Queen Siena/C1 Prolong
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Queen Siena/C1 Prolong
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C1 Prolong


Just for A deal made years ago!

To save my Life

But now I can't accept it!

I will not sacrifice!

This is my life

Why would i wear these chains of responsibilities around my feet ?

Why would i let go of my freedom for his desires?

Why would i live with a total stranger whom i haven't met before nor saw him?


"" You Have to!

We saved your life

just for this purpose

You have to Marry Me

Or else pay back all the money

Can you?

No you can't!

You're coming with me little Girl! Easy way or hard way? Choice is yours!

You are now mine! ""


I looked at my daughter that lay asleep in my arm. I blinked several times, trying to make the tears go away. Why isn't she waking up? She can't die just like that!

I have her after so much struggle , I would never loose hope on her.

“I have some news regarding your daughter, Mrs. Halt. A group of doctors at this hospital ran multitudes of testes on your daughter and we still haven't figured out what is wrong with your daughter's body.”

the doctor said.

“Is there anyway to find out what's wrong?” I cried.

He shook his head and said, “No, I’m afraid you have to let her go. There’s no way of saving her now. She only has a few days left.”

My heart squeezed and the more I tried to hold in the tears, the more my eyes burned. Let my child go? I thought.

The doctor quietly stepped away and existed the room. Let my first child go? And only a few months when i have her after 5 years of struggling? I thought.

I squeezed the only daughter that I have in my arms and kissed her forehead as tears rolled down my face.

The door of the hospital room quietly opened. I looked up and it took me a few seconds to see clearly that it was the most famous pediatrician, Edward Chen, who was standing in front of me. The one who is the most expensive doctor in this Hospital whom we can never afford!

Doctor Chen's quiet steps Approached me.

“Doctor Chen," I whispered as I grabbed his arm,

"Doctor Chen! Please help me! Please save her but i Don't have money anymore ”

“She must be the one.” Doctor Chen said to himself.

“Please help me.... please! I will do anything, I'll do anything! I can give you all of my leftover belongings! I can give you my house! I do anything, just help my daughter! I know I'll own you, but please help me!.”

“I'll tell you what, I'll take her with me and I'll see what I can do about this because I think I know the problem here.”

Doctor Chen said calmly. My eyes widened.

"Please remember to hand in your family record to the nurses at the front desk under my name."

Tears began to form again. "What can I do for you in return?" I asked.

He thought about it for a second before he leaned in and whispered it. I quickly agreed, because in that moment, all I'd about cared about was saving my daughter. My one and only daughter.

There’s no other way of saving her. He was the best doctor and her life meant everything to me.

I handed my daughter over and he carried her gently in his arm. He existed the room before I could say any more.

“Honey, everything's going to be alright.” My husband whispered and squeezed me in his my arms. I nodded as the tears started to pour down.

It took a few hours before Doctor Chen returns back into the room with Melisa in his arm. He walks in and closes the door behind him.

“Ok, I have the results and I know what's the problem, but I can’t tell you.”

Doctor Chen whispers and looks over his shoulder.

“What I can tell you is that you gave birth to a special baby... She is different from everyone else. She is not stabled, yet -”

“What do you mean 'not stable yet'?” My husband asks.

“She has power that not everybody in the world has. From this day on, she is different. She will need time to control her power. Right now, she is not stabled because her power is controlling her. To make sure that in the future this doesn't happen again, she's going to have to take these medicines ... Trust me, it will help.” Doctor Chen says.

“What do you mean by power? This doesn't make any sense!” I say.

This doesn't need to make any sense to you, but remember the deal."

I looked at him in disbelief. Should I even have trust this doctor? Is he really the best pediatrician?

"I got to go. I have another patient waiting for me. And like I said, I can’t say much about it.” Doctor Chen says. He gets up and exists. He left the medicine on the table next to me. I look down at Lydia in my arms.


18 years later . . .I am now 22 and living a carefree life unknown with the incident happened in my childhood...

I was out with my friends busy with my regular routine , hanging around without any worries!

Suddenly my phone rung! It was my Mom, At first I thought I shouldn't pick it up as She already knew I am outside with my friends but When she called again I picked it up.

“Umm, Lydia, please come home right now. I have something important to say to you.” Mom says on the phone.

“Mom? Are you alright? Is everything alright?” I asked with concerned.

“Yeah, yeah. Everything is fine ... Just come home, ok? and hurry”

she asks.

“Ok, I will, but why are you whispering?"

“Don’t worry about that, just come home, ok?” She continues.

“Yeah mom, but really –” My mom cuts me off “Lydia Halt!”

To Be Continued..

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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