Rebirth: God Master of Myriad Realms/C1 Myriad Worlds Emperor Spirit System
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Rebirth: God Master of Myriad Realms/C1 Myriad Worlds Emperor Spirit System
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C1 Myriad Worlds Emperor Spirit System

"Report …"

Inside the Heavenly Palace, the Lord Taishang rushed into the Treasure Hall and threw himself on the ground, "Reporting to the Heavenly Emperor, the 'Imperial Spirit Of Myriad Realms' has fallen!"

"What!" Dishi Chantian suddenly stood up in shock. The other immortal gods were even more stunned. "Imperial Spirit Of Myriad Realms" had the divine spark of the Myriad Realm Immortal, how could it possibly drop it so easily?

"Then why aren't you looking for it!" Dishi Chuan stamped his feet in anger. If this were to happen to the demons, wouldn't that mean that the entire Heavenly Palace would be destroyed in just a few minutes?

"Aiyo, this old man's Divine Spark!" God damn it! " An extremely miserable howl came from outside the hall.

"That should be Zhao Gongming's voice. Did his divine spark fall?"

"Serves him right. Let this kid flaunt his wealth."

"Holy shit, laozi's divine spark!" Just then, Yang Jian screamed in shock as he watched a ray of light land into his other world.

"And mine …" Yue Lao screamed, then beat his chest and stamped his feet.

Ah!" This Emperor's divine spark fell as well! " Dishi Tian's face turned deathly pale.

The majority of the people in the Heavenly Palace had their divine sparks falling, causing the immortals to look on in shock as tears flowed down their faces. This Imperial Spirit Of Myriad Realms had no idea which world it had landed in, and if someone really managed to obtain it, then they would become the unrivalled gods of the universe.

But to find a 'Imperial Spirit Of Myriad Realms' in the three thousand boundless worlds was no different from looking for a needle in a haystack. The chances were simply too slim.

"It took me ten million years of hard work to condense a divine spark. Now everything is ruined!"


"Congratulations to the host for obtaining the 'Imperial Spirit Of Myriad Realms' system. Binding it now, please wait …"

"Binding successful. Activating Heavenly Emperor Divine Spark … The activation of Incense Flames value was not sufficient! "

"The activation of the God of Justice spark failed!"

"Yue Lao failed to activate the divine spark!"

"Godhood Of Mammon successfully activated, 1% activated."

"What's going on!" Hearing the jingling sounds in his mind, Wang Zheng was immediately confused. He opened his eyes and found himself lying on a hospital bed.

He only vaguely remembered that he was in pursuit of a woman who looked like Liu Yifei. This woman had the most outstanding temperament out of all the women he had ever met. If he could sign on this woman, then he would be promoted immediately.

Wang Zheng was knocked away by a car while jumping off the fence. As a qualified interstellar agent, he crazily pressed the shutter button a few brilliant moments after he was sent flying, and then sent the photo to his own boss.

But I can't remember what happened after I landed.


Wang Zheng touched his forehead as he thought back to it carefully. Only then did he remember that there was a blazing white light that drilled into his head the moment he landed.

"Hello, host, I am the Imperial Spirit System Of Myriad Realms's assistant!" A melodious and sweet voice sounded in his mind.

"Who is it!" The corner of Wang Zheng's mouth twitched, and said with a trembling voice. "Who's speaking!?"

"You can call me Xiao Di." That clear, sweet and cold voice rang out once again.

"Little brother …" Wang Zheng pulled black lines over his forehead. "What exactly happened here?"

"Xiao Di is now going to nurture the host, lead the host to become a god, and even activate the divine spark step by step to cultivate the supreme Divine Emperor of the three thousand boundless worlds!"

"What the heck is this?" Wang Zheng was puzzled: "The highest Divine Emperor is fine, to be able to make such a person like the Town Security is already like smoke coming out of an ancestor's grave."

"Since the host's pursuit is too dull, Xiao Di will give you the first mission now, letting you feel the strength of the Imperial Spirit System Of Myriad Realms. Before the sun sets, the host must spend one million yuan, and if the mission fails, the Imperial Spirit System Of Myriad Realms will be automatically destroyed, and the body that the host relies on will also die!"

"So you mean I will die?" Wang Zheng scoffed, "Who would believe such nonsense."

Just then, a nurse walked in from outside the ward. She looked at the small notebook in her hands and said: "Wang Zheng!"

"Sigh!" Wang Zheng replied as he saw the nurse raise her head and look at him, "You should pay up now, there is still four thousand eight hundred and sixty-five left."

"So many?" Wang Zheng moved his arm in puzzlement. He only felt pain in his arm, and no problems at all, how could he have so much money?

The nurse cast a sidelong glance at him and said, "There have been a lot of people running away from the bill lately, so you should be more careful. It looks like you just ran away with your clothes on." There's no need to talk about that anymore. We can swipe our cards here, and even Alipay WeChat! " As he spoke, he raised the 2-D code in his hand.

"Eh …" Wang Zheng felt around his empty pocket. Right now, forget about cash, he could still dig out fifty cents from the card.

He slowly took out his mobile phone and scanned through the 2-D code. Suddenly, a shocked expression appeared on his face.

Seeing Wang Zheng's expression, the nurse said disdainfully: "I don't have any money right? I just know that you want to evade the bill, so the phone has to be pawned for me first. I'll pay you back whenever I need it."

As he spoke, he grabbed the phone, and when he saw the balance on it, his face was full of shock.

995 thousand! Including the payment just now, it was exactly one million yuan.

"Right... I'm sorry, sir. " The nurse returned the phone back to Wang Zheng in a hurry and revealed an ugly smile: "I will immediately go through the formalities, I will deliver the receipt to you in a moment, please wait, Sir."

After saying so, he hurriedly left the ward. His heart was filled with ten thousand f * cking horses. Wasn't this guy just pretending to be a pig to eat the tiger?

Looking at the balance on his phone, Wang Zheng said excitedly: "I say, Xiao Di, that means, I will have endless money in the future?"

"The host's wealth will continuously accumulate along with the completion of the mission. If you can increase the degree of activation of the Godhood Of Mammon in the future, you will have limitless wealth. If you can activate 10% of the Godhood Of Mammon, you can rob others of their fortune and also endow them with limitless wealth. If you can activate 50% of the Godhood Of Mammon, you will be able to control the entire nation's wealth. If you, as a Godhood Of Mammon, can reach 100%, you will become a true God of Wealth.

"So awesome?"

Wang Zheng drew in a breath of cold air, and said with some disbelief: "Then, when will I be able to activate 10% of my divine spark?"

"Host, your horizons are really narrow. In the future, you can activate divine sparks such as Yue Lao and War God and control the marriage relationship of this world. Even if two pigs mate, you still have to agree to it. If you were to activate the Celestial God Spark, it would not be difficult for you to control the myriad of worlds in the universe. How could you place your eyes on a mere mortal?! "

"Control the universe …" Thinking about the day when he could call upon the wind and summon the rain in the future, Wang Zheng couldn't help but be excited, and asked: "Then, what should I do now?"

"Right now, the Host needs to start a quest. At the same time, as long as a person has a positive mindset of worshipping, respecting, and rejoicing in you, they will be able to obtain a little bit of Belief Point. "Now you have to complete the mission. After spending 2 million, there's only 2 hours left before the sun sets."

Wang Zheng heard and was shocked, stuttering: "This … If I don't complete it, will I really die? "

"It's true!" Xiao Di's clear voice showed no mercy.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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