Rebirth: The Petted CEO/C22 I Jing Zhiwei will Never Let Anyone Touch My Man!
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Rebirth: The Petted CEO/C22 I Jing Zhiwei will Never Let Anyone Touch My Man!
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C22 I Jing Zhiwei will Never Let Anyone Touch My Man!

"Oh? Miss Jing, you want to talk to me about cooperation?" Director Ma was flattered.

One must know that Fuyuan's biotechnology was not a big company. Compared to the other companies that Jing Zhiwei was trying to please, it was not enough.

However, Jing Zhiwei was very sincere. "Yes, Director Ma. If you don't mind, I would like to leave your secretary's contact details. After that, I will send him the project that I want to collaborate with. What do you think?"

"Of course, of course." CEO Ma nodded repeatedly. "But Miss Jing, it is our Fuyuan's honor to have you take a fancy to our Fuyuan. Actually, you don't have to be so polite. If there is anything, you can directly communicate with me. How about this, how about I give you Little Zhao and my contact details? "

" Of course. " Jing Zhiwei was very kind.

After adding Director Ma's WeChat, Jing Zhiwei did not reveal too much today. Turning her gaze, she suddenly discovered that Wan Zimeng, who was originally not far to her right, had disappeared without a trace!

"Wei..." Jing Zhiwei was just about to look for Wan Zimeng when Bo Yiqin blocked her path.

"Second Master, what is it?" Jing Zhiwei took a step back, politely and distant.

"I'm very sorry about what happened that night. Don't worry. Such a thing will never happen again in the future. I'll punish myself by giving you a cup of wine as an apology. " Bo Yiqin raised his wine cup and was about to toast Jing Zhiwei.

Jing Zhiwei smiled faintly and raised her wine cup in a distant manner, indicating that she wanted to have a toast with him.

"Wei Wei, I'll drink!" Bo Yiqin looked like a hero who had broken his wrist!

"Ouch!" As soon as the wine glass entered his mouth, he was hit by someone passing by from behind.

He was caught off guard and instantly pounced towards Jing Zhiwei!

Jing Zhiwei quickly dodged. Although she dodged his body, she was still splashed with red wine all over her body!

"You!" Jing Zhiwei cleaned her clothes and looked at Bo Yiqin unhappily.

She saw Bo Yiqin get up from the ground. The young lady who bumped into him also repeatedly apologized, "I'm sorry, Master Bo. I, I didn't mean to do it. Let me help you clean it up."

The young lady came up and did not forget to be attentive in her nervousness.

The commotion here alarmed the guests. Immediately, everyone looked over.

"There's no need for that. You didn't do it on purpose either." Bo Yiqin dodged her pull.

"Master Bo, I think I should help you clean it up." The young lady came up to him again.

Jing Zhiwei saw this and quickly took advantage of the chaos to leave the crowd and go upstairs to the changing room.

This kind of large-scale banquet naturally had the changing room and lounge prepared by the organizer for everyone. They were usually on the upper floor of the banquet hall and were very easy to find.

Jing Zhiwei entered the elevator and could be considered to have let out a sigh of relief. If someone saw that she had been spilled all over by Bo Yiqin, who knew how she would make a big fuss out of it.

The elevator door opened and Jing Zhiwei called Wang Ziyu. She asked him to go to the car and bring her spare dress up.

"By the way, which room did Siyan drive?" She wanted to go and see Bo Siyan after changing her clothes.

Wan Zimeng's existence was a dangerous factor. She always felt that this woman made people uneasy.

"The 23rd floor's presidential suit."

"Alright, send it up quickly."

Jing Zhiwei had just hung up when she heard the elevator door open.

She turned around and saw that it was Bo Yiqin. In the next second, she closed the door to the No. 1 locker room that she was in.

Bo Yiqin knew what to do. He did not come over to say anything to her and went straight to the No. 2 locker room next door.

The changing room was filled with the scent of incense. There was a dryer, a hairdryer, a towel, a bathrobe, and everything else.

"Madam, the dress is here."

"Okay, just leave it at the door."

Jing Zhiwei's body was also stained with red wine. She was washing herself in the bathroom.

After more than ten minutes, Jing Zhiwei tidied up her makeup, put on her bathrobe, and went out to get her clothes, only to find...

The door could not be opened anymore!

"Bang! Bang!" Jing Zhiwei used all her strength to turn the door handle, but the door handle did not move.

It was very obvious that someone had locked the door of the locker room from the outside while she was bathing!

Jing Zhiwei was shocked in her heart.

But she did not argue with her brain. Instead, she used the fastest time to calm down.

She closed her eyes and carefully thought about the sequence of events...

Suddenly, she opened her eyes and looked at the incense on the small coffee table!

She leaned closer and smelled it. Immediately, a feeling like an electric current rushed to the top of her head. A warm current surged on her body.

She immediately threw the incense away and calmed her emotions.

Her guess was right. There was something wrong with the incense!

The other party had locked her in the locker room to ensure that she could absorb the medicinal effects of the incense for a long time.

Jing Zhiwei took out her phone and wanted to call Wang Ziyu, but she found that the phone was out of signal! The signal had been blocked.

It seemed that the other party had been prepared for this. This series of events had been planned beforehand.

She carefully recalled everyone's faces in the banquet hall. Without much effort, the final target was Bo Yiqin!

As for the woman who knocked down Bo Yiqin... that woman's voice...

She remembered!

When Wai Jinli was locked up in the dungeon in her past life, there was a time when Wai Jinli used medicine to torture her. It was the medicine that this woman gave her!

If she remembered correctly, what this woman said at that time was, "Miss Wan said that this medicine can only be used on livestock. If you give it to someone, you can only use half of it. Otherwise, there will be deaths."

At that time, she had not realized who this "Miss Wan" was. After all, in her previous life, she had never taken anything related to Bo Siyan to heart.

But now that she thought about it, wasn't this Miss Wan Wan Zimeng?

It turned out that among the inhuman torture that she had suffered in her previous life, Wan Zimeng was also involved?

But these were not very important now. What was important was that this woman was Wan Zimeng's lackey!

In other words, Bo Yiqin had already joined hands with Wan Zimeng!

At this time, Bo Yiqin was going to use medicine to force her. Then, what would Wan Zimeng do over there?

Would the two of them attack at the same time?

Thinking that Wan Zimeng had already disappeared from the banquet hall half an hour ago, Jing Zhiwei suddenly had an ominous premonition!

Bo Siyan was in danger!

After figuring out all the connections, Jing Zhiwei did not dare to delay any longer and immediately searched for a way to escape.

She had to leave this room and save Bo Siyan! She absolutely could not let Wan Zimeng, that woman, succeed!

No one can touch my man!

Jing Zhiwei's gaze fell on the windowsill.

There was only one way!

In her previous life, she had stayed in this hotel and knew that one of the characteristics of this hotel was that every room had a large balcony. As a result, the balcony between the two rooms was very close.

Jing Zhiwei peeked out from the balcony and was very lucky!

On the left side of the balcony was an underwater pipeline, and there was an air conditioner on the top left.

"Ka ka..."

At the door, the sound of a key opening the door could be heard!

It was too late. Jing Zhiwei did not have time to think. She directly stepped out and stepped on the air conditioner.

Below her feet was the eleventh floor high up in the sky. She did not dare to look down.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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