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Chu Shiyu and Yu Wuyou sat on the ground to recuperate.

Outside the Hall of Longevity, a blinding light pierced through the white clouds and shone on the palace.

Three of the twelve men who accompanied him, lived and drank were guarding the exit.

Currently, only four out of the twelve prodigies were present. They could only defend the Green Dragon Hall with their lives, ensuring the safety of Sikong Zhaixing's search.

Other than his ability, the reason why Chu Shiyu and Yu Wuyou were able to kill eight of the twelve elites was due to luck.

If Yin Yin relied on her strength and any one of them came out, it wouldn't be a problem to tie with her even if she didn't say she could beat them.

The main reason was that there was no direct confrontation. In order to survive, who didn't go all out?

Of the remaining four people, besides the three who didn't really want to kill them, who among the other three didn't want to hack the two to pieces?

The sun was about to set in the west when Chu Shiyu and Yu Wuyou finally moved away from the huge rock.

Walking out of the secret chamber, he saw the three of them already standing guard on the grass.

Master Chu looked up at the sun setting in the west and said with a wry smile, "This Xing Qing Palace is like a dragon's lagoon or a tiger's den, it is the devil of hell. But I do not regret barging into Xing Qing Palace. Even if I do not obtain the dragon scale, I will definitely barge into it. "

She looked at Yu Wuyou and wondered, "If I were to die here, would he come and visit me later?"

Unexpectedly, Yu Wuyou grabbed her hand and said seriously, "Even if we die here, this trip will not be in vain, because we can live together and never leave!"

Who won't abandon you? I don't want to die, no matter how hard it is to deal with, I have to get out. "

"We'll do it together!"

The two of them nodded in tacit understanding. Then, they heard the drunkard say impatiently, "Have you guys said enough?"

Master Chu stared at the guqin on the back of the drunkard. If she could get that guqin, she could do whatever she wanted in this palace.

However, it was very difficult. Not to mention getting close to an alcoholic, just the concealed weapons that he used were very difficult to deal with.

She leaned close to Yu Wuyou's ear and whispered, "Do you see the music case on the back of that drunkard? As long as I get the zither on his back, I can activate the Nightmare Tactic. If you entangle Lifespan and travel, I won't really take your life. Once I get the zither, I will directly slaughter my way into the Azure Dragon Palace.

Yu Wuyou nodded his head and leaped forward. He intertwined with his companions and activated the Poison Formation, trapping the two in the courtyard.

Chu Shiyu and the drunkard looked at each other, and with a touch of evil, she lured the drunk into the hall. The two of them fought in the hall, breaking all the items in the hall. The drunkard fired his hidden weapon in quick succession, causing her to suffer severe injuries.

However, she could not get close to the drunkard. Suddenly, she remembered that when she hid in her sleeve and entered the secret room, there were still a few strands of silk left.

She held the Thousand Silk in her hand. The concealed weapon on the zither stand flew out with the last sharp weapon, stabbing into her stomach.

Chu Shiyu knelt down on one knee and lowered his head to caress his abdomen.

The drunkard grinned and walked closer step by step.

He stood in front of Chu Shiyu and confidently said, "Little girl, don't think that you can walk this world just because you've killed a few people. You're still too inexperienced."

"Is that so?" Chu Shiyu suddenly raised his head and stabbed the dagger into his chest.

Surprised, the drunk leaned forward, the knife cutting the bonds, the piano on his back disengaged from his body.

Chu Shiyu caught the guqin with one hand and stabbed it with a sharp weapon that flew out of the guqin rack with the other. However, she did not give up and kept the guqin rack in her hand.

There was only the sound of a zither string vibrating, emitting a startled demonic sound.

The drunkard held his ears and felt an electric current rush into his brain, making him dizzy from the shock.

He bellowed, "What kind of music are you playing?"

