Rebirth: The Petted CEO/C15 Wei Wei Don't Leave Me
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Rebirth: The Petted CEO/C15 Wei Wei Don't Leave Me
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C15 Wei Wei Don't Leave Me

Three days later, the news of Jing Shishi cheating in the exam had spread all over the internet.

Wai Jinli was also investigated because of this matter. Both mother and daughter were very busy.

Wai Jinli would naturally ask Jing Shizhang for help. As her husband, Jing Shizhang could not say that he would not help.

But Jing Shizhang did not do his best. He deliberately dragged her for a few days to create an opportunity to investigate the Su Group's bankruptcy.

Taking advantage of Wai Jinli and her daughter not being home, Jing Shizhang called Jing Zhiwei to the study room.

"I have already sent someone to infiltrate Wai Pengcheng's technical department. This is a copy of all the technical files." Jing Shizhang asked Jing Zhiwei to go in front of the computer to take a look.

His hand that was holding the mouse trembled slightly. His voice could not be suppressed with anger. " Look, everything here is the technique of the Su Group. Even the name is not bad! They have developed all these medicines and treated them as their own products. Change the name to the market!"

Jing Zhiwei saw that there were more than a dozen research and development plans in the document. Every one of them was cosplaying the Su Group, and the document actually wrote" Wei Pharmaceutical Group's IPO Assistance Plan "!

This robber company actually wanted to be listed?

How shameless!

"So our deduction is correct. The secret recipe in the Su Group's safe was really taken by Wai Pengcheng's people." Jing Zhiwei naturally knew this long ago. She said this to remind her father once again.

Jing Shizhang sighed heavily. Endless regret filled his face. He punched the desk heavily. "It's all my fault! It was I who harmed Dad and Shu Yin!"

If possible, he would rather die in their place!

He was also willing to die to atone for his crimes!

But now, he didn't even have the qualifications to die as an apology! The murderer had yet to be brought to justice, and his great revenge had yet to be avenged. How could he have the face to meet his wife in the underworld, see his father-in-law who treated him like his own son!

Blood flowed from Jing Shizhang's hands. Jing Zhiwei looked at him and felt her heart ache.

"Father, this is not your fault." She held her father's hand tightly and stopped the bleeding for him. "Mom told me that you were drinking too much because you wanted to talk business with our family."

Hearing his ex-wife's understanding, Jing Shizhang could not hold it in anymore and burst into tears.

At this moment, the man who was strategizing in the business world and had conquered a country all by himself cried like a child in his daughter's arms.

"Wei Wei, I'm sorry for your mother, I'm sorry for you... Damn it, it's me! "

Jing Zhiwei did not know what kind of words to comfort her father. At this moment, there seemed to be no better company than silence.

Furthermore, she also understood that in the entire matter, her father was not completely at fault.

He was at fault for being too kind, soft-hearted, and weak. If not for his character, Wai Jinli would not have dared to lay her hands on him back then. If not for his character, Wai Jinli would not have predicted that she would succeed in taking over the position after destroying the Su family and killing the legal wife. Naturally, she would not have dared to do those things.

But what was the use of saying these things now?

If her father was not such a kind and soft-hearted person, her mother would not have liked her father and would not have married him back then.

Hence, if the past were to be closely entangled, it would be an unresolvable cycle of death.

What they could remember and save was ultimately the most straightforward love and hate.

"Wei Wei, I regret... I regret..." Jing Shizhang sobbed silently.

However, no matter how much tears he shed, he could not get his wife back. No matter how much he repented, he could not make up for the debt he owed to the woman he loved the most in this life!

He swore that he must avenge his father-in-law and Shu Yin, even if it meant perishing together with the Wei siblings!

After comforting her father for a while, Jing Zhiwei returned to her room. Jing Shizhang continued to deploy in-depth investigations.

"Bang, bang, bang!" Deep in the night, someone knocked on the Jing family's door.

Jing Zhiwei thought that Wai Jinli and Jing Shishi had returned and did not take it to heart.

"Bang, bang, bang! Open the door... Jing Zhiwei, open the door... " Unexpectedly, Bo Yiqin's voice came from downstairs.

Jing Zhiwei was afraid that he would wake her father, so she put on her coat and went downstairs.

"Jing Zhiwei, open the door for me. Don't be a coward if you have the guts..." Bo Yiqin was still knocking on the door.

"Wei Wei, Second Master seems to be drunk. Don't go out. I will chase him away." Auntie Zhang rushed out of the kitchen with a kitchen knife.

Jing Zhiwei pulled her back. She knew how Bo Yiqin behaved after drinking. It might end up with Auntie Zhang.

Jing Zhiwei snatched the kitchen knife over and opened the door for Bo Yiqin.

"Slightly..." When Bo Yiqin saw her, his mouth unexpectedly deflated. He called out in a very aggrieved manner, as if he was about to cry.

"Wei Wei, don't you leave me. I don't want to break up with you..." He was drunk and wanted to come over and hug Jing Zhiwei.

Jing Zhiwei quickly dodged. He missed and fell to the ground.

"Why? Why?" This fall caused him to go crazy again.

He sat on the floor of Jing family and threw a splash. He pointed at Jing Zhiwei and scolded," Jing Zhiwei, you are vain. You love money! You think I am not as rich as Bo Siyan!"

"Let me tell you, sooner or later, I will have everything Bo Siyan has! Everything that Bo Siyan has is taken away from me. I will get it back sooner or later! "

Jing Zhiwei kicked him and lifted him up, giving him a fierce slap in the face!

"You think you deserve to insult Bo Siyan?"

"Bo Siyan snatched yours? Bullshit! Bo Siyan is the young master of Bo family! All of this should have been his!"

Jing Zhiwei did not want to hear anyone insult Bo Siyan in the slightest.

After this slap, Bo Yiqin finally stopped.

He looked at Jing Zhiwei in a daze, as if he didn't believe that everything in front of him was real.

Jing Zhiwei actually hit him? She actually hit him for Bo Siyan?

"Bo Siyan is an illegitimate child. He is the son of a singer. He is not worthy of the surname Bo!" Bo Yiqin roared angrily.

"Pa!" Jing Zhiwei slapped him again!

"Bo Yiqin, remember this clearly. If you let me hear you insult Bo Siyan again, I will take your life!" Jing Zhiwei warned him sternly.

Her firm expression was like a life sentence from hell in the night when the weak moonlight shone in. It was as if her hands could really control life and death!

In this life, she would not allow anyone to hurt her family or insult her lover. She wanted to use everything she had to take revenge and protect her loved ones.

For this, she would not hesitate to pay any price, even if it meant getting involved with someone's life!

Bo Yiqin was frightened by Jing Zhiwei's appearance. He instantly sobered up from the alcohol.

He looked at Jing Zhiwei in disbelief. He suddenly felt that he did not recognize this woman in front of him.

"Wei... Don't... Don't talk to me like that." After a long time, Bo Yiqin almost begged.

"You drank too much. Hurry up and go home." Jing Zhiwei chased him away.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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