Powerful Omega/C5 Moonlight calls
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Powerful Omega/C5 Moonlight calls
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C5 Moonlight calls

We have been on the road for an hour and we are now traversing the dense forest. The mountain was too high but because humans influenced the werewolves there was a paved road in this very place.

Only the car of Alpha served as a light in the whole area. I could see ahead the wide road reached by the light of the car. Silence prevailed all around and only the engine of the car could be heard.

In a nth time I was again attacked by severe body pain. The tips of my fingers are getting hot. I can hear the sound of my bones. My face was numb and I couldn't do anything but to scream.

"An ordinary werewolf isn't attacked by that kind of pain especially if you're an Omega."

I was even more surprised by what the Alpha was saying who was just driving next to me. I still don't get what he's pertaining at, especially since this is my situation.

"I've been through what you're feeling. If you're only an omega, you don't need the moonlight calls."

But I only responded him with a loud cry when I felt the stretching of my bones in my back. I felt weak and tried to reach my back. I want to know and feel its movement.

Aside from the pain, my face is almost getting hot because it seems to be changing too. Now my tears started to fall.

"I-I don't understand Alpha! W-What power is this?"

He didn't answer me, he just accelerated the speed of car. We reached the highest part of the mountain and I don't know what time is it. All I know is that I'm tired of it taking so long to process my form shift.

The pain I went through was too much for me to handle. I can feel myself that I'm running out of strength. Even my breathing seems to stop.

The car stopped and my body went limp. I could barely get up and I could just feel my tears running down my cheeks.

"Mom... I don't know myself anymore," I whispered at the same time as doubting my personality.

I didn't realize that Alpha got out of the car. I just saw him open the door next to me. I tried to lift my body to get out and I didn't expect him to help me.

He left in front of me and seemed to be just watching my weak actions. I grabbed the door and forced myself out. I could barely move my legs and poured the remaining strength to extricate myself from this car.

I fell to the ground, the pain I felt increased. But my body didn't seem to have mercy on me. I cried even more when my bones started moving again.

It got more intense and it felt like the tips of my fingers were opening. I have no choice but to look at the moon. I want to beg the moon god to help me to end my suffering.

A drop of tears as my bones broke. I let out a loud scream as the moon brightened. The light centered on my body.

I don't understand, I'm lifting up. I felt a force compressing my muscles. I light up and the pain intensifies.

My body seems to be growing. My finger nails are getting longer. I'm growing hairs. My appearance soon changed. The clothes I was wearing were explode and when my feet hit the floor the moonlight disappeared.

Now, I'm a werewolf.

"The moon blesses you even though you're an omega."

The Alpha is currently standing in front of me. I don't understand but I feel his strength. An Omega will never feel the true power of an Alpha.

But I... I feel it.

"Faded yellow-orange eyes but pure white fur. Your eyes are the eyes of an omega but your fur is one of a kind. You are a big wolf with healthy white fur."

I looked at myself, the Alpha of Dark moon pack is right. My fur is white unlike other werewolves tuscan sun the shade of omegas and usually werewolves with high positions in the council is brown in color and Alpha is dark brown and the color of the eyes is golden red.


As a werewolf I don't have the ability to speak but I can talk to him through the link in my mind.

"Your strength is hidden. Unscented and hard to define what. Is your father really a rouge, Omega?"

He stepped closer to me. Currently, the color of his eyes has also shifted and his claws are out. I can feel the real energy he has-as heavy as the deep blue sea, million meters away. This is how strong an Alpha is.

'I-I don't know either Alpha...'

"If your father was rouge your fur would be black but that is white. Your mother's fur is not white either but the proof that you are related to her is because of your smell as an omega and the color of your eyes."

I want to tell him the reality that he has lived longer and knows more than me. He has a better chance to remember the past to find out where I came from.

Me.. I just discovered this kind of personality of mine. It didn't even occur to me that this was the outcome of my change of form.

"We went through almost the same form shift. Just like you, I was 21 years old when I changed form and the pain I felt was also intense. As the successor to my father's throne, I was also blessed by the moon, similar to what happened in yours now."

I was surprised by what he said. I raised my head to him, and stepped closer. 21 years old he also shifted form? The pain I went through he also went through? How did it happen that we have the same form shift process?

"The only difference between us is the smell and color of your eyes even your heartbeat is an omega while I'm the smell, color of eyes and heartbeat is an Alpha. But my strength and your strength are like none different."

Again he stepped closer to me. Our two meter distance became only one meter.

"Or are you as strong as me, Sophia?"

I recoiled at the tone of his voice. It seems like he has a plan to fight me just because of my strange strength that he is referring to.

"I want to test the strength you have, Sophia."

I also have no idea why he calls me by my first name and not my last name or my position in the pack.

He calls me by my name as Sophia and it's not hidden in my knowledge that an Alpha only does that if a werewolf is closed to him. Is it because of my strength? But shouldn't I be more in awe of what he says than wonder at the name he chose to call me?

"You have to fight me, Sophia..."

When he said that I jumped back as he changed form. Like me, his clothes just torn to pieces.

Now he is a wolf with dark-brown fur and golden-red eyes. I can't fight him, he's still my Alpha and fighting him is a desecration of our pack.

'Alpha... I will not fight you, Alpha!'

I stepped back, he stepped forward. I didn't think we were nearly the same size. It's impossible that my body size is almost the same as him.

'As your Alpha follow what's my order. Omega Sophia, I command you to defeat the power that your Alpha has!'

'No! I won't do that Alpha. Please, I'm just an omega, I don't want to do something that the whole race thinks is a blasphemy!'

Even though I was in the form of being a werewolf I was still afraid of him. This is proof that no matter what he refers to my strength that is strange to him, I am still an Omega who has nothing against him.

'If you don't fight me you will never see the tomorrow, Omega! You choose which of the two, will you save your life against me or let me to kill you?'


Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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