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C30 In the Valley

The scabbard was crafted from transparent bulletproof glass, allowing a clear view of the long knife's black blade within, complete with its uneven serrated edge. The blade's edge emitted a soft blue glow, signaling at first glance that this was a weapon designed for serious cutting.

"Damn!" someone exclaimed.

"Count me in too!" another voice chimed in.

The whole group sprang into action, eager to join the fray. With their combined firepower, they could take down the poisonous bug in no time. It was an opportunity too good to pass up.

"Quiet down, everyone! Settle down!" Hao Laosan bellowed, his voice cutting through the noise. Once the crowd had simmered down, he added, "The patron has specific requirements: only four individuals are needed, and they can't be just any rank. They must be at least Dark Iron Seventh Rank or higher."

"But four people—that's too risky. Why not go as a group? We'd obliterate any creature in our path!" protested the skinny guy.

The man with glasses adjusted his frames and offered a smile as he explained, "The poisonous bug is holed up in a cave. It's a tight space; too many people and we'd be tripping over each other. Five is already pushing it."

"I'm in. I'm exactly Seventh Rank," declared the skinny guy, flipping onto the large rock where Hao Laosan stood, his hand shooting up like a grade-schooler eager to answer a question.

The bespectacled man couldn't help but laugh, nodding emphatically. "Alright, you're in."

Mimicking the skinny guy, a burly man thrust his hand into the air. "I'm Ninth Rank with strong defenses."

All eyes turned to him. A Ninth Rank Dark Iron was a force to be reckoned with, and his imposing stature spoke volumes about his defensive capabilities.

A petite woman with short hair also raised her hand, stating, "I'm Eighth Rank, specializing in long-range attacks."

"Thank you both for your assistance," the bespectacled man said, his gaze shifting from the burly man's door-sized shield to the recurve bow carried by the short-haired woman. He bowed respectfully to the two.

The crowd buzzed with conversation. This squad's combat power was impressive: two Ninth Ranks, an Eighth Rank, and a Seventh Rank made for a formidable lineup at this stage. The only challenge remaining was finding the last member. After all, there were only so many high-level fighters in the camp, and most were already on the team.

Lin Yuan crouched down, sifting through an assortment of fruits wrapped in his handkerchief. The variety was impressive, with no fewer than seventeen or eighteen different kinds.

Yet the quality of the fruits varied greatly. Among them were the coveted demutation nuts, as well as the lethal Ice Patterned Castor Beans.

The poison in those beans was incredibly potent—one bite and you'd drop dead in seconds, with no known antidote. Survival depended solely on one's own vitality.

Survive, and you live; fail, and you die.

Lin Yuan pulled out a cloth bag from his chest and stowed away all the fruits except for the Ice Patterned Castor Beans. He then carefully wrapped the four deadly beans in the handkerchief. Used wisely, they were nothing short of a formidable weapon.

As Lin Yuan silently gathered his items, the onlookers gazed at him intently, puzzled by his actions. Was this burly man really stealing in plain sight?

Tucking the handkerchief into his backpack, Lin Yuan rose to his feet and gave a nod to the bespectacled man.

"I'm in too."

Before the man with glasses could respond, the skinny guy piped up.

"Big fella, you sure are conscientious, quietly pocketing the goods. What if I wanted some fruit?"

"Yeah, buddy, you're taking too many liberties here. That's not cool," the burly man chimed in with a frown. In a team, the last thing you want is someone who acts unilaterally, as they can easily bring about unforeseen dangers.

The short-haired woman eyed Lin Yuan skeptically and inquired,

"What rank are you?"

Lin Yuan offered a slight smile.

"Fourth Rank."

The skinny man flared up in an instant.

"A Fourth Rank meddling in this? Are you looking for trouble?"

"Brother, I need someone with a rank of Seventh or higher. Your level is too low," the man with glasses said, his tone laced with regret.

The crowd murmured among themselves:

"Is this guy out of his mind? Taking on a Bronze-rank poisonous insect, does a Fourth Rank Superpowered individual really think he can handle it?"

"Exactly. He may look imposing, but he's just a Fourth Rank. Turns out he's all show!"

With a resigned shake of his head, Lin Yuan replied, "What have I done to deserve such unanimous criticism?"


The incessant chatter ceased abruptly, prompting everyone to instinctively retreat several steps.

"Big brother, could you repeat that? I didn't catch it."

The skinny man gulped nervously, his voice quivering as he spoke.

"Fourth Rank, Bronze Fourth Rank," Lin Yuan confirmed with certainty.

The group edged back again, the burly man swallowing hard before asking, "For real?"

Lin Yuan, at a loss for words, gestured for Hao Laosan to step aside, hoisted the massive rock effortlessly, and tossed it aside. The rock crashed to the ground with a thunderous boom.

All onlookers gasped in awe. The boulder had to weigh several tons, a testament to Lin Yuan's Bronze Fourth Rank superpowered abilities.

The bespectacled man was both shocked and elated. Bronze Fourth Rank—Jia Shidong was only at the Third Rank, which likely made Lin Yuan the top expert known to them.

Brushing off his hands, Lin Yuan glanced at the skinny man, then at the man with glasses, and asked cheerfully, "I get first pick of the reward, right? No issues?"

"None whatsoever, not a single issue!" they responded in harmony.

Once the other three had selected their rewards, the man with glasses, Zhang Zehai, led the group toward the mountain's midsection.

Half an hour later, they arrived at a cave halfway up the mountain. Lan Cailian, the muscular man, scowled deeply.

"Teacher Zhang, isn't this cave a bit too snug? It's a tight squeeze for just me, let alone all five of us!"

During their introductions, they learned the man with glasses was Zhang Zehai, a former middle school physics teacher before the Cataclysm. Lan Cailian was a butcher by trade, Jia Gui was an electrician, and the short-haired woman, Lee Jun, was a provincial archery team member.

"It may appear small from the outside, but there's ample space within. We should manage fine without feeling cramped," Zhang Zehai assured them, smiling.

Lin Yuan surveyed the narrow entrance and the sheer rock face beside it. He then grabbed his ax-edged spear, backed up a few paces, and charged up the rock wall.

Before he could plummet, Lin Yuan's ax-edged spear pierced deeply into the rock face with a metallic clang.

He casually slung his pack over the spear and leapt down.

Zhang Zehai and the rest were baffled, unsure of Lin Yuan's intentions.

With a grin, Lin Yuan flourished his short-hilted broadsword.

"The cave's too cramped for the ax-edged spear, and the luggage is just cumbersome. This broadsword will do just fine."

Enlightenment dawned on them—they grasped Lin Yuan's logic, though they wondered if it was necessary to hang their gear so high.

Taking point, Lin Yuan crawled into the cave. Lan Cailian, normally the shield-bearer, should have gone first, but with Lin Yuan being the highest-ranked member, he led the charge.

They had only gone about ten meters into the cave when it opened up, allowing all five to walk abreast without feeling squeezed.

"Teacher Zhang, how on earth did you discover this secluded spot?" Jia Gui inquired, his curiosity piqued.

Zhang Zehai chuckled and adjusted his glasses.

"A couple of days back, I was up on the mountain gathering fruits and medicinal herbs. I caught the scent of medicinal plants coming from this cave, ventured inside, and that's when I stumbled upon the venomous insects."

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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