Persistence/C11 Ten
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Persistence/C11 Ten
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C11 Ten

---- Malisa -----

I had been debating on the pros and cons of running away and after hours of thinking, I realized that running away is indeed the best solution for me at this moment.

I decided to escape after breakfast as it would be a very stupid move for me to escape before then.

As I didn't even know where I was going to escape to or whether I'll be able to eat while I am at it.

'' Lord, please show me away. '' I muttered.

Perhaps it's because I have been crying all night as I just couldn't hold back my tears.

I found out that crying makes me light-hearted and better.

So well.

My voice feels very hoarse now from all the crying.

I badly needed a cup of brewed tea.

As if my Wish was granted the next moment.

I heard the clanging of locks and then I realized that my mom was here with my breakfast.

I can't believe that I have been locked like a prisoner in my own home...... My Dad's home.

The door opened minutes later and my mom's face soon came into view.

" Good morning, Mom. " I greeted.

" Hm. " My mom replied nodding as she surveyed the whole room, it was as if she was feeling suspicious.

" At least you are smart enough to not try to escape. " She suddenly commented.

I just sighed inwardly.

' I am indeed planning to escape but after Breakfast. ' I said inwardly, I didn't dare to voice out my thoughts.

" Anyways, I brought your breakfast make sure to have it while it's still fresh because you never know. "

" And, be prepared as the cosmetician and Fashion designer will be arriving at 5 to dress you up so make sure to not do anything stupid," she added in a warning tone.

" Alright, Mom. " I replied respectfully as always though I was very well aware of the fact that I won't be heeding to her advice.

" Good. " She smirked in satisfaction as she placed the tray of food on the small stool.

She left the room after this.

I heard the clanging of locks once again as soon as the door was shut.

I proceeded to check the food my mom brought and was very happy to see that it was a simple breakfast of Bread and Fried eggs with a cup of brewed tea.

' My favorite. ' I thought happily.

But wait, why is more suddenly behaving very nice to me after all she usually isn't.

But well, perhaps she's doing this because she knows that today will be my last day in their house as I am supposed to get married tonight.

What was most disgusting about all of this is the fact that a kind of ritual would be done after the wedding.

Where the husband will have to show a Bloodstained handkerchief to the awaiting crowd so that they'll know that the new bride is a virgin.

' Gross. ' I thought.

I removed all these thoughts from my mind and proceeded to eat my food

With satisfaction.

I savored the feeling of the freshly baked bread and the Fried egg which contained, Fish, Onions, Carrots, And some minced cabbages.

I felt a little emotional as I ate on.

Due to two reasons.

First, this will be my last breakfast in this house.

Secondly, this might be the last time that I will eat my best food.

Because well..... You'll Know soon.


I looked down the windows of my room, it's already early in the afternoon, and everywhere is quiet.

The Weather had gone back to normal now.

As I looked from our bungalow house, I realized that the window isn't that far from the down.

After looking around and making sure that no one is around I closed my eyes took a deep breath and said a quick prayer.

" Lord, I need your help. "

After I did this, I opened my eyes with renewed determination and so on.

I climbed my window and jumped down carefully.

Immediately my feet landed on the ground I felt the coldness of the leaves beneath my feet.

I was barefooted as I didn't want to attract unnecessary attention from people around.

I was holding my pink slippers in my hands.

I only decided to escape now because I knew that at this moment, my Dad would have gone to his farm while my Mom would probably be sleeping in her room, my twin brothers would have gone to their friend's house to gamble so, this was the best time.

I started walking slowly till I got out of our large compound and immediately I was out I started running ahead, the streets were silent and bare with no one walking on them which I was very happy about.

I then Started Taking the forest path with the hope of getting out and ending up at the road, by this time, I had already worn my Slippers and my Orange flowery scarf was tied loosely around my long black hair.

As I walked further, I got lost in my thoughts but the rustling of leaves attracted my attention.

' Who could it be? ' I thought a little scared as I quickened my steps.

I was sure that it couldn't be the hunters as they only go hunting at night.

' Could it be an animal? ' at this thought, I felt my heart beating rapidly I couldn't imagine what would happen if it was a wild beast.

I ran ahead in fright and I continued running till I felt very tired and then I realized that I have been on this part for about two hours now.

I haven't come across any human or beast apart from the rustling of leaves.

I remembered leaving home at, 12 pm

So it should be around 3-4 pm now.

Would they have noticed my absence from home?

Whatever, it is I don't care.

I have already made my decision and there was no going back.

I continued walking and soon I saw a road ahead.

Excited I continued running ahead.

I finally reached the road and almost immediately, A silver-colored Audi.

Came into my view.

I raised my hands in an attempt to stop the car.

I saw the car slowing down but before I could make a move.

I felt a sharp pain in my neck and my whole world blackened out.

What happened?

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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