Overriding the Heaven/C66 The First Time They Met as a Couple
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Overriding the Heaven/C66 The First Time They Met as a Couple
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C66 The First Time They Met as a Couple

After Lin Miaoran exited the room, Fu Rui gazed at her departing figure, lost in thought for a long while before she spoke up, "I have this feeling—"

"What kind of feeling?" the woman inquired with curiosity.

"That dragon is in for a rough day, I'm afraid." Stars twinkled in Fu Rui's eyes as she said, "Miss seems so full of vigor today, like a goddess of war."

The woman paused, replaying the image of Lin Miaoran's departure in her mind, and murmured, "Indeed—let's hope he's fortunate."

Meanwhile, Chu Yan, utterly befuddled, was being led by a middle-aged man through the labyrinthine corridors of the Langya Pavilion until they reached a heavy, solid wood door.

"I came to purchase—" Chu Yan began, thinking it was time to state his intentions.

But after only four words, the middle-aged man cut him off with a knowing look. "I'm aware."

The man's gentle tone sent shivers down Chu Yan's spine, raising goosebumps all over.

"The usual rate," the middle-aged man stated.

"The usual rate?" Chu Yan's eyes shifted, a sense of tension gripping him.

Oblivious to Chu Yan's discomfort, the middle-aged man went on, "If you can withstand the onslaught of a warrior at the fifth level of the Genuine Force Stage for thirty breaths, you'll earn five thousand Spirit Money."

"What are you talking about, I'm here to—" Chu Yan began, but he cut himself off, his surprise evident. "Five thousand Spirit Money? Seriously?"

By now, he had realized the mix-up; the middle-aged man had obviously mistaken him for someone else.

But what did it matter? According to the man, just enduring thirty breaths under the assault of a fifth-level Genuine Force Stage warrior would net him a whopping five thousand Spirit Money. He was going to seize this chance!

The decision was driven by the allure of the Spirit Money and Chu Yan's confidence in his own abilities.

Though currently only at the fourth level of the Genuine Force Stage, Chu Yan knew his strength was comparable to that of the fifth level.

He possessed a rare talent for surpassing levels that was beyond the reach of ordinary people.

"Thirty breaths, huh? That's a brief span; it'll fly by," Chu Yan mused. "Earning these five thousand Spirit Money seems like a piece of cake."

He eyed the middle-aged man, pondered for a moment, and then inquired, "Do I just need to evade his attacks, or am I allowed to strike back as well?"

The middle-aged man gave Chu Yan a peculiar look.

It took a while before he responded, "You're welcome to try if you feel so inclined."

"Fine by me," Chu Yan nodded in agreement.

"As long as you're confident, that's what matters." The middle-aged man's gaze seemed odd as he spoke, and Chu Yan couldn't help but notice.

Before Chu Yan could voice his curiosity, the man extended a paper contract towards him. "Sign this, or a handprint will suffice."

Chu Yan reviewed the contract, saw no issues, and pressed his handprint onto it.

"Good. Head on in. There's a sand timer inside." The middle-aged man turned to leave but paused as if a thought struck him. He looked back at Chu Yan and said, "Good luck."

For some reason, his expression was tinged with sympathy. Chu Yan was momentarily taken aback, then nodded his thanks.

He approached the door, inhaled deeply, and pushed it open.

Stepping through, Chu Yan found himself in an incredibly spacious room. At the far end, near the wall, stood a towering hourglass, two stories high, with its fine sand resting in the upper chamber, yet to fall.

Scattered around the room were several wooden dummies for martial arts practice. The space was vast and eerily quiet.

In the center stood a young man in a snug white outfit, slender and unremarkable in features except for notably full lips.

The young man gave Chu Yan a frosty look and gestured towards the hourglass.

"A mute, I see," Chu Yan remarked to himself. He nodded at the young man and declared, "I've got the rules down. Last thirty breaths without getting knocked down, and I win five thousand Spirit Money. Let's get this started—I'm pressed for time."

The young man with the thick lips was, in fact, Lin Miaoran, who had altered her appearance using transformational inscriptions.

When she heard herself being called a mute, anger flashed across her eyes.

Unfortunately, while the transformational inscriptions could change her looks, they couldn't alter her voice. Thus, she was left unable to verbally counter the accusation.

"You're going to regret those words soon enough!" Lin Miaoran vowed silently.

Chu Yan limbered up, giving his opponent a nod to signal the start of their contest.

Despite his casual words, Chu Yan was far from complacent. He didn't underestimate his opponent in the slightest, despite their seemingly frail stature.

After all, even a slender figure could be a martial artist of the fifth level of the Genuine Force Stage!

In that moment, Lin Miaoran's gaze upon Chu Yan wavered slightly.

She could sense a distinct shift in the aura of the man known as the dragon. What she had previously perceived as arrogance and conceit now felt like an abyss before her.

It was as if she was peering into the abyss, which in turn, seemed to gaze back into her soul.

This realization sent shivers down her spine, and she had to take a deep breath to steady her nerves.

But soon, her heart swelled with joy and excitement. "I've only encountered fame-seekers until now. At last, someone worthy shows up!"

She bowed respectfully to Chu Yan, then began to step back, readying herself.

The air in the room seemed to grow still in anticipation.

As the hourglass was turned and the first grain of sand fell, Lin Miaoran burst into motion.

Her body, taut like a drawn bow, launched forward with the velocity of an arrow, the air exploding with a boom under the pressure of her assault.

Chu Yan's pupils dilated in shock.

"Incredible speed!" A shiver of apprehension ran through him.

Her speed was so astonishing that he could barely track her movements.

The air itself seemed to rip apart with her every move.

"Is this truly the power of the fifth stage of the Genuine Force Stage?" Chu Yan wondered, feeling misled.

Yet, in that same breath, his competitive fire was kindled.

Chu Yan's gaze darted rapidly, a shiver running through him as he struggled to track his opponent's elusive movements. Yet, this very challenge sparked an irrepressible thrill within him.

His blood, already yearning for battle, blazed to life as he faced this formidable adversary.

"Not here, not here, it's—there!" In that moment, Chu Yan's combat instincts, honed on the front lines, surged with a potent sense of impending peril, a chill and sharp sensation closing in from his flank.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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