Chu Shiyu propped himself up and slowly stood up, letting out a fierce light. "Hmph ~ Big Cang lost hundreds of thousands of soldiers in the Western Territory, do you think that it's just relying on force? This is a powerful killing technique that you have never seen before, a Nightmare Zither Art that can kill without a trace, and can fight against thousands upon thousands of enemies! "

"Wh …" "What?" The drunkard was shocked. Although he had not personally experienced the Nightmare Tactic, hearing this name was enough to scare people off.

However, the drunkard still didn't believe him. He was well aware of the Nightmare Zither Technique. It was an unparalleled skill created by Xiahou Qing back in the day that could control inner demons and create illusions. It was a kind of zither skill that could kill people without them noticing.

"Nightmare Tactic! Even if you twelve heroes, in front of me, you are nothing more than ants!"

Master Chu carried the zither stand and leapt out of the palace wall. Yu Wuyou's body was already covered in blood, and his limbs were trembling as he leaned against the wall.

Just as he was about to charge over, he was struck by the zither sound and fell to the ground, spitting out blood.

His gaze landed on the zither stand in her hands, and an evil smile appeared on his face.

"Yu Wuyou ~" She steadied Yu Wuyou and carried him on her back.

"Ah Yu ~"

"I've got the zither. If you follow behind me, no one will be able to hurt you."

Yu Wuyou steadied himself. At this point in time, he had already begun setting up a profound formation around the two of them, trapping them within the walls.

A flash of lightning appeared above his head, sealing off his escape route. In a flash, the surroundings of the wall turned into an endless ocean.

A voice rang out from the haze, "The two of you won't be able to leave the Hall of Longevity. You can only be trapped here."

"Is that so?" Master Chu raised his eyes that were like a cape as they emitted a fierce light. He said in a stern voice, "Then let's see how I'll break your profound formation!"

Chu Shiyao once again held the zither holder in one hand, one hand striking the zither strings, producing a sound as if possessed.

"Dong, dong, dong ~"

When the zither music rang out, a few splashes of water from the Boundless Ocean rolled over, crashing into the waves and exploding in all directions, creating a loud thunderous sound.

The haze above their heads started to dissipate, and as the clouds parted, a clear sky appeared, and the profound formation instantly dissipated.

After suffering backlash in succession, he vomited blood and fell to the ground.

The drunkard dragged his clothes and said, "Let's go."

The three of them turned around and fled, and Chu Shanyu instantly kneeled on the ground, breathing loudly.

"Ah Yu ~"

Yu Wuyou opened her arms to check her meridians and found that her meridians were scattered all over the place. Adding the days of constant fighting, she had exhausted all of her energy.

"Resting. Right now, the twelve geniuses should only be concerned about Sikong's safety and will not come again. "Recuperate and recover. After four hours, head straight to the Black Tortoise Palace and obtain the dragon scales."

He fought several people along the way, from the spirit formation to the blood pool and to the secret chamber. It was already a miracle that the two of them could survive until now.

She was only one step away from obtaining the dragon's scale, so she didn't want to give up.

With the Blazing Flame Lotus protecting his heart meridian, he would be able to recover quickly every time he collapsed.

"Right now, the twelve elites are no longer a threat. We just need to take down Sikong Xun and force him to hand over the dragon scales."

Yu Wuyou shook his head: "Sikong Xun may not be willing to hand over the dragon's scale. He has plotted for so many years and finally got the dragon scale of the snow orchid. I'm afraid he won't easily hand it over."

"Then we will just kill him and search the entire Xing Qing Palace for the dragon's scale. I am no longer afraid of the entire palace, as blood will flow like rivers. In the past, Master Yan had experienced this. I will also let Da Cang experience this kind of tribulation once again.

"I'm afraid that you have gone against your original intentions and are not to be tolerated by the world. You are not Sikong Zhaixing. There is no need for you to do this." Yu Wuyou revealed a worried look, afraid that he would really massacre the entire palace. There were too many innocent people, and even if he were to open the Nine Hell's Soul in the future, it would be despised by the world, just like Sikong Xun.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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