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Master Chu only hated that he should have gone to the Witch Zhi Manor. It was better to understand his sect than to be confused.

Now that she thought about it, she felt rather regretful. She felt that she had already mastered the Gu Spirit Formation, so she didn't want to cause any more trouble at Wu Zhi Manor.

Who knew that even after seeing his entourage today, he still did not know that he was a person from the Villa.

The iron prison's door was opened, and Master Chu and Yu Wuyou walked out of the cage towards the dungeon's door.

There were no guards in Xing Qing Palace. There were only maids and eunuchs. The two of them did not dare to use force and simply followed a group of maids to the front of the Black Tortoise Palace.

The Black Tortoise Palace was the place where Sikong looked through the imperial reports. The one beside the Black Tortoise Palace was the Vermillion Bird Palace.

The four great palaces of Xing Qing Palace were: Azure Dragon, White Tiger, Vermillion Bird, and Black Turtle.

The Vermillion Bird Palace was the imperial study of the Great Cang Huang Palace. Other than the White Tiger Palace, which was used for discussing, the rest of the palaces were only accessible to Sikong Xun.

Azure Dragon Palace was Sikong Xun's sleeping quarters. Normally, when he summoned his concubines to sleep in, he would go to Xi Men Xi Palace, which was located in the second floor of the palace.

He himself already had seven sons, five princesses, and even some of the young, childless concubines that couldn't see him in front of them, not to mention sleeping with him.

Master Chu and Yu Wuyou disguised themselves as court ladies and eunuchs, searched everywhere for the layout of the entire Xingqing Hall, memorized all the maps, and then returned to the dungeon.

In any case, they were still in the dungeon, so no one would ask about it at night. Thus, he took this opportunity to look up a map before returning to the dungeon during the day.

For the past few days, no one had discovered them. They were just worried that their whereabouts would be exposed.

Chu Shiyu pushed away the stones on the floor of the dungeon and used a wooden stick to draw the pictures of the places he had passed.

"I only arrived at the White Tiger Temple. The White Tiger Hall used it for discussion, so they wouldn't hide such an important item like the dragon's scale. The imperial study of the Vermillion Bird Temple cannot be entered, and the palace maids who normally clean have to have a certain level of entry.

The Black Tortoise Palace can be entered, but there are Imperial Guards inside, and they only clean for half an incense stick of time every day. The Azure Dragon Palace is not accessible, and there is a special person serving behind it.

Yu Wuyou sighed and analyzed the map again, discovering that they missed a place, which was a abandoned palace.

It was said to have once been the late emperor's sleeping quarters. Later on, the late emperor had not been rebuilt, so it had been left to rot.

However, no one had entered before. Although it was abandoned and uncleaned, it was still very clean.

"Hall of Life!"

Zhu Shiyu and Yu Wuyou spoke at the same time.

Neither of them had checked this palace before. Maybe the dragon scale was still inside, and from the palace maid's mouth, Sikong Xun would lie down in the Hall of Longevity every time he reached the fifteenth moon, not allowing anyone to follow him.

If it was really abandoned, why would Sikong find out about it?

Hearing footsteps coming from outside the dungeon, Yu Wuyou wiped away the map on the ground and said, "Someone's coming!"

The two of them sat down on the ground obediently, and saw a thick and strong man sweat as he entered with a wooden bucket in his hand.

The cask was filled with the smell of blood, and there was also blood on the sides of the cask.

The big man put down the wooden bucket heavily and said in a rough voice, "It's time for dinner. We will leave after this meal."

Chu Shiyu and Yu Wuyou looked at each other, was this person here to send them on their way?

He should be the butcher of the twelve elites. His methods of killing were cruel and ruthless. Every time he killed a person, he would drink a bowl of fresh blood. Before killing someone, he would also serve them a good meal. However, before he died, he might have eaten human flesh.

A pot of wine, four plates of side dishes and two cups were placed on the ground.

Chu Shiyu raised the wine jug to his mouth and sniffed it, then mocked, "How is this wine? If it's water, it's more like it. Bring me another pot. "

After finishing his sentence, he threw the wine on the ground and with a loud sound, the wine pot shattered into pieces.

The butcher was not angry, instead he sighed and said, "Sigh ~ You are all dead people, isn't it over for you to just eat a good meal and be on your way? Sigh ~ This life of mine is not easy, every time I have to eat and drink well, if you want good wine, just wait! "

The butcher turned away.

Chu Shiyu said, "I heard that this person squandered his life like blood, didn't like people who are about to die before killing people to lose their temper. He doesn't like the blood of people who lose their temper, so we can't do as he wishes."

"But he has ways to make us slowly lose our tempers. His methods to kill have never been limited to just one."

Master Chu's lips curved into an evil smile. "I will make him go crazy first. Just you wait!"

Not long after, the butcher brought another jug of wine and placed it in front of Chu Shiyu.

"This is a good wine that I have kept from myself, you're lucky to have it."

She put it to her mouth and sniffed it. It was actually a good wine. Fifteen years of wine with dust on it. It was a good wine.

The butcher took a deep breath and thought, there won't be so much to do anymore.

"But it's actually a good wine. This wine has been calculated." Chu Shiyu put the wine to his mouth and praised him as he drank.

However, Yu Wuyou, who was at the side, was unhappy again. He placed a mouthful of food into his mouth and immediately vomited! Pui ~ What is this? Can it be eaten? There was no oil and the food was not cooked yet. How could he eat it? Take it back and pour it out! "

"You … "This is a dish that I personally cooked, and I've spent an entire day. I've extracted the old portion of the bamboo shoot, and I've peeled off its roots and skin. How can there be a death sentence with honor like yours?"

"You know you're going to die, but you still have to act willfully, or else how aggrieved are you? Wine and food don't mix well with each other, I won't even have a single bite. How about you start right now? "

Master Chu and Yu Wuyou knocked the dishes onto the ground, making the butcher stomp his feet in anger.

He scolded in a weird tone, "Good, I can finally see that you two little bastards are doing this on purpose? Don't think I'm going to spare you, I... I'll cook for you all again. If you say it's not tasty, I'll chop you all into pieces and turn you all into meat buns. "Hrmph ~"

After cursing for a while, he walked out of the dungeon with the wooden bucket.

Chu Shiyu and Yu Wuyou looked at each other and shrugged, showing that they were helpless.

When the butcher came back with the fragrant liquor, he saw that the cell was already empty, and he didn't see Chu Shiyu or Yu Wuyou.

The butcher was shocked and gnashed his teeth, "Oh no! These two little bastards actually ran away!"

"I'm here!"

Hearing Yu Wuyou's voice from the dark corner behind him, the butcher was startled. He looked for the source of the voice, but before he could see the person clearly from the corner, he was assaulted by a vicious aura from behind.

"Damn fatty, you should die ~"

"Err ~ You …" "You guys …" The butcher turned around and stabbed himself in the chest with his dagger. His bulging eye sockets slowly widened as blood flowed out from his clothes and he slowly fell to the ground.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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