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This was the kind of answer that often happened when he and Mo Wan were in bed. Why would Wang Xi's key answer him in this way?

He closed his eyes and clearly felt that the person in the room was Mo Wan, but when he opened his eyes.

He would realize that he was wrong. The person in the room wasn't her, but a woman with the same aura as her. Why was that?

Huo Qingfeng realized that he had fallen into a dream that he wouldn't be able to wake up from.

When he couldn't see the key, he persuaded himself to get rid of her, but when she called to ask him what he had for dinner, he couldn't help sinking.

As long as he saw Wang Xi, even if she had a completely different face from Mo Wan, he wouldn't be able to control himself from indulging in the gentleness she brought him.

When Xiao Yu saw his soulless appearance, he shook his head silently. Director Huo has been acting too weird lately, what happened?

The person sent to check on the hospital quickly brought back the news to Huo Qingfeng. On the night Han Ziyu and Wang Xiike went to the hospital, Mo Qingshan was sent to the operation room for emergency treatment because of his high blood pressure.

Huo Qingfeng furrowed his brows. Mo Qingshan's hypertension hadn't recur in so many days in the hospital, so why did it recur on the night Han Qingyu and Wang Xiike's visit?

There must be something fishy about it. There must be some secret between Wang Xiin's key and Han Ziyu. If his guess was correct, then the purpose of Han Yu and Wang Xiike going to the hospital was to see Mo Qingshan?

Huo Qingfeng was in the middle of thinking when an email notification popped up on his computer. He opened it and saw the words Jack's ID card. Huo Qingfeng quickly opened the email and his expression immediately changed after reading it.

It was actually him! This was something he had never thought of before. It seemed like his train of thought would have to be rearranged.

Huo Qingfeng frowned as he leaned back on his chair to think. Xiao Yu knocked on the door and came in, "Director Huo, Miss Bai called to say that her mother vomited blood again."

Huo Qingfeng got up and picked up his coat. "Let's go to the hospital."

Wang Qianyun was lying on the bed with a pale face. Bai Bingbing was still like a pear blossom in the rain. Huo Qingfeng held her hand and said, "Don't worry!"

"I just vomited a lot of blood. I'm so scared."

A doctor rushed over and said, "The situation is not looking good. We were originally prepared to undergo surgery, but the patient seems to have received some kind of stimulation …"

"What do you mean?" Huo Qingfeng looked at Bai Bing. She had been guarding Wang Qianyun the whole time, she knew very well who was provoking Wang Qianyun.

"Today, dad came to the hospital. I don't know what he said to mom, but she vomited blood after dad left." Bai Bing Bing cried as she replied.

Huo Qingfeng frowned. How could a white pine be so heartless?! Wang Qianyun was still her wife? It was chilling to be heartless like this.

Wang Qianyun was in danger, but Bai Bing Bing was still fine. Had he never thought about his daughter's feelings? Suddenly, he felt that Bai Bingbing was very beautiful.

Wang Qianyun finally woke up slowly. Bai Bingbing was pleasantly surprised, "Mom, you scared me to death!"

"Don't be afraid! Is Chenfeng here? " Wang Qianyun struggled to ask.

"He's here!" Huo Qingfeng walked up to him.

"Bing Bing, go out. Mom and Cheng Feng need to talk." Bai Bing Bing nodded and left. Wang Qianyun looked towards Huo Qingfeng, "I'm afraid I won't be able to live for much longer."

"Don't worry, relax. Everything will be fine." Huo Qingfeng consoled her.

"Today, Bai Jinsong came to the hospital to ask me to transfer the shares in my hands to him.

I don't agree, he said some very nasty things. "

Wang Qianyun forced a smile, "I've been in the mall for decades, but I didn't expect to end up like this."

Huo Qingfeng didn't say anything. The white pine tree was indeed too strong, but Wang Qianyun was not a good person in the past. She had just suffered a bit because of Bai Bingbing.

"Bai Jinsong is preparing for that illegitimate child to ascend to the throne. Even his father was persuaded by him. Right now, I can't even cry." Wang Qianyun gasped, "I called you here to tell you something."

"Go ahead."

"Bai Han had been pretending to be a pig to eat a tiger, I now know that he was really secretive. I've always suspected that he and Wang Xi had planned the death of Jie. I originally wanted to find all the evidence to avenge Jie Er, but my body was not up to standard."

Hate appeared in Wang Qianyun's eyes, "But I did get something, I found the killer who killed Jie'er."

"Did you find out?" Huo Qingfeng looked at Wang Qianyun in surprise. Bai Jie was beaten to death by Bai Han, and Wang Qianyun said she found the culprit.

"The person who did this to Jie Er was one of the most trusted people abroad, his name is Zhang Gang, Bai Han told him to do it at the warehouse's back door, that night Zhang Gang did it to Jie Er and then hurriedly escaped, leaving the country with his family."

"How did you find out?"

