gorgeous and elegantly dressed. I paused the music and stood up, facing her.

My eyes glinted with admiration for the young lady. I smiled as I took a mental note of her outfit. As usual, she was dressed in purple. Her love for purple right from her childhood days was so obvious. She had her closet filled with purple items ranging from wigs to shoes, to clothes, to jewelry and other fashion accessories.

Her room was aesthetically painted in purple. Her room was decorated with different shades of purple and lilac.

I have never seen anyone so obsessed with the colour purple like Kimberly White. Everyone knew her as Purple. The nickname had stuck to her since her childhood days.

I reached out for the light switch and turned it on. Full lights brightened the half-dark balcony.

She was wearing a short-sleeved purple dress and a pair of brown platform shoes. Her silver necklace shone under the bright lights. Her purple locket was attached to her necklace. I could not miss the view of her beautifully, manicured nails painted in amethyst. It was clearly obvious that she had just returned from an outing.

She looked ravishing as usual. She is Kimberly White, the only girl child and the last child of my family. Purple is the most adored person in the family.

Purple is one of the prettiest ladies I have ever seen.

"Brother!" Kimberly squealed like a cute puppy and ran into my arms.

I grinned as I patted her lavender-perfumed, long, wavy hair. Kimberly was sixteen and she was always acting like a baby. I loved her that way. She was so good natured and lively.

"Bunny" I called her with fondness. I heard her chuckle with excitement. She had always been that way with Shawn and I.

She disengaged from the hug and we sat on the divan sofa. She twined her small fingers into my big, firm hands and pouted, looking into my eyes with those big, bright eyes of hers. I needed no one to tell me that she was going to make an 'unrealistic' demand.

I chuckled as I patted her hair again. "What is it Purple?"

"I missed you." Came her tiny voice.

"I know"

"I really missed you Kevin"

"I know"

"When did you come home?" She asked, still pouting.

"This afternoon. You were out then. Mum and Dad weren't home either."



"When will you go back to your house?"


"Oops!" She sounded with disappointment.


"Can I ask you a question?"

"No, please no" I quicky interjected, knowing where she was headed.

"Please" She pouted and blinked her eyes, trying to convince me. I quicky averted my gaze from hers. I wasn't going to let myself fall for her request.



"I know you love me."

"I know right?"

She held onto my hands more tightly as she spelt out her words.

"Kev, ever since you left, the manor has been boring. First, it was Shawn and now, you. I am tired of staying here. There is no one to talk to. The workers are always busy. I miss those nights when we played chess and laugh over bottles of drinks and plates of chips. Now brother, can I come and stay with you?"

I laughed and replied her, looking into her eyes.

"This is your 10th time of saying this. My answer still remains no. A capital No." I told her blankly.

I saw a twitch of sadness in her eyes and felt bad. I hugged her a gave her an affectionate nudge on the forehead.

"Living in my house is not the problem Purple. The problem is, can you cope with the real boredom? I am always busy at work. There are nights when I don't come home. I practically live in my office. Except for a few domestic workers, you won't have anyone to talk to.

You have a lot of friends at school. You can always go to their houses and they can come to yours. That aside, mum and dad will never let go of you. It won't be that easy since Shawn and I left the house. They need to have you by their side." I gently told her.

She sadly looked down and sighed. "I guess I have to keep up with my boring life. I have just two years left in college. I'll tell Mum and dad to fly me out of the country for my university education."

"Come on Purple, Shawn will come home in few days' time. We spoke over the phone last night. He'll be staying at the manor. That means you will get to enjoy his company" I informed her.

Her expression changed and I saw her face lit up with excitement.

"For real?" She asked. "Shawn will finally come back home?" She hugged herself in ectasy and shouted with glee. She stood up and danced.

I quietly watched her as she made her dance moves. "What a hassle!" I muttered.

I felt my body weak due to stress at work. "I guess I need to workout more and get more rest" I said in a soliloquy.

I stretched my body and yawned.

"I had a very busy day Purple. Let me say hi to Granny before I go to bed.

"She went out with Mum not quite long. She said she wanted to get some fresh air."

"Oh" I nodded and rubbed my neck with my hands and stretched my arms. I picked my ipad. "And dad?"

"He has gone to bed"

"Oh...okay. Goodnight Purple. We will play chess tomorrow huh?"

Purple smiled brightly as she placed her hands behind her back. We left the balcony and entered the elevator leading to the main house. I felt a little nudge on my shirt.

I turned to face her.

"What's it sweetheart?"

I saw her hesitate a bit and was reluctant to open up. I smiled and patted her hair.

"Come on Purple, do you want to tell me something?" I coaxed her.

"She's back brother." She opened up, looking pissed off and sad.

"Who?" I was thrown into confusion. "Granny?"

She slowly shook her head. "Nadia" She whispered.

I gave a little smile and nodded. "It's fine Purple. I know."

She hugged me tight and whispered. "That lady had really hurt you and caused you pain. If she ever comes back to you, don't accept her. I don't like her anymore. Kevin, get yourself a very beautiful girlfriend that's way prettier than Nadia to show her that you are doing fine without her."

I became amused by her words but at the same time, I was taken aback by how much she cared.

"You are such a sweetheart." I whispered to her while she chuckled.

"It's okay bunny. Nadia won't come back to me and even if she does, I won't accept her. We are done and we can no longer be together. Okay?" I peered into her eyes, fondling her hair.

"Okay" She said with enthusiasm and gave me a thumbs up.

"Goodnight brother" She waved and skipped off the elevator to her quarters. I smiled as I watched her retreating figure.

My phone beeped, notifying me of a new message. I unlocked it, wondering what was it. I froze in horror as I read the words typed in bloody, red fonts. "Watch your back Mr CEO, I'm coming for your family."

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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