Hello,Mr Charming/C26 Meet Again
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Hello,Mr Charming/C26 Meet Again
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C26 Meet Again

However, no matter how much they tried to bribe the troll army, they would only be able to obtain the second place with great grievance, and it was completely useless no matter how much they tried.

Guan Ruier angrily broke a set of crystal glasses.

The time had finally come. To Ye Sheng and the others, being in first place was an honor, a joy, and a happiness that almost made them jump.

In the eyes of Chang Xuan and the others, it was extremely dazzling. They wanted nothing more than to smash the computer.

Ye Sheng put down her cell phone. She could finally sleep in peace.

Even so, Ye Sheng still sent Yuan Xing and Wang Xi a message filled with thanks. Needless to say, it was due to their help.

Otherwise, how could a big company like Shadow Collection Entertainment publicize such a small movie? It was something that no one dared to even dream about.

What Ye Sheng didn't know was that after she received her letter of appreciation, Yuan Xing dialed a number instead.

"Hello." The man's deep, melodious voice came from the other end.

Yuan Xing's usual solemn tone carried a hint of ridicule.

"Boss, I've helped you enormously with this matter. Remember to give me a promotion and a raise later."

"Heh, no problem."

Lu Xuanyu was sitting in front of his laptop. His slender fingers were tapping on the keyboard as fast as water. The connected phone was placed to the side.

Multitasking was effortless.

Yuan Xing praised Ye Sheng a few more times before hanging up the phone.

Half an hour later, Lu Xuanyu was done with his work.

He poured himself a glass of red wine and walked over to the huge French windows, looking out at the charming night scene.

However, all of these added together could not compare to the elegant figure that appeared in his mind. It was even more attractive.

It was already late into the night. Presumably, she had already fallen asleep.

He smiled.

As time flew by, the summer vacation passed quickly.

When they met again, Ye Sheng was already a third year student. Shouldn't she be using the standard of a senior to judge him?

What made her even more excited was that she could finally see Lu Xuanyu.

The duration of the holiday wasn't long, but it wasn't short either.

It was as if every day was extremely difficult for them to endure this kind of "love from another world".

Seeing his adorable roommates once again made him feel the same way.

They met again and teased each other.

Ye Sheng was the one who was scolded the most. The reason for that was because she was really a lot more unlucky.

When they first met, the two thousand men did not recognize her and laughed out loud, mocking Ye Sheng for coming back from a vacation in Africa.

Ye Sheng rolled her eyes at her and didn't take it seriously at all.

On the first day, Lu Xuanyu sent her a text message: I'll treat you to dinner tonight.

Ye Sheng smiled and quickly replied, "I can eat, but I must treat you."

There was a minute of silence before a message came in: Ok.

The two of them sat opposite each other at a western restaurant half an hour away from the school.

The interior decoration of the restaurant was extremely elegant. It was dark in color with a light fragrance assaulting the nostrils. There was even a piano piece flowing in the air. It was flowing like the clouds and flowing water, and was quite pleasant to listen to.

After not seeing each other for a long time, they felt a small distance away from each other.

Suddenly, he was at a loss for words. It was as if he couldn't say anything at all.

Ye Sheng had no choice but to lower her head and drink her juice to cover her embarrassment.

Lu Xuanyu's gaze was still fixed on her face, as if he was unwilling to move away even for half a minute.

Ye Sheng felt a sense of unspeakable unease from the burning gaze.

His heart was beating fast, as if it wanted to jump out of his heart.

Her head was buried deep, her small hands were crossed, and her whole body was filled with apprehension.

Lu Xuanyu was about to laugh at her small appearance. He smiled and said, "What, am I that scary?"

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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