"I've been secretly investigating Bai Han's whereabouts. I knew Zhang Gang was one of his men, and when I found out that Zhang Gang disappeared after Jie Er died, I sent someone to find his whereabouts. In the end, I used his son's life to threaten him and made him speak the truth."

Huo Qingfeng was shocked. Zhang Gang knew it was someone from Bai Han, and since Wang Qianyun dared to say that, it must be true.

However, since Bai Han had already arranged for people to attack Bai Jie, why did he still do so in front of him? Could it be that he had some sort of motive?

But Wang Qianyun's words weren't confirmed, he had to figure it out before making a decision.

Wang Qianyun saw Huo Qingfeng sighing, "I was going to use Zhang Gang to testify against Bai Han, but Bai Han got the news in advance and killed Zhang Gang on the way back." I want to avenge Jie Er, but I can't accept it. Although the Bai Family is a very good company, but if I didn't put in so much effort and work, it wouldn't be this glorious, I definitely won't let everything that I worked so hard for end up in the hands of that illegitimate child, so I want to give all the shares in my name to Bing Bing. Since Bing Bing doesn't understand how to manage businesses, I hope you can help her. "

"Take care of your illness, don't think too much about it." Huo Qingfeng could only comfort her like this.

"I won't recover from my illness, so I'll leave it to you, Bing Bing." Wang Qianyun mentioned about Bai Bingbing.

Huo Qingfeng nodded. "Don't worry. I will take good care of her."

On the way back from the hospital, Huo Qingfeng was lost in thought. He needed to verify Wang Qianyun's words, but the situation in front of him was very clear.

Bai Jie was dead, and Wang Qianyun was very ill. Bai Bing Bing had no experience, and the only one who had gotten any benefits was Bai Han.

Thinking about the email he received today, his expression turned even more serious. Could it be that his train of thought was wrong? Was Bai Han the one hiding behind the scenes?

No matter what, he needed to confirm what Wang Qianyun said, that way he could easily take his next step.

A few days later, Zhang Gang's information was placed in front of Huo Qingfeng, just as Wang Qianyun had said.

That night, he was indeed present at the scene of the murder. Moreover, he had hurriedly gone abroad after the murder, but in the end, he had mysteriously died.

Huo Qingfeng closed the file. What did Bai Han want? Bai Jie's death could make him lose an opponent that could threaten him, but there was no need for him to do it himself.

He must have had a motive. Huo Qingfeng thought about it carefully. After the incident that night, Bai Han's panicked expression appeared.

With trembling hands he pulled the Wangxi Key for help, according to common sense. At that time, Wang had just experienced kidnapping and was physically and mentally exhausted.

She was even more afraid than Bai Han. She still needed to hold on, but the result was Bai Han begging for help like her?

Huo Qingfeng suddenly realized that he missed an important question. Why was Wang Xi's key not in a normal state of panic after being kidnapped? No matter how good her mental state was, she was still a woman, how could she still keep calm after almost being gang-raped and negotiate conditions with him?

Wang Qianyun insisted that the kidnapping was planned by Bai Han and Wang Xi, he had a bad impression of Bai Jie so he rejected it, but now he found himself acting on emotion.

Could it be that the purpose of Bai Han's move was to send Wang Xi to his side? What had happened to Wang Xiexi's key after it came to his side? Huo Qingfeng slowly thought back. Her change in attitude was one thing, but he suddenly remembered that night in the Golden Room. After he went out, Wang Xi was sleeping in the study room.

He quivered and instructed Xiao Yu, "Return to the company! Call the programmers over! "

A few minutes after Huo Qingfeng entered the company's office, the programmer entered his office. Huo Qingfeng pointed at his computer and said, "Help me check if there were any log entries on my computer last Friday night."

The programmer turned on the computer and returned a few minutes later. "You turned it on in the early hours of the morning and checked some files."

Huo Qingfeng's expression turned extremely ugly. "Let's take a look at the mailbox records."

The programmer nodded. After a while, he replied, "That night, you logged into your mailbox and even copied out your documents!"

When Huo Qingfeng finished speaking, he slammed his fist on the table. Xiao Yu and the programmer were both startled. He coldly looked at Xiao Yu and said, "Send the computer back to the Golden House immediately."

Xiao Yu was completely confused, but he still followed his request to return the computer to the Golden Room while Huo Qingfeng remained in his office.

Wang Xi key and Bai Han plotted against him together! This was already certain.

No wonder she kept imitating Mo Wan's actions. Even the decorations in the room were the same as the one before. It looked like Han Ziyu wasn't innocent either.

The three of them were supposed to be connected, which explained why the key had been so contemptuous of him before, and now it was so affectionate.

He was always slow with women, but this time he actually tripped over them. Luckily, Wang Qianyun reminded him today, or else, the consequences would be unimaginable.

They must have wanted to get his company's secrets so they could hit him hard. His recent company plans were in the mailbox, and now that the Wang Xi key had made a copy, it was certain that it wouldn't be put aside. He wanted to see how Wang Xi key would write about these things.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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