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C1 Truth

Snow swirled in the middle of winter. In the capital, a silver palanquin was carried out from an alley, accompanied by the joyous sounds of gongs and drums. The people around him, despite the cold, all wanted to come out and touch their spirits. A person from the outer city didn't understand. He touched the person beside him and asked, "Which family is getting married with such a grand show?"

"General Minamiya, this is a joyous occasion!" The middle-aged man at the side replied and explained.

In the year that the Minamiya Feast had just been set up, he was already a great general who had fought victorious in every battle on the battlefield. He had rendered outstanding battle merits to the Great Yin. Although his previous wife was the direct daughter of the Prime Minister's Estate, Song Mingyue had lost her virginity when she was 14 years old. Even after being married into the family without regard for his past grudges, he was still a jealous man. He had killed countless women in the family and was extremely possessive. Even General Nangong would have to accompany him to battle every single time.

Not only that, she was also a "hen that doesn't lay eggs". She had been married for dozens of years and had never been able to produce a single one. That was one thing, but the slut had no sense of shame. She had been caught in a scuffle with General Nangong while he was on patrol, and had been broken by a servant girl. General Nan Gong could not bear it any longer, but he gave her money as a servant and told her to settle down after writing a book and leaving her husband and wife.

Saying this, the big sized man was so angry that he rubbed his hands together, even saying some nasty words, he was extremely angry: "Song Mingyue is an unfaithful woman, even if she dies, she would not regret it! "We all said that such a lowly person should go and soak in a pig cage!"

"Alright, alright. Now that General Nangong has married a beautiful new wife, let's not talk about all the bad things that have happened in the past."

"That's right, that's right. A lowly person will have his or her apologies." Let's go up and congratulate them. General Nan Gong's replay is from our Exquisite Red Court's Peach Fairy. Although she is a beauty, she does not sell her talent or looks, so she is not as noble or noble as the direct descendant of a young lady from the Prime Minister's House. "

"Hahaha, that's right. That was a perfect match. I heard that Taoxian had an old disease and it was very torturous. When General Nangong found out about this, he went to the Flower Valley to seek help from the Fairy Doctor Qing Xuan to get rid of her. It has become a beautiful thing to say to us! "

"Is that so … This was truly infuriating. "I don't know where Song Mingyue is now, and I don't know shame!"

"Who knows? It's better to die than to let such a scheming woman go!"

* Suburb

In the snow that filled the sky, there were a few red marks that stood out. However, this was not the 10 Li red makeup from the city, but the blood that seeped out from the wounds of someone who had been frozen and cracked.

Taking a closer look, the person was in ragged clothes, his hair was in a mess, and his entire body was covered with injuries from being tortured. But even so, it couldn't hide the beauty behind her dirty face. Her eyes, which had once been particularly bright, were now very dim. Her lips, which had once been like the petals of a peach flower in March, had become a frightening purple color, and her body, which had once been so seductive, was now covered with many centipede-like scars.

And all of this … It was all given to him by General Nangong, the Nangong Family's most revered guest in the city! This man was Song Mingyue!

Song Mingyue felt dizzy as she recalled the inhumane treatment she had received in the past few days. She thought about how she had married into the Nangong family for more than ten years, even though she had never gotten into it, she was diligent in helping him.

She knew that he was a merchant, and that he was always inferior to others, so she presented him with an article to the emperor in search of an official position.

She knew that he was extremely ambitious, unwilling to let his position be so low, so she went to war with him.

In order to take care of his face, she gave him all the fame she had earned. As for herself, she kept to herself until the door was opened, isolating herself from the rest of the world.

She knew that she had been drugged by her sister and had never been exposed. She had always felt guilty, so she had always turned a blind eye to him.

She thought that Nan Gong Xin truly loved her and had her own heart. That was why when she heard that he had an incurable disease, she went to thousands of mountains to look for her master, the Fairy Doctor of the Flower Valley, who was teaching her, Xuan Qing, to steal medicine.

Redeemable... It was deceit, it was abandonment, it was a notoriety that could not be washed away, and it was a nightmare that could not be awakened.

So it turned out that for so many years, she had been living a lie that Nangong Huayi had made for her. Back then, he had been willing to marry her when her identity was on the verge of disintegration, all for the sake of getting a stepping stone that was of no threat. The medicine she had painstakingly asked for for for him was to save a fireworks girl that he had fallen in love with!

Song Mingyue was leaning on a dead tree alone, tears in her eyes.

"Mingyue, you stole my herb that can cure a hundred poisons, and cure a hundred diseases. "How did you end up like this?"

A cold and indifferent voice came from the rustling of the wind. Following which, a tall and handsome man appeared in the forest. He had sharp and clear edges, sharp eyebrows, and clear eyes. His lips were thin and sharp, and were impeccably exquisite. His ink-black hair was casually draped over his shoulders. Although he wore ordinary green clothes, it could not conceal his exceptional and cold temperament. Such a perfect person was like a painter that had expended all of his life's spirit energy and energy to create a painting. Just a glance at it was enough to cause one to be shocked and forget about it.

When his gaze landed on the dying person on the ground, he stretched out his hand and blinked his black eyes. A trace of unwillingness and heartache flashed through his eyes before finally turning into a faint sigh. He leaned over to seal her several major acupoints and took her pulse. "Back then, I was very smart and diligent in learning because of your talent. Take you in as my last disciple, so that I won't have no one to continue my medical skills after a hundred years. "You've already learned 50% to 60%, how can you possibly …"

"The illness of the bright moon cannot be cured with medicinal stones." When Song Mingyue saw her master's face that year, tears that had already dried up in tears started to roll down her cheeks again, "I should have been rich and worry-free for the first half of my life, only to have my name ruined and squandered by myself. For the rest of his life, he had been wrongly given to the ungrateful. He had been bullied and humiliated to the point where he could not wash away the shame and shame from his body. Even if we are to continue living in this world, what is the point? "

The man frowned and whispered, "What do you mean?"

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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