Queen Siena/C5 To his Mansion
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Queen Siena/C5 To his Mansion
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C5 To his Mansion

The next time I woke up, I was in the car. I looked around and panicked.

Why am I in the car? I asked.

I looked next to me and saw Maxton , I sighed. I looked on my other side and nobody was there. Just me and Maxton. i should be frustrated but I know nothing work at this moment.

"Good, you are wake." Maxton said suddenly, causing me to jump.

I turned to him.

"Why am I here? And why are you with me? Why the fuck you're always around causing trouble I was having a perfect life before you and your family shows up and messed it all" I asked.

"Because you are moving to my house." he explained."Wasn't I in my room? How the fuck did you take me here and why the hell didn't wake up until now?" I asked him.

"Your mother has the key so she unlocked the door and I carried you to my car and I warned you before trying to improve your language sweetheart. At my place nobody speaks like that" he said that last part louder and smirked. I rolled my eyes.

"I didn't need you to carry me, you know, How much I hate you and I ain't your sweetheart idiot plus If you and your family have any problem with me then you better leave me alone. I am not begging you to take me with you okay!" I said.

"Yes, I do need to carry you and yes you're my sweetheart, and looks like you're not taking my warning seriously?" he said and brushed his index finger under my chin. I slapped it away and murmured, " Don't you dare to touch me bastard" He hovered over me in the car I struggled to get out of his grip. He starts kissing my cheeks and neck which feels so strange. strange enough to make me weird and scared. The driver was also there and he doesn't even care " Stop! " I shouted but he didn't listen.

"I said stop you deaf fool"

"Maybe you should try to ask me politely" He replied

"Please Stop! " As I let go of word please he suddenly let go of me and move back to the other corner " You're wise and a good listener sweetheart" He smirks

"Whatever. You are so annoying." I got up and sat on the seat next to the window, away from Maxton.

I asked for water and drank it down with one gulp. I Was thirsty.

I looked at my side and Maxton was on the seat next to me."Why do you always follow, stalker?" I asked him, narrowing my eyes. He turned towards me and smirked. He slowly leaned in, enough for me to smell him. He smelled like cologne and shampoo mixed and said "Because I like you, and I feel happy when I am around you."

His hot breath brushed against my ear as he spoke. I shivered a little.

"Stop lying, You can't win my heart with all these tricks"

He leaned back and I stared at him blankly. I blinked several times to snap back to reality. His smirk grew bigger when he notices. I scowled at him.

Yep, he is the type of guy who thinks he can take anybody's heart. . . But not mine, not now, not ever I thought.


it was a long ride I must say. When the ride ended, we got off and headed for the exit when it stopped I saw Mr. and Mrs. Chen's car behind us.

" Why Didn't you let me sit with your mother? " I ask him angrily " Because you will marry me not my Mom " He replied calmly.

" I will never marry you, remember that " He doesn't seem annoyed at all " Time will tell what will happen in the future "

Along with Mr. and Mrs. Chen. A guard let us out of Lamborghini. What are these people? I narrowed my eyes and asked Maxton!

"Are we famous? Or are we royalty? Or are we rich or your family is just like that?" I asked him. He chuckled, "We are all of them."

"All of them?" I asked and rolled my eyes.

" You have so much to see so don't open your mouth wide just now sweetheart " I looked away " Stop calling me sweetheart it's irritating me "

" Well I like it and I will call it what I wish to " Argh this overconfidence bastard.

Mrs. and Mr. Coen talked about the wedding at the entrance. I didn't listen most of the time. All I know is that the wedding is an early autumn wedding and it will be held 2 weeks after the full moon. It was a full 6-hour car ride before we arrived at the


The maids quickly came out and grab the luggage, ok, let's say about 9 maids.

Ok, they might be rich, but they are not royalty I thought. I got out of the wedding talk and looked at the house more carefully.

It was a strange area where the mansion is located. The mansion was big and beautiful, but the strange thing about the mansion was that it is next to the forest. The mansion was different from the forest setting. I stared at the mansion and the forest for a moment. I wonder why they choose this location? I thought.

Won't they be afraid of wild animals or burglars, thieves, killers? I mean anything could happen here, middle of nowhere!

A gigantic mansion stands before me, resembling a castle really, with turrets and a moat. It is in the center of the forest, with trees surrounding the clearing where the mansion lies. It is ferocious and forbidding, reminding me of a haunted mansion. A door stands at the front, unnecessarily large, closed, and most likely locked. A bunch of those prickly bushes is located around the mansion walls,

Mrs. Chen put on her brilliant smile and clapped her hands, "Lydia, WELCOME TO THE FAMILY!! Now you are considered one of the Chen's!"

New chapter is coming soon
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