Rebirth: The Petted CEO/C23 I'm in Love with You
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Rebirth: The Petted CEO/C23 I'm in Love with You
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C23 I'm in Love with You

Jing Zhiwei lifted her foot from the air conditioner and stepped on the iron fence outside the water pipe in one go.

She tightly hugged the water pipe and stared at the balcony on the opposite side. She did her best to jump!

Jing Zhiwei rolled around and fell on the balcony on the opposite side.

"Uh..." Her ankle was in great pain, but she did not dare to stay any longer. She did not even have the time to rejoice.

At this moment, all she could think of was to find Bo Siyan as fast as possible!

"Wei Wei? Jing Zhiwei?"

Indeed, Bo Yiqin's flustered and exasperated voice came from next door.

Jing Zhiwei took advantage of the fact that he did not find the balcony and quickly entered the room.

This was a lounge. There were all kinds of fruits and fruit knives on the coffee table.

Jing Zhiwei picked up a fruit knife and left the room to the staircase.

She hid in the stairwell and saw Bo Yiqin taking the elevator downstairs. She then returned to the floor and took another elevator to the 23rd floor.

When the elevator door opened, she heard a woman crying.

There was only one room on the 23rd floor, which was the presidential suite where Bo Siyan was. How could there be a woman crying?

Could it be...

Jing Zhiwei's heart sank.

After carefully listening for a moment, it was indeed Wan Zimeng's voice!

But... If Bo Siyan really did do something to Wan Zimeng, Wan Zimeng would be so happy that she would not be able to close her mouth, right? How could she be crying?

And it seemed like she had been wronged?

Jing Zhiwei quietly walked out of the elevator and leaned against the wall to turn to the stairwell at the side.

Through the glass of the stairwell door, she saw that the door of the presidential suite was slightly open, but Wan Zimeng was sitting in the corridor with her hands on her knees, crying very aggrievedly.

"Why..." Wan Zimeng felt wronged and unwilling to talk to herself, "Why would you rather hurt yourself than touch me? Am I supposed to make you hate me so much?"

"I am a woman and I also have my own self-respect. Why... Why must you humiliate me like this..."

However, she didn't dare to say these words to Bo Siyan.

She cried for a while in a low voice, as if she was afraid of being discovered. She hurriedly got up and wiped her tears, limping towards the elevator.

Seeing Wan Zimeng leave, Jing Zhiwei ran into Bo Siyan's room.

She entered the room and locked the door behind her. She did not want anyone to see Bo Siyan taking medicine, not even Wang Ziyu!

The living room, the study, the bedroom, and the bathroom were all empty.

Only the door of the small gym was tightly shut. It looked like it was locked from the inside.

"Bo Siyan, are you inside?" Jing Zhiwei went to knock on the door.

She escaped very quickly. There was not much medicine in her, but her body was very hot now. It was enough to show how strong the medicine was.

"Bo Siyan? It's me, Jing Zhiwei." Jing Zhiwei revealed her identity.

After a while, an extremely oppressive voice came from the room.

"Let's go!" Bo Siyan's voice was very painful.

"Open the door and let me in." Jing Zhiwei knocked on the door again.

"Let's go!" Bo Siyan could not help but answer firmly.

Jing Zhiwei was so anxious when she heard his pain.

Suddenly, Jing Zhiwei saw the balcony of the bedroom.

The balcony of the bedroom was connected to the balcony of the gym!

"Stupid you!" Jing Zhiwei knocked on her head and hurried to the balcony.

The heavy curtains of the gym were pulled open and Jing Zhiwei could not see the situation inside at all.

She moved the door handle and could not open it.

This time, she did not waste her breath. She did not even ask Bo Siyan a question. She turned around and went to the living room. She wanted to find a chair to smash open the glass door.

Ask Bo Siyan to open the door for her?

Don't even think about it!

Jing Zhiwei endured the pain in her ankle and carried the chair to the glass door.

But she discovered that there was a gap in the door?

"Bo Siyan?" Jing Zhiwei pushed the glass door open in disbelief.

She saw Bo Siyan sitting in a wheelchair, blocking the front door, as if he was afraid of someone coming in.

Of course, this vigilant attitude was definitely not directed at her, but the aftermath of chasing Wan Zimeng away. Otherwise, Bo Siyan would not have opened the door for her on his own accord.

"You stupid woman, with your strength, can you smash it open? Do you want everyone to know?" Bo Siyan frowned, his lips were dry from the heat, and he still had the mood to joke.

"Why didn't you open the door for me earlier?" Jing Zhiwei's heart beat fast when she saw him like this.

His face, which was usually as cold as an iceberg, now had a rare blush on his cheeks. It was like a wisp of smoke on the ancient ice mountain, carrying a mysterious and fatal attraction.

This intense contrast made Jing Zhiwei's heart turn into a pool of hot spring water.

"Is, is it very uncomfortable?" She stammered as she asked. Her face was also burning badly.

"You can go. Don't tell anyone else. I can handle it myself." This kid is still holding on.

Jing Zhiwei saw a dumbbell beside his feet.

"Huh? How should I deal with it? Don't tell me you're going to exercise and sweat? "

Jing Zhiwei regretted it the moment she said that.

Because Bo Siyan was looking at her like he was looking at a retard.

"That was used to chase dogs away." Bo Siyan replied in a muffled voice.

"Chasing dogs?" Jing Zhiwei suddenly remembered that Wan Zimeng was limping when she left. Could it be...

Bo Siyan used this thing to send Wan Zimeng away?

This... was very good!

Was this man so rigid?

He usually looks like a gentleman, but why is there no tenderness for the fairer sex at such a crucial moment?

"You... used this thing to chase Wan Zimeng away and lock yourself in the room to prevent Wan Zimeng from violating you?" Jing Zhiwei felt that the story seemed to be a little comedy.

When Bo Siyan heard her description, his originally red face almost turned green from anger!

Although it was true, why was it so strange when it came from her mouth?

"What do you mean by... violating me? It was clearly me who refused to accept her sacrifice!" Bo Siyan let out a breath and his body felt even worse.

"Oh, oh, okay, okay." Jing Zhiwei was rather perfunctory.

"Lock the door. Let's go!" Bo Siyan once again ordered them to leave.

Jing Zhiwei listened and suddenly felt wronged.

"No way? Can't I violate you... too?" Jing Zhiwei suddenly had some doubts. Did he really like her in her previous life?

Could it be that this brat blocked the gun for her and died in her arms just because he did good in the future?

Bo Siyan took a deep breath, "Pay attention to your words."

"Also, leave quickly!"

He didn't want to hurt her!

Besides, with this little poison, he could tolerate it completely!

With his willpower, it wouldn't be a problem for him to endure it!

Jing Zhiwei was very disappointed...

However, she really could not make her turn around and leave right now.